The Startup Launchpad

NUS Startups Club


People who help individuals declutter their life are called Professional Organizers and as the name suggests – someone who organizes objects and spaces (physical or digital) as a profession or the technically accurate definition of National Association of Productivity & Organizing (NAPO),

  • A Professional Organizer supports evaluation, decision-making, and action around objects, space, and data; helping clients achieve desired outcomes regarding function, order, and clarity.
  • A Productivity Consultant supports evaluation, decision-making, and action around time, energy, and resources; helping clients achieve desired outcomes regarding goals, effectiveness, and priorities.

Yes, it is a real business with real opportunities albeit not a well-known profession in Singapore or Malaysia. It’s a concept that we are all familiar with, considering how families have the annual cleanse before the new year. Not to mention the trending KonMari method of sparking joy. 

This is a bigger problem for many young families than it was decades ago when families had bigger houses with more space. With the COVID-19 stay home order, mess is further magnified as we spend all our time at home and scramble to stash our dirty laundry before that important Zoom Call. once beloved items become an eyesore as they clutter up the space leading to poor mood and low energy.

There is no “best” way to start decluttering, all the professional organizers recommend to just start, pick a section and start categorizing the clutter into categories. The number of categories differ by each organizer, but the bare minimum seems to be these 3 

  1. keep, 
  2. let go, 
  3. maybe.

However, each organizer has their own philosophy behind their method that helps clients get settled for life by building the right mindset to make these habits that last a lifetime. For example, Marie Kondo’s is to only keep items that spark joy, which I believe is one of the biggest reasons her method became so successful. It considers the emotional ties with the item instead of just when was the last time it was used. 

Of course, there are other professional organizers who have different philosophies that also achieve results of decluttering such as “the most organized man in America” Andrew Mellen’s Organizational Triangle and Shira Gill’s minimalist ethos. 

Although decluttering is often seen as a personal endeavor at home, it is actually also a popular service sought by corporations that need help organizing their workspace to increase work efficiency.

Decluttering has also been promoted to improve mental health. An uncluttered mind is a clear mine and this comes by clearing out the clutter in life, freeing up your mind for what matters most. 

Inspired by Marie Kondo, I once set about decluttering my own home, a cosy apartment in Damansara. Instead of finding it a chore, I discovered layers of emotion attached to the layers of clutter. Some were playful, annoying, and some were pieces of nostalgia. Deciding what to keep and what to let go was some of the most emotional moments I had in that month. In the end, having disposed of some, and packed up others for long term storage, I rented a car and drove my boxes of nostalgia to a storage facility nearby. At the end of it, my entire apartment, and a part of me felt like a new start in life had begun.

Professional organizing is only the beginning and there are so many ways to branch out further. You may  even opt for interior design where you take a proactive approach to optimizing your living space to stay organized.

This is the best time to dive into decluttering. Without meaning to, you could find yourself turning this passion into a profession. Try clearing out all the non-essentials items from the space you spend the most time in the day temporarily and see how that makes you feel. If you feel good and energized, it is high time to reevaluate what stays at home.

Consulting As A Source Of Side Income For Entrepreneurs

According to coworking space comparison service Seekspaces, the majority of their clientele are consultants of various types. These include experts in social media, search engine marketing, cloud solutions, video production, and many other kinds of specializations. It would be no exaggeration to say that the boom in coworking spaces that we see today is fueled in a big way by consultants for various business functions.

Given the popularity of this line of work, it is reasonable for you, budding undergraduate entrepreneur, to wonder how you might get started on this path?

To share with us their entrepreneurial journey we have 3 consultants / entrepreneurs. They have taken different paths to where they are today and through very different industries. Through this they can shed some light on some of the challenges faced by those who would follow in their footsteps.

Hong Kong And Natural Resources

Our first subject is Jason Lavis, founder and member of the Natrespro Community. Jason began his career as a digital marketer in Hong Kong, where he currently resides. Over time, he became close to some of his clients in the oil and gas business, and subsequently devoted a lot of time into projects like Natrespro.

Jason shares that consulting has been rewarding for him. The natural resources mining community is highly specialized and rarely sees outsiders such as himself from a different background entirely. For that reason, his skills in digital marketing have been invaluable to engineers more familiar with grease and gears than bits and bandwidth.

natural resources professionals

“Consulting has been good, but it takes years before you are familiar enough with oil and gas that the professionals involved trust you” said Jason. “It isn’t something that one just walks into”.

Singapore And Web Development

The sentiment is echoed by Szetho Changsheng, co-founder of AgileLab, one of Singapore’s boutique Ruby on Rails development houses. The company had been profitable for a number of years before dipping their toes into the nascent space of AI chatbots. Their first product was, a restaurant chatbot that made it easy for diners seeking information as well as a reservation to get both without human intervention.

Chatobook is one of a handful of restaurant-oriented chatbots that lead the niche. However, chatbots as a category have not seen the exponential growth that was once expected of the niche. Against that backdrop, Changs expressed his relief that theirs was an optimistic side project of a viable company, rather than an unviable company embarking on an optimistic project.

The foundation of stability that AgileLab provides allows us to take small risks in search of both expertise and opportunity“. It also helps that prospective clients are impressed by their ability to build websites that work for real-life business projects, and not just ever more creative ways to show a portfolio of designs.

Like many software development companies, Agile Lab drew inspiration from the pioneers in this field – 37 Signals. They parlayed expertise in client software development into their award-winning Basecamp project management software, and their bestselling magnum opus in thinking outside the box about work – Rework.

According to Changs, web development is by far the most popular field of work for young graduates wanting to bootstrap their way to a successful entrepreneurial career. As a result, it is the most competitive, with low prices and high quality.

To succeed in web development is to deliver at the lowest cost and highest quality. That leaves little time for entrepreneurial pursuits.

With the white hot competition of web development burning up the energy and dreams of young graduates, it is high time for budding entrepreneurs to look for alternative methods of supporting themselves. Fortunately their options are growing. Specialists in Google Ads, as well as Facebook / Instagram ads find themselves in great demand as the pool of companies with profitable websites grows.

Malaysia, E-Commerce And Digital Marketing

One of the entrepreneurs in Malaysia leveraging on their success in digital marketing is Jian Leen Ng. He serves most of his clients in Singapore while living in Petaling Jaya (in Selangor, Malaysia’s richest state).

From his apartment in Ara Damansara, Jian Leen manages client ad accounts but also his own. With his expertise in ad copywriting and landing page design, Jian Leen has embarked on his latest venture vending quality floral tea.

“When you look at ads on Facebook and Instagram, it is plain that unique products do very well on these platforms. Without the need for the financial risk of a physical store, these products can find an audience in the most cost-efficient way possible”.

For Jian Leen, companies are eager to attract customers to their websites but are afraid of throwing money away because of a lack of expertise. This opens up the opportunity for consultants to step in and offer guidance. Ads, landing pages and campaign configuration are technically simple to set up. The challenge for consultants is in bringing together the above with an understanding of the client’s customers.

For now, there is a wealth of options for the apprentice digital marketing consultant. While a grasp of the fundamentals of both Google and Facebook’s ad platform is de rigeur, familiarity with Google Analytics and landing page builders like Unbounce is low. For eager graduates with time and the malleability of mind to learn, analytics and landing page design represent a clear opportunity for entry into the world of digital marketing consulting.

These are merely 3 of the ways that one can profitably be a consultant in IT services. It appears that consulting for side income is not the most practical path for an entrepreneur looking to support himself. However, with a little more effort, it can be a highly professional and rewarding calling.

Preparations for startup camp during the term break

Startup camp is a highlight of the campus entrepreneurial set’s calendar. To get the most out of it, plan ahead. There’s no need to get bogged down in logistics while all your focus should be on your startup.

Here is a partial checklist of things that you can prepare for so you can have a productive. uninterrupted period of hacking and building:

Pack and store your belongings in storage

For the duration of the camp, you will be staying at PGP Residences block 12. Assigned rooms will be emailed to you one week before the camp begins.

If you are staying in hall, your hall will provide some storage space for your belongings as you have to clear out your room. You can refer to this packing guide from Whatstorage to pack more efficiently.

Sponsored software package

Contact your group leader for the sponsored software package

Our partners for the camp Microsoft, Google and Atlassian have sponsored software for us. To claim the software, please reach out to your respective group leaders. The software available are:

Microsoft Office

Google Firebase

Google App Engine

Atlassian Bitbucket

Adobe Creative Cloud

Familiarise yourself with software prototyping tools

Licenses for Balsamiq Mockup have been purchased. You may collect them from your Teaching Assistant (TA).

Balsamiq Mockup

Sketch (part of Adobe Creative Cloud)

Familiarise yourself with your options for validating your designs

These tools below are to be considered supplementary to your startup validation journey. They are not acceptable as the sole validation for your project. You are expected to reach out to real customers for your project. Speak to your TA for questions that you may have.

Five Second Test

Crazy Egg

Familiarise yourself with support schemes from the government

Enterprise SG is the agency responsible for supporting enterprise development. For your project, you may wish to explore ways that their support schemes can be used to further your business goals. Read more about their schemes here.

Familiarise yourself with payment options

The best validation that you can have is paying customers. For that you have to consider the ways in which you can receive payment and build it in to your product. There are a wealth of payment options available to you. Here is a shortlist of the most robust, widely supported options:



WeChat Pay


Have a system in place to track your expenses for this project

No specialized software is needed for keeping track of your expenses for this project. You can use a spreadsheet. However, please remember to always store the receipt for every purchase. All purchases must also be approved by your TA. As mentioned before, hardware purchases must be approved on a case-by-case basis, and paid advertising is not allowed from the alloted expenses budget.

Thank you for your attention and all the best for your startup endeavours!

Be A Unifying Leader In A Chaotic 2017


All organizations are exposed to the winds of change. Those forces are beyond the control of any leader, but effective leaders can protect their companies, team, and themselves.

Jonathan Sands, Managing Partner of New-York-based boutique investment firm Artist Capital, recognizing the heightened scrutiny of the workplace culture in tech, added a tech investor perspective as well, saying “it is equally important for investors and board members to exhibit ethical leadership as it is for founders.“. In fact, leader missteps are amplified no thanks to social media, which makes it all the more important to right the ship in times of economic difficulty.

Engaged teams can be 22% more productive, have 25% less voluntary turnover, and earn 21% more profit compared to disengaged teams.

In the face of economic uncertainty, there are psychological stressors on teams that go beyond startup failure. 10,000 staff reported that 4 basic needs have to be met at work, namely: Trust, Hope, Compassion and Stability.

Every manager affects their team in an outsized manner along the 4 abovementioned factors. The trickle of positive or negative interactions influencing staff along the 4 factors strengthens or erodes engagement, which in turn affects financial performance.

In 2009, Dr James Harter did a study showing that even in a depressed economic environment, companies are incented to maintain employee engagement levels. Companies in the study with an engaged staff recorded 2.6 times higher growth in earnings-per-share than companies with low engagement.


Build Trust

Good advice bears repeating. Trust-building is a particularly old golden nugget that has withstood the test of time. Build trust in the workplace in these 4 ways:

Workplace Transparency

When in doubt, overcommunicate.

Wharton’s Peter Capelli, Director of the Centre of Human Resources advocates framing the situation to your team as quickly as possible. VC at Point Nine Capital, Michael Wolfe adds that leaders ought to disseminate crucial information such as meeting notes, finances, company targets, hires, feedback and more.

The information that comes through early and often paints a credible picture of what is being done to pull through difficult times. Ultimately your startup team is smart and ambitious, thus they will expect and appreciate the transparency that comes with your open communication, which will only go to strengthen the bonds of trust between you and your team.

Pull Together

The biggest scapegoat for failure at the workplace is a lack of collaboration and its conjoined twin poor communication. Salesforce found the above in a 2012 study, with an unsurprising 86% of leaders concurring.

Norwegian loan comparison website found themselves in a tough spot in 2008 / 2009. While much of the world was suffering from the effects of the financial crisis, Norway actually posted GDP growth of 2.2 percent, a unicorn result. In that time, the company had to pull together not just for it’s own sake, but to work in accordance with government policy that was directed towards greater consumer spending. “Business was good but hours were much longer than usual, and everyone was anxious about the economy”. Company leaders however, kept talking to the team, ensuring that everyone was pulling in the same direction. The experience strengthened relationships. Today most of the team then are still present at the company.

Relationships need to be nurtured between teams when times are good, so that they may be resilient enough to endure when times are bad. Against that backdrop, a downturn is the worst possible time to slash team-building budgets. It is self-sabotage right when togetherness and team effort are needed the most.

Make Goals Public

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) is the trending business catchphrase. What are your organization’s OKRs? If the answer isn’t immediately obvious to you, congratulations! There is a clear and straightforward opportunity for improvement.

OKRs, and company values in general, ought to take the form of concentric circles. The innermost circle contains the OKRs held in common by the entire company, and cascade outwards into department-specific OKRs.

These specific OKRs, congruent with the overall company OKRs, foster greater accountability, but also increase trust between teams as well as management. Done right, all within the organization can see how everyone is on the same side, pulling in the same direction.

Ask Specific Questions

DBS Bank is one of Asia’s largest banks, and Piyush Gupta, CEO of DBS, found that once he became CEO, he felt that all of a sudden he was the person who knew least about the company. The organization did not change, but his team’s relationship with him changed tremendously.

Eschew the boilerplate “How are things going?”, in favour of “I noticed that X is happening. Do you need any additional support?”. Subtly inserted into regular conversations and automated feedback, specific questions such as these elicit a sliver of truth that can be an early warning system for people challenges.

Best of all, greater knowledge is a facilitator of greater trust. A leader who knows about the challenges facing the team is in a better position to offer help, and will be trusted far more than a leader who does not.



Show Compassion

With trust as the bedrock of your relationship with your team, compassion is the humanizing attribute for your leadership. When times are bad, your team knows to expect bad news. What they are looking for, even subconsciously, is how the bloodletting is handled. This is especially true for experienced members of the team who have been with the company through both good times and lean.


Seek To Understand

Stephen Covey of the “7 Habits Of Highly Effective People” fame asks that we “seek first to understand“. In the crucible of the workplace going through hard times, this takes on special importance. If we are to avoid mistakes such as rash separation decisions through irreversible snap judgments, this is a skill worth practising.

In the heat of the moment, practice ‘active listening’. Say less than you think. Stay silent if unsure whether what you want to say is the best thing in the circumstances. Always have more questions than statements. Lastly, listen to understand, not just wait for your turn to speak.

If you are able to paraphrase your conversation partner’s words back to them and get their acknowledgement that you have understood, you are on the right path to understanding.

Be Fair

Babies as young as 15 months have been shown to exhibit a moral sense of altruism and fairness. Unsurprisingly, all of us are sensitive to perceived unfairness at work. After all, we’ve had a lifetime to fine-tune our expectations.

As a manager, this is a quality unquestionably worth cultivating. It transcends all cultural and language barriers.


Show Appreciation

Warren Buffett has said that showing appreciation for others is an important pillar of his success. While we can’t all be Warren Buffett, we can all be appreciative bosses who give a lift to team members with a few well-chosen words.

Some engagement research claims that every nugget of criticism ought to be counter-balanced with 5 instances of praise. Naturally, your mileage may vary. What is beyond dispute is the directionality of the argument. All things being equal, praise will elicit a positive response from its recipient, with no downside.

While skeptics may rightly retort “Should I line up my team every Monday morning and say good job last week?”, that is a question of method rather than principle. The same goes for objections such as complacency due to praise, or praise inviting requests for a raise.

The smart boss is correct to withhold praise from easily complacent employees, and to dodge pressure for a raise. However there will be a time when praise will lift deflated spirits, and a wise boss will know to keep praise in their arsenal.



Introduce Stability

Author Mike Wyatt opines that “stability is something we don’t often think about as a leadership quality – that is until it is absent.” In a crisis, leaders who bring stability to an unstable situation can rally people around them, inspire confidence in the future, and offer their team a sense of security.

Sharing about the unprecedented downturn in oil and gas, Dave Taylor, CEO of specialist recruitment site, cast a light on the downright brutal conditions he is witnessing. “The downturn has resulted in job losses in excess of 400,000“. Calmness in the face of overwhelming adversity is a basic requirement for work in drilling at this time.

In order to be the stable leader that your team needs, moor yourself to these ideals:

Have A True North

Stable leaders have a strong set of convictions while being capable of keeping an open mind. Bill George and Peter Sims wrote extensively on the subject. Stable leaders with a clear ‘true north’ possess a high degree of self-awareness.

There are free resources that offer guidance on the self-development process for discovering one’s true north, perhaps none more authoritative than Bill George’s worksheet here.

The assessment begins with an evaluation of one’s own strengths and weaknesses, purpose and values. Thereafter, conducting your actions and thoughts in accordance with the same purpose and values builds stability both for and within your team. Having a vision resting on clearly stated values, as well as conviction to hold people accountable to values over outcomes builds on this.

Psychological Safety

The corollary to cultivating a workplace where people have the courage to innovate towards success, is to nurture a workplace culture where people have the freedom to fail. Psychological safety is the top factor for team success according to Google’s internal study with over 180 active teams internally. A team that feels safe from embarassment and insecurity is a team that is willing to take risks to achieve more.

There is a finer point to be made about mistakes. Mistakes come up 100% of the time. Some mistakes are made as the “price of admission” to transformational change. These are errors of omission, and are inevitable.

There are also errors of commission which are made with full knowledge that they are wrong. Intuition tells us that these are not acceptable. However, looping back to the earlier point about “seeking to understand“, we ought to ask some specific questions about the reasons and circumstances surrounding the error. There may be reasons that we are not privy to. For instance, a new workflow may actually be causing problems unforeseen by management. Errors of commission are rare and ought to be treated as such.

Care That Matters

One of the ways in which great managers set themselves apart is by how they care for their team. In a study of people staffing phones at a company, researchers investigated if employees would falsify reports to boost their pay.

Should the business monitor employees more closely to reduce cheating and maybe spend additional money to audit work done? Or trust their staff to be honest, and absorb some cheating as the cost of doing business? Researchers found that conscience of the individual was not the biggest factor in predicting cheating.

Instead, worker perception of how the company views them was a better predictor of cheating. Workers who felt that the company is looking out for them were less likely to cheat while those who perceived and unfair and uncaring employer were likelier to cheat.



Positivity Through Hope

In “Hope: How Triumphant Leaders Create The Future”, author Andrew Razeghi writes that “Hope sets objectives, ignites will, focuses the organisation in turbulent times, renews energy, displaces boredom as it succeeds, fosters creativity and innovation, and hope inspires people to want to do the right thing.”

Hope defines what your team grows towards, in the way that plants reach for the sun. Bear the following in mind when casting that glorious shine:

Base It On Fact, Not Fiction

“Switch: How To Change Things When Change Is Hard” by Chip and Dan Heath is one of my all-time favourites. The book describes “bright spots” in a company, representing where the company is thriving. Lessons can be learned from the bright spots, and in turn be applied to other problems in the company, according to the Heath brothers.

With the lessons learned from bright spots, companies have firmer footing to communicate a message of positivity and hope to employees facing their own challenges. A message that is grounded in reality but points the way to an as-yet unrealised one.

Learn From Failure

Facebook popularised the mantra “Fail fast, fail often”. While you may not possess the same level of enthusiasm for failure as Mark Zuckerberg did, there is a universal truth within. All companies with no exceptions have to learn from failure. Learning rapidly what does not work will accelerate your journey towards what does.

Before commencing a risky activity for the day, make a note of these 3 steps:

  1. Before: Lay out what you’re testing for. What does success look like?
  2. During: Track your metrics. Pay attention to unexpected outcomes.
  3. After: Review results with honesty. Honesty aids learning.

The above is as close to a generalised explanation of the Facebook fail mantra. May you fail your way to a spectacular success.


Be A Great Boss, In Good Times And Bad

Being a great boss in bad times is less Herculean, more Churchilian. You don’t have to persuade people to move mountains with a carrot, they know that survival depends on it.

Staying Active for People in Startups

Recently I had a discussion with a friend Changs from AgileLab about staying active with minimal down time. When I reached home, it occurred to me that i’ve had similar discussions with other people as well. It seems like it was a common problem for people to go hard on their workout but not doing the necessary to recover from it.

As startups are becoming more common and favored among millennials. People end up setting up their own startup business or working for one only to find out how tough startups can be, and how it takes up all of your time if you are not careful.

Having a balance life between work and health is important to see through the projects or goals we set for ourselves.

Jack Dorsey founder of Twitter and Square wakes up early and kicks off his day by a short meditation session, followed by a 6-mile jog. But how is he able to run 6-miles everyday?

The trick is simple, regardless of what form of exercise you are into. Our bodies need to recover sufficiently to be able to support daily activity. Other than the most important recovery method – sleep. We can speed up the process by incorporating other methods such as Stretching, Myofascial Release Technique, Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS). On top of that, certain foods help promote muscle recovery as well.

Let’s take a look at the 4 most common methods of recovery to help you stay active to keep a healthy mind and body.



This is the most common form of recovery for any kind of exercises. Stretching is putting the body in a position where it lengthens a selected part of the body and the relevant muscle fibers. For example, the quadricep stretch – in a standing position, bend your knee and bring your feet to your bum, using your hand to hold it in place.

Most people do this before a workout as a warm up, but totally forgets about it after their workout. However, it should be the other way around. We should fire up the muscles that we will be using by going through the movement. For example, before squatting weights, we fire up the muscles by doing some bodyweight squats. After a workout is complete, we should stretch to loosen our tight, contracted muscles.


You might not know it, but your daily posture will cause muscles to tense up, which is why most people with desk jobs will have stiff necks. It is common for people to do some neck stretching such as turning and holding their head at the maximum angle they can achieve to the left and right.

Myofascial Release Technique

Before we get into the treatment of myofascial release, we have to understand what tissues are we trying to target with this technique and tools. Fascia is the basic term used to describe the connective tissues of the body, when this tissue becomes dysfunctional it is a force to be reckoned with and can be a cause of restricted movement and great pain.

Many times dysfunctional areas of fascia are referred to as knots, ropes, gristle, adhesions, and scar tissue. There aren’t actually knots and ropes under your skin. Instead, what we have is malalignment of tissue due to trauma and injury, poor motor patterns, and emotional distress. Releasing these tissues is simply creating a biochemical and mechanical change that will create more efficient movement patterns in the future.

Below are the most common tools used to release those dysfunctional tissues:

Foam Roller


I personally use this a lot for the lats, lower back, quadriceps, abductor, adductor, hamstrings and calves. For example, to release knots in your quadriceps, position yourself on top with the target muscle tissue in contact with the roller, apply pressure by leaning your body weight and slowly move along the whole piece of the quadriceps muscle.


Trigger Point Ball


For those spots that can’t be reached with a foam roller (deeper tissues) such as the glutes or chest, I like to use the trigger point ball. Alternatively, you could use a lacrosse or tennis ball which will work just as well. If the ball you have is too hard and causes too much discomfort, you can try using a tennis ball instead. It is softer and will absorb some of the weight, reducing the pain.

Roller Stick


I have only used these a couple times. Roller sticks are great for those awkward positions with a foam roller such as your adductors and inner portion of the calf muscles (gastrocnemius). On top of that, you are in control of the pressure applied to prevent injuries.

Trigger Point Wand


I’ve only seen this being used by my physiotherapist for his clients. He said that this is good for those hard to reach areas, such as your trapezius and upper back (serratus, teres, rhomboideus, etc).

At the end of each session, I would always do a test by performing a movement which I had trouble or pain executing prior to self-treating and then perform the exact same movement after. This is how I measure improvement and know that I’m working on the right muscle tissues. Some things to look for are:

  • Pain reduction
  • Feeling of ease and smoothness in motion
  • Increased range of motion
  • Reduced inflammation

Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)

ems-powerdot ems-powerdot-usage

In most EMS settings, there is a machine that provides an electrical current. Wires from the machine are connected to adhesive patches that are placed on the skin over a predetermined area. Electrical current is then sent from the machine to the patches and delivered into the muscle tissue below, causing a sensory or motor response.

This has become more affordable over the years, and it’s become more popular among fitness enthusiasts all over the world.

EMS used for ten to twenty minutes at very low intensity assists with recovery by stimulating circulation and the exercise it provides promotes capillary density. Increased capillary density promotes recovery by increasing nutrients and waste transported to and from your body.

These sessions can be carried out any time of the day with a wireless EMS devices (see image above). If you have classic model which is wired (see image below) then you’ll have to do it at the end of the day, before bed, at least two hours after your last workout.



Replenishing your muscle glycogen stores should be your priority, followed by liquid to replace the fluid and electrolytes lost in sweat. The types of food you get are important, aim to include foods that are high in antioxidants as they reduce inflammation and decrease muscle soreness. For example, a protein shake with oats, berries and ginger immediately after a workout session.

Choosing the right recovery method

How do you know which is best for you? I would decide based on the sports you partake in. I would recommend stretching and food if there are none to little weights involved, and myofascial release techniques, stretching and food if your workout consist mainly of moderate to heavy weights. However, it is up to you to find what works for you and your schedule.

10 Ways to Increase Focus at Work

Ever wondered how you could increase your focus so much you could bend a spoon with a thought like the scene from the movie – Matrix? That is definitely impossible now. However, we can give you 10 ways to increase your focus at work.

Why do we lose focus?

In this age of technology and mobile devices, we are bombarded with all sorts of input (text, audio, graphics and inner thoughts). I still remember when my parents called me the boy with “3-minute heat”, I would lose my focus on my task at hand and leave it aside for something else.

You may have also experienced having your friend pull your attention back when someone attractive passes by or when an incident happens around the corner.

However, if you are unlike me, you may have experienced having your friend pull your attention back when someone attractive passes by; or when an incident happens around the corner instead. “Eyes On Me, bro!

How do we get laser focused?

There are many ways to increase focus, from the reasonable to the totally outrageous. Here we have our dear Mr. B, focused on the results and unamused by the method.

Let’s take a look at the 10 better ways to increase focus.

1. Break task into smaller chunks

By doing this, you are forcing yourself to focus in short bursts, allowing tasks to be completed before you lose focus.

2. Short breaks

Sliding short breaks between tasks is also a way to redirect your focus on something else less tense. Allowing your brain to slow down, reset and prepare for whatever that comes next.

If you are unsure how long you have to focus before getting a break, try the Pomodoro Technique. It works very well for me, and I think it will for you too.
Basically, you set everything aside for a Pomodoro (25 minutes) and put your entire focus into a task. At the end of the Pomodoro, you reward yourself with a short break and start your next Pomodoro when ready.

3. Coffee

Grab some coffee before diving into a demanding task. What we all know about coffee improving focus has been proven by French physiologist Astrid Nehlig, a good coffee will give you the kick you need to make you less prone to distractions. This increased focus is especially helpful to tackle those mentally demanding tasks.

4. Meditation

Meditation training helps people to concentrate better, remember more of their work details, and stay energised and experience less negative moods. These were suggested by researchers from the University of Washington when a study was conducted to determine the effects of meditation training on the multitasking behaviour of knowledge workers.

5. Exercise/stretching

Many studies have been done to bridge the gap between exercise and improved focus, one such study was done on a group of Dutch schoolchildren. The study showed that a 20-minute aerobics style exercise between lessons increased the ability to focus on tasks. 20-minutes for the office people might be a tad too long. However, I think a quick 5-10 minute exercise will work just as well.

6. Clean out work space to reduce distractions

A messy, cluttered desk makes me feel stressed and tense. When I feel that I’m losing focus at work, I’ll take a break to clear my desk, and will feel calm and relaxed when it’s time to get back to work.

Cleaning out your workspace clutter will leave less to distract you. Files kept in cabinets or drawers. Mobile phones should be on silent and put away. If clients do contact you on your mobile, have them on a priority list so that the phone rings when they call.

7. Music

Voices of people speaking and background noises are huge distractions for me. For this, instrumental music is always my first choice. Nonetheless, there are days when they don’t work and I find that white noise – a steady, non-distracting sound like ocean waves or falling rain to be the best.

Spotify provides a wide selection of instrumental music and white noise. But if the ads break your focus, there are always these great alternatives, and

8. Create a list

Keeping and organising a list of tasks by priority helps keeps your mind focused on the high priority work, preventing you from digressing.

These tools will definitely fit the job: Trello, Wunderlist or Apple Reminders if you prefer stock apps.

9. Alternate between high and low attention task

Alternating between high and low attention task gives your mind a break in between.

For example, spending hours crunching numbers on company taxes is very intense, and will strain your eyes and brain; switching gears to a low attention task such as organising files or printing documents will help give you the break your mind needs.

10. Modafinil

Academics having problems with processing information during lectures, find themselves buying Modafinil to boost their focus. Hence, providing the assistance they need to learn and remember better.

Why is it important to focus?

It helps us process information better, remember those information and all at a faster pace. By concentrating on the task at hand, be it reading, watching a documentary, listening to a podcast, or just a casual conversation with a friend.

In work, it helps reduce mistakes, communicate better and be alert to pick up tiny changes to people we work with, for example their mood in a discussion.

There is no reason to go with all of the 10 ways mentioned above to improve your focus immediately. Instead, pick one that can be easily incorporated to your work life and progressively work your way through the list.

How Biotech Start-up Can Succeed

Unlike information technology enterprises, biotechnology ventures need time to bring merchandise to market.


Different from Facebook or Google, novelty in medical science commonly begins from the results of long analysis and study. If the discovery is deemed propitious and probably remunerative, a patent is filed to safeguard the conception until it crystallizes into a final commercial product. Such patent does not have a high value in the beginning, as there are still unpredictability and doubts in the early stage. As such, it is difficult to attract investment from big corporations.

To help develop the biotech industry here in Singapore, the government has decided to continue its investment into this industry. The development of Biopolis is also another crucial step in developing the industry

Due to the technical difficulties and lack of funds, the initial stage of biotech start-up is usually known as “the translational gap” or “the valley of death”. The patent’s value only increases when the idea is eminently inaugurated. Prior to that, leaders should be mindful of the fact that great technology alone is not sufficient to bring a product from scrutiny to market. Leadership skill is also crucial for opulence.


Needless to say, enthusiasm, confidence and faith are vital for triumph. Scientific knowledge is a must to ensure that the leader has believability when setting forth their concept to the public.

What is also needed is the ability to multitask. Since the number of staffs will be limited at this stage, the leader has to wear multiple hats to advance to the next stage. The leader has to explain technical concepts of the business proposal, has the ability to recruit the right employee, be wise and prudent in partnership, apprehend and grasp the market, protect the patent and grow a businessman mindset. All of these tasks can be daunting and overwhelming for a scientist, but with zeal and vigor, they are not undoable.

Persuading founders might necessitate leaders to call off unprofitable ventures but leaders must be thoughtful in making such decisions. Company environment must be taken into account, as it is unadvisable to implement changes that will influence the employees inclemently. Communication is pivotal at this stage to make sure that the leader does not lose any talented employee.

During the operational stage, the firm has to evince its marketability by strengthening concordats, ententes and deliberate collaboration. The emphasis here is on transaction. The purpose and objective here is to deliver what was promised to business partners, investors and the public in order to maximize investor return.

Although the board of directors is chosen by the leader and the early stages, they play an important adversarial role, especially in determining exit timing and strategies at times when the investors’ intimidation on return on investment is high. It is then the leader’s duty to vocalize the company’s strategy.

In a nutshell, whether a leader aspires to come up with breakthrough solution for HIV test Singapore, DNA manipulation, treating cancer, enzyme development or treating anxiety, leadership skills, communication skills and ability to accept and adapt changes are cardinal to flourish.

5 Startups to Watch

Entrepreneurs are amazing. Whether they are doing website design for Singapore companies or investing in BitCoin, they sacrifice their resting time and life’s savings to build a product or a service for personal monetary gain, sense of achievement and an honourable desire to make the world a better place for living.


In today’s article, we would like to share with you a list of startups that have the potential to do big things. They may not be the next Facebook or Foursquare, but they are making waves in their corresponding industries by making merchantable ideas coming to life, successfully raising sizeable amounts of money and are gaining traction with customers.



Healthcare is not really intriguing, but with President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act beginning to have an effect, it is certainly becoming appealing in the eyes of entrepreneurs.

Oscar, a web savvy health insurance startup striving to mix tech, design and data to “humanize” healthcare has already signed up “thousands” of customers and has “tens of millions” of dollars in annual revenue in the first few weeks since launching.



According to the movie “Back to the Future Part II”, we should be driving flying cars in 2015. Sorry to disappoint our readers but that is unlikely to happen anytime soon.

However, with Dash, a Techstars-funded, connected car platform, any car can be transformed into a “smart” car. It is a tiny device that plugs into a car’s diagnostic port in order to read particulars about the car, its performance, location so the driver can drive more economically, learn about what’s wrong with the car when it breaks down and be provided with an estimate of how much it will cost to fix.



Dash makes our cars smart. Humin, on the other hand, makes our smartphones smarter.

Sometimes we look at our phone’s contact list, trying to contact a person whom we can remember everything and anything except their names. This is the time when Humin comes in handy. When you meet someone new, Humin can help you recall the context around the moment.


Therefore, instead of an alphabetical contact list, Humin has generated an engine that enables you to search for a contact with terms such as “lives in Orchard Road” or “met at International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis”.



Shaving is something that men do so often, so habitually that most of them have come to regard it as a humdrum task thrust upon them by the civilized world.

harry's shaving

The founders of Harry’s have a different opinion on this matter. Instead of being stuck between selecting over-priced razors that disrespect one’s intelligence and cheap razors that disrespect one’s face, Harry’s is determined to consummate extraordinary shaving experiences by rendering a prominent shave at a fair price.


By doing so, it had successfully raised more than $120 million in funding. Just goes to show that startups ideas do not always have to be complicated.



Boxful aspires to give Hong Kong city residents more space by inaugurating a new model for warehouse depository.


Upon request, Boxful supplies weather-proof, stackable boxes to customers to pack up their stuff, which would then be driven to a warehouse facility.


The startup had received US$1.5 million in funding for the venture from angel investors that have not been revealed to the public.

Here are our 5 startups to watch. What’s yours?

The Favourite Tech Startups for Students

Startups are a trend now, with young, entrepreneurial talent bravely taking to the field with their ideas and innovations in the hopes of making it big in the industry. As a result, we are offered more variety and advances in terms of things like e-commerce sites, social media sites, technology, services and more.


Here is a list of five startups that have emerged within the past years that has grown successful with a certain population, namely students. Of course, this specific group of young individuals are ready to try anything new whether it is looking for hotels for a staycation in Singapore, or meeting new people via a social meetup app. They will pounce on the first unique and interesting idea they find if it provides them with some use. Also, being born in a generation where change has occurred so rapidly, you cannot blame them for wanting more out of life. And with the youth of today putting new values on things like convenience and online presences, as well as their constant need for stimulation, startups companies are coming up with new and inventive ways to draw in this crowd by breaking from the norm.


Here are the top five tech startups that have become a favourite of students today.


  1. Burpple


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In this Instagram nation, it is only logical that a food app has gained popularity amongst youths. This app provides you with a guide to great food destinations. You can show off your photography skills by snapping pictures of your food to keep as a log of your favourite eateries. If you want to share your experience with the world, you can do that too! It also provides you with a dining guide giving suggestions on where to eat based on your location


  1. All Deals Asia


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Everybody loves a good deal, and that is why this site is a great hit with students living on a tight budget. Similar to deal giants like Groupon, you can find packages, discounts and offers on things like flights, tours, dining, products, and events.



  1. Travelmob


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This is a social marketplace for travellers in Asia. Travellers can browse and book accommodations listed by hosts, which can range to rooms in a household, to luxurious private guesthouses. Great for young travelers who want a more down-to-earth experience with locals.


  1. BillPin


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Ever had a mess of a time trying to split your shared monthly expenses when living with roommates? Well with BillPin, you no longer have to worry about that! This simple app allows you to split social expenses such as your rent, bills, tabs without the confusion and hassle of having to harass someone for cash.


  1. Carousell


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This app hosts a peer-to-peer marketplace where people can buy and sell their items in an instant. A favourite amongst students as they can find items for relatively cheap and clear out their personal stock by listing and selling their own items through the app.


Startup Innovation for Babies that will Change Our Lives

The baby products and innovation has an extraordinary potential for new innovators and businesses to succeed! Especially in China, where the baby products market is expected to increase from $163B in 2011 to $327B by 2015, it is heaven for new marketers and startups to ply their trade. The trend is very prominent in China, where the increasing middle class income and lower birth rate is ensuring a higher budget amount among parents, which usually leads to more expenses for their baby. On that regard, baby diapers and baby hampers might not be exactly what such investors had in mind, but a businessmen grab the opportunity when they see one, and this opportunity has a very limited time to be grabbed before there is a boom of investors in it.

Coming up with innovative products for babies was never worthier, and people have already stepped in to grab a piece of the cake. Let’s look through 5 startups that have recently come out in this exact market:

The Baby Burp

A highly innovative online marketplace for baby products, the Baby Burp ensures it is strongly differentiated from other baby-related marketplaces through custom and handmade innovative baby products. Whether it is baby, toddler, or mommy products, the Baby Burp ensures the highest quality and most unique products for you. The sellers are moms and small businesses which take great care to provide the products which you are unlikely to find anywhere else.


One of the most innovative companies in the baby products market, 4moms are best known for its Origami Stroller. A previously unimagined type of stroller, 4moms’ Origami brings a one-click easy-folding abilities, in addition to self-charging, lights, thermometer, speedometer, trip and lifetime odometers, and a very sophisticated technology in ensuring the comfort of the baby. Additionally, 4moms innovation goes further with rocking seats, easy playards, infant tubs, spout covers, and infant car seats among other products – all of which are guaranteed to offer exclusive options to what you’ve seen before.


White as Milk

The potential growth of the Singapore’s baby products was spotted almost two years ago, with the launch of White as Milk as Singapore’s very own baby products e-commerce platform. In addition to simply searching for products and buying online, White as Milk is differentiated through a subscription option for users to select their preferences and have exclusive offers and discounts sent to them in monthly basis.


The Honest Co.

Co-founded by celebrity Jessica Alba, The Honest had a huge advantage during the beginning of its journey to success. With the revenue in 2014 being at $150M, triple that of 2013, The Honest’s first year, the startup has already raised $70M in funding, making it worth almost $1B at this point. The company is best known for its eco-friendly attitude, and most of its revenue comes from monthly deliveries of diapers and other non-toxic baby care products.

The Honest Co. Jessica Alba

Tã Em Bé

Although not as big as the other startups just yet, Tã Em Bé is a Vietnamese e-commerce company which primarily sells baby products online, having already grabbed a significant share of the massive Vietnamese market. The company has recently received a six-figure funding in order to increase staff, inventory, expand, and translate into English for expats as well. Having basically started from scratch, the rise of Tã Em Bé is to be admired – though it was also considerably helped by the high Vietnamese fertility rate as well as the primary mode of transportation being motorcycles, helping make the delivery offers of Tã Em Bé, which means diapers in Vietnamese, a perfect option for many people.


The baby products market is going to continue increasing, especially in China at this point, and the above startups are just the beginning of an era which is going to see a boom of new startups and other companies joining in to grab a piece of the cake. With the market globalization making competition very hard in a lot of markets, the baby products one could still be considered a bargain.


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