Research Grants


    • 22-5699-A0001.  Tests of high-dimensional covariance matrices. (2023-2025). $103,116.00
    • R-155-000-212-114. ANOVA for multivariate functional data. (2019-2022). $106,636.00
    • R-155-000-187-114. Statistical inferences for high-dimensional data: three cumulant matched chi-square-approximation based approaches. (2017-2020).   $101,150.00.
    • R-155-000-175-114. Some new methods for classification of functional data. (2016-2019).  PI, $ 128,805.
    • R-155-000-164-112. Model selection and hypothesis testing for big data.  (2015-2018).  $32,292.
    • R-155-000-128-112.  Multi-way ANOVA for Functional data with Applications.  (2012-2015),  PI,  S$107,882.
    • R-155-000-108-112. On the Behrens-Fisher problems for high-dimensional data.  (2010-2013). PI. S$90,961.
    • R-155-000-085-112.   Statistical inferences for longitudinal data using a general semiparametric mixed-effects model. (2008-2011). PI.  S$56,535.
    • R-155-000-038-112. On hypothesis testing problems for functional data. (2003-2006) PI. S$74,940.
    • R-155-000-037-112.   Robust methods for analysis of longitudinal data. (2004-2007) PI. S$17,839.
    • R-252-000-187-112. Creation of a virtual violin player. (2005-2008). co-PI. S$140,000.
    • R-581-000-041-112. Anger, social support and cardiovascular responses. (2002-2005). Collaborator. S$342,868.
    • R-155-000-023-112.   Statistical inferences of functional data using local   polynomial smoothing. (2001-2003) PI. S$17,500.