Programme (Day 1)

Day 1: Mar 20 (Monday) 

930-945  Registration (coffee/tea will be available) 
945-10  Opening remarks 
Session 1  Chair: Leslie Lee 
10-1030  Yo Matsumoto (NINJAL), Keigo Ujiie (University of Tokyo) 

Change of state and Japanese resultative constructions: A corpus-based study

1030-11  Woraprat Manowang, Wenkai Tay (UCL) [slides]

Subject- and object-oriented transitive resultatives in Thai

11-12  Yuta Tatsumi (Meikai University) 

Resultative compounds in Japanese and the strong-weak distinction

12-1330  Lunch 
Session 2  Chair: Leslie Lee 
1330-1430 Yiting Chen (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) [slides]

Toward a related-event approach to resultatives: ‘WASH’ in Japanese, English, and Chinese

1430-1530  Ryan Walter Smith (University of Manchester), Jianrong Yu (KU Leuven) [handout]

Resultatives and the semantics of verbs

1530-1545 Break 
Invited Session 1  Chair: Leslie Lee 
1545-1700 Beth Levin (Stanford University) [slides] 

The door punched open: An unusual English resultative construction


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