Why STFs? What you need to do

Why STF? What you need to know

The Workplace Safety and Health Council[1] reported that Slips, trips, and falls (STF) is among the top 5 causes of workplace fatalities and the top 1 cause of workplace major and minor injuries from 2015 until 2022. Worldwide, there is an estimated 684,000 people dying from falls annually, making slips, trips and falls (STF) the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths worldwide according to the World Health organization[2].

What are Slip, trips and falls?

Let’s define slips, trips and falls. “Slips” is falling on the same level due to loss of balance secondary to a loss of friction between the foot and the floor/surface such as when stepping on a slippery floor. “Trips” is falling on the same level due to the foot colliding it hitting an object on its path while “Falls” is defined as a downward rapid movement of the body from a higher to a lower level.

Usually, slips, trips and falls results to minor injuries such as minor bruises or sprains, but it can also lead to severe injuries like fracture or head trauma  or can even lead to death.  Those with severe injuries may suffer prolonged disability, long -term care or institutionalization.

These incidents not only affect the individuals involved but also impact the overall well-being and productivity of our campus community. By addressing the causes and implementing preventive measures, we can significantly reduce the occurrence of slips, trips, and falls, making NUS a safer place for everyone.

[1] WSH National Statistics Report 2022 https://www.mom.gov.sg/-/media/mom/documents/safety-health/reports-stats/wsh-national-statistics/wsh-national-stats-2022.pdf

[2] https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/falls