
Brief Bio of Professor Jin-Ting Zhang

Dr.  Jin-Ting Zhang was born in Guangdong, China. He got a Bachelor degree in Peking University, China, a Master degree in Academia Sinica, Beijing, China, and a PhD degree in North Carolina University at Chapel Hill, USA. He was a postdoc research fellow at Harvard University. He was a visiting research fellow at University of Rochester and Princeton University, USA. He is a tenured Full Professor at Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, National University of Singapore. He has trained seven PhD students and a number of postdoc fellows. He has published more than 70 research papers, two monographs, and an edited book of research papers. He has been Associate Editor of a few statistical journals. He served as a member of several scientific committees for several big international conferences. Research areas of  Dr.  Zhang include Nonparametric Regression, Longitudinal data analysis, Functional data analysis and High-dimensional data analysis among others.

张金廷教授是中国广东省龙川县人。1988年在北京大学取得学士学位,1991年在中国科学院应用数学所取得硕士学位, 1999年在美国北卡莱那大学教堂山分校取得博士学位。 张教授曾在哈佛大学做博士后, 并先后在美国普林斯顿,罗泽斯特等大学做高级访问学者。张教授现任新加坡国立大学概率统计系终身教授,博士生,博士后导师。他先后培养了十个硕士,七个博士以及八个博士后。他发表了数十篇学术论文,撰写了两本统计专著,以及编撰了一本学术论文集。他现任和曾任几家学术期刊的副主编或者编委。他曾是六次大型国际会议的组织成员。张金廷教授现在的研究领域包括非参数统计,纵向数据分析,函数数据分析,高维数据分析,等等。