Alternative Energy Systems Laboratory

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Introducing Na-sufficient P3-Na0.9Fe0.5Mn0.5O2 as cathode material for Na-ion batteries

An article titled ” Introducing Na-sufficient P3-Na0.9Fe0.5Mn0.5O2 as cathode material for Na-ion batteries ” authored by Abhinav Tripathi, Shibo Xi, Satyanarayana Reddy Gajjela and Palani Balaya has been accepted for publication in Chemical Communications. [DOI:10.1039/D0CC03701J]


P3-Na0.9Fe0.5Mn0.5O2 is reported as a new P-type cathode material for Na-ion batteries. P3 structure can accommodate 0.9 mole of Na-ions leading to high discharge capacity of 155 mAh/g and does not require sacrificial salts for full cell operation. Operando X-ray diffraction studies and ex-situ X-ray absorption studies are also reported.

Analysis of Heat Generation and Impedance Characteristics of Prussian Blue Analogue Cathode-based 18650-type Sodium-ion Cells

An article titled ”Analysis of Heat Generation and Impedance Characteristics of Prussian Blue Analogue Cathode-based 18650-type Sodium-ion Cells” authored by L.U. Subasinghe, S.R. Gajjela, A. Rudola, and P. Balaya has been accepted for publication in Journal of The Electrochemical Society. [DOI:10.1149/1945-7111/ab9ee9]


We report here 18650-type sodium-ion battery (NIB) with Prussian Blue Analogue Na2Fe2(CN)6 in both monoclinic and rhombohedral phases as the cathode and hard carbon (HC) as the anode using the glyme-based non-flammable 1 mol dm-3 NaBF4 electrolyte. Rhombohedral-Na2Fe2(CN)6 (RPB) vs. HC 18650-type cell delivered an energy density of 43 Wh kg-1, achieving good high rate response up to 4.0 C, stable cycling over 100 cycles with 99.99% average coulombic efficiency and 94.8% average round-trip-energy-efficiency. A comparison of the calorimetric studies performed on 18650-type cells revealed lower heat generation in RPB vs. HC compared to monoclinic-Na2Fe2(CN)6.2H2O (MPB) vs. HC counterpart. Moreover, the RPB vs. HC cell demonstrated lower heat generation than commercial NMC vs. graphite 18650-type lithium-ion cells. Internal resistance, which is the major contributor to heat generation, is assessed by analysing the impedance spectra of the cells. Furthermore, variation in subcomponents of internal resistance across different depths of discharge determined by fitting impedance data using an equivalent circuit model and analysis using distribution of relaxation times (DRT) method is presented for 18650-type sodium-ion cells for the first time. The obtained results indicate that these efficient and safe 18650-type NIBs open-up new opportunities for exploring innovative storage systems for stationary applications.

A Comprehensive Study on the Electrolyte, Anode and Cathode for Developing Commercial Type Non-flammable Sodium-ion Battery – Acceptance for publication

An article titled ”A Comprehensive Study on the Electrolyte, Anode and Cathode for Developing Commercial Type Non-flammable Sodium-ion Battery” authored by K. Du, C. Wang, L.U. Subasinghe, S.R. Gajjela, M. Law, A. Rudola, and P. Balaya has been accepted for publication in Energy Storage Materials. [DOI: 10.1016/j.ensm.2020.04.021]


Here, we present a comprehensive study of choice of electrolyte, anode and cathode to develop commercially viable non-flammable sodium-ion battery. We report hard carbon (HC) vs. Na using ether-based non-flammable electrolyte: 1 M NaBF4 in tetraglyme and compare storage performance, thermal stability and SEI formation with those obtained using carbonate-based electrolyte: 1 M NaClO4 in EC:PC (v:v=1:1). The results shows that 1 M NaBF4 in tetraglyme works as a better electrolyte than carbonate-based electrolyte for HC anode. We present and compare storage performances of pristine and aliovalent-doped Na3V2(PO4)3 (NVP) vs. Na. Doped-NVP outperforms pristine cathode in terms of specific capacity and rate capability. 18650-type non-flammable sodium-ion cells fabricated using modified NVP vs. HC exhibits energy density of 60 Wh kg−1. When discharged at a high rate close to 5 C, the cell successfully retains 83% of its storage capacity obtained at low rate. When cycled at C/5, doped NVP vs. HC 18650 cell retains 90% of its initial capacity after 200 cycles.

Developing O3 type layered oxide cathode and its application in 18650 commercial type Na-ion batteries – Acceptance for publication

An article titled”Developing O3 type layered oxide cathode and its application in 18650 commercial type Na-ion batteries” authored by A. Tripathi, A. Rudola, S.R. Gajjela, S. Xi and P. Balaya, has been accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Chemistry A. [DOI: 10.1039/c9ta08991h]


A novel, water-stable and high energy density cathode material Na0.9Cu0.12Ni0.10Fe0.30Mn0.43Ti0.05O2 (NCNFMT) is reported here along with a thorough understanding of structural events during battery operation. Systematic substitutions are carried out, which lead to increase in specific energy densities of this family of cathodes from 274.6 W h kgcathode−1 (NCFM – Na0.9Cu0.22Fe0.30Mn0.48O2) to 304.2 W h kgcathode−1 (NCFMT – Na0.9Cu0.22Fe0.30Mn0.43Ti0.05O2) and finally to 350.7 W h kgcathode−1 (NCNFMT – Na0.9Cu0.12Ni0.10Fe0.30Mn0.43Ti0.05O2). Operando X-ray diffraction reveals phase transformations and ex situ EXAFS shows the evolution of local environments around transition metals during charge/discharge. Monoclinic distortions in the NCFM material during O3–P3 phase transformations are suppressed by Ti4+ substitution leading to improvements in the cycling performance of NCFMT. Cu–O octahedral sites exhibit huge Jahn–Teller distortion: Ni2+ substitution in place of Cu2+ not only leads to more ordered Ni–O, but it also helps extract more Na ions from the O3 cathode structure, thus boosting the capacity while also showing good cycling stability due to the highly reversible bond-length and local environmental changes as revealed by EXAFS analyses. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy shows a titanium-rich surface for NCFMT and NCNFMT which helps improve water-stability. The capacity retention after 200 cycles at 0.2C is 84%, 96% and 90% for NCFM, NCFMT and NCNFMT respectively. The delivered storage capacities of NCFM, NCFMT and NCNFMT are 21 mA h g−1, 47 mA h g−1 and 60 mA h g−1 respectively at 3C. 18650 type Na-ion batteries using the NCNFMT cathode material against a hard carbon anode are also reported to demonstrate potential scalability of the NCNFMT cathode and efficacy of a 1 M NaBF4 tetraglyme electrolyte system for the first time. 18650 cells deliver a specific energy density of 62 W h kgtotal_18650_weight−1 with 90% energy efficiency, thus being suitable for large scale energy storage applications.

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