
Latest publications

Ding X*, Zhang J, Wan S, Wang X, Wang Z, Pu K, Wang M, Cao Y, Weng L, Zhu H, Peng F, Chao J, Pei R, Leong DT*, Wang L*. Non-discriminating engineered masking of immuno-evasive ligands on tumor derived extracellular vesicles enhances tumor vaccination outcomes. Nature Nanotechnology (2024) (Just accepted)

Wang Q, Liang Q, Dou J, Zhou H, Zeng C, Pan H, Shen Y, Li Q, Liu Y, Leong DT*, Jiang W*, Wang Y*. Breaking through the basement membrane barrier to improve nanotherapeutic delivery to tumours. Nature Nanotechnology 2024, 19, 95-105.

Ye R#, Zhu Z#, Gu T#, Cao D, Jiang K, Dai Q, Xing K,  Jiang Y, Zhou S, Leong DT*, Yu M*, Song J*. DNA hydrogel based Wound Hemostatic Adjuvant. Nature Communications. 2024, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-49933-3 (in press)

Wan S,Wang K,Huang P,Guo X, Liu W, Li Y, Zhang J, Li Z, Song J, Yang W, Zhang X, Ding X*, Leong DT*, Wang L*. Mechanoelectronic stimulation of autologous extracellular vesicle biosynthesis implant for gut microbiota modulation. Nature Communications. 2024, 15, 3343. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-47710-w

Li Y, Ni N, Lee M, Wei W, Andrikopoulos N, Kakinen A, Davis TP, Song Y, Ding F, Leong DT*, Ke PC*. Endothelial leakiness elicited by amyloid protein aggregation. Nature Communications 2024, 15, 613 .

MI Setyawati, Q Wang, N Ni, JK Tee, K Ariga, PC Ke, HK Ho, Y Wang*, DT Leong*. Engineering tumoral vascular leakiness with gold nanoparticles. Nature Communications 2023, 14, 4269.