Valentine’s Special: Campus Sweethearts

February—the month of love! February could be dreadful for some, especially for all the singles out there who will have to put up with the seemingly incessant Instagram stories of your friends with their Valentine’s dates. February could also be an unforgettable month for those with a date, as they lovingly celebrate the occasion with each other. Follow us as we take you down memory lane of the love stories of three couples who met in NUS!


Joshlyn and Po Yan

Joshlyn Looi (Y3, Economics) and Chuan Po Yan (Y4, Business Analytics) met in Pioneer House while working together as student leaders. Joshlyn initially thought Po Yan was a completely different person compared to when she saw him leading a Zoom meeting. “He came off really unexpected as he was pretty quiet the first time we met in person”, Joshlyn shared. For Po Yan, who fondly remembers how Joshlyn thought of him the first time they met, shared, “She was helpful and friendly. I received a lot of help from her even though I was supposed to be guiding the team. I also remember her saying I was awkward the first time we met.”


Joshlyn (left) and Po Yan (right) at McDonald’s when they first befriended each other.

“He used to have no emotions”, Joshlyn joked.

For Valentine’s Day this year, Joshlyn and Po Yan are planning to have dinner at McDonald’s, their go-to place for celebrations, as evident in this picture.


The couple enjoys hiking from Kent Ridge to Harbourfront, as they think it is a good way to take a break from studying. When it is not a good time to hike, Joshlyn and Po Yan find joy in watching shows together. In fact, they have finished the entire Japanese Anime series Attack on Titan together, and are now starting on the Japanese Drama series Fermat’s Cuisine!


The couple on one of their many outdoor dates.


The couple also enjoys going out of NUS for their dates. “We love looking for good food, activities and window shopping—anything that brings us out of NUS. I love my greens, and he loves steak so it’s hard to find a balance of both, but the options outside expose us to more cuisines and dishes”, Joshlyn shared. Sometimes, these dates not only go out of NUS and within Singapore, but also out of the country.


Joshlyn and Po Yan on a trip to South Korea.


When asked about having to juggle between university and a relationship, the couple agreed that they did not find it hard to do so. “She actually benefited a lot academically from the relationship as I became her private tutor for subjects that I don’t even take”, Po Yan shared. “He is the reason why I decided to try things that I was afraid of, like being a Teaching Assistant in the Economics department. His constant presence and encouragement helped me find my passion in education, an area which I would love to pursue in the future”, Joshlyn shared. Seems like Po Yan has provided extensive help in turning Joshlyn into an academic weapon!

“He benefitted a lot emotionally from the relationship as he smiles and laughs more now and is generally a happier person. He finally has emotions now”, Joshlyn continued with her joke.


When asked to share a heartfelt message to each other, Po Yan expressed, “Having you in my life has made it more exciting”, while Joshlyn reflected, “People say that university will be the best time of your life, but I entered university during Covid years, and I thought my university life was going to be pretty sad. But, thank you for appearing in my life and adding so many colours to it! I can’t wait to create even more memories with you. University is now the best time of my life.”

Some words of advice from the couple:

Po Yan: While academics are important, cherish the time you have with one another while you’re still a student.

Joshlyn: Uni can be quite stressful at times, but the affirmation and encouragement you give your partner can mean the world to them and they are what keeps them going. Ultimately, the end goal is not to run fast alone but to run far together!


Pauline and Sourabh

Just like Joshlyn and Po Yan, Pauline Wo (Y4, Business) and Sourabh Jaiswal (Y4, Computer Science) also met in Pioneer House. (We promise we weren’t specifically looking just at Pioneer House – it’s just a coincidence!) Through an event organised for international students, Pauline and Sourabh’s story started when they were coincidentally assigned to the same group. When they first met, Pauline was captivated by Sourabh’s musical talent, “This guy is very talented in playing the guitar. He is also smart and hard working”, she shared. For Sourabh, he thought Pauline was “a very cheerful girl, who knew what to say to avoid awkward silences”. Seems like both Pauline and Sourabh are both very talented individuals!

Sourabh showcasing his guitar skills. No wonder he caught the attention of Pauline!

Serenading someone through music has long been a prized skill and has left its mark everywhere, even in Greek Mythology. From Sourabh, we can see that such a skill still works till this day.

A regular date within NUS usually comprises of the couple studying together. As final-year students, they must have plenty of study dates together! Outside of NUS, Pauline and Sourabh enjoy food hunting, ice skating, and travelling overseas together. From planning the trip to being on the trip, travelling together as a couple is a thrilling adventure that creates memories that last a lifetime! For Valentine’s Day this year, the couple did not reveal their surprise plan. How exciting! We hope that they will enjoy their date with each other!


Pauline and Sourabh on a trip together to Thailand.


When prompted to share a heartfelt message to each other, Pauline expressed, “I really appreciate your company when I was experiencing highs and lows for almost 4 years. It was really sweet to meet you here.” Thinking about the future, Sourabh anticipates, “I hope to make more memorable moments from our couple trips to trying out new activities and all the jokes we make to cheer each other up.”


For Pauline and Sourabh, having to juggle between university and a relationship was not a huge challenge. Instead, the relationship has helped the both of them get through the tough times in university. “You have a common understanding and are open about your university commitments, it feels good to have someone you can share anything with and support each other through the hardships”, Pauline shared.


A word of advice from the couple:

Ensure that communication is always open and always explicitly discuss expectations which would include your financial/personal situations since we are still university students.


E Ler and Kar Yi

Ng E Ler (Y1, Business Analytics and Economics) and Yong Kar Yi (Y1, Real Estate) met through mutual friends at a gathering. “We talked for a bit, but she “forgot to reply” me for a whole month and decided to initiate the conversation again. That’s when I asked her out for dinner”, E Ler shared. During the dinner, it was apparent to him that they clicked well. “She was really bubbly and energetic and the conversation kept flowing throughout the night. We were only supposed to meet for dinner but we ended up going for drinks as well. I could tell that she is a very down-to-earth and genuine person who takes very good care of her family and friends.” For Kar Yi, E Ler’s height certainly left an impression. “I thought he was way too tall. But I also felt that he had super good and fun vibes because he matched my energy really well. My most memorable impression of him is that he is very hard working because he was always pulling all-nighters to study”, she shared.


According to Kar Yi (left), the freshmen couple has a 26cm height difference.


Just like most campus sweethearts, E Ler and Kar Yi spend most of their time studying and having meals together on campus. On top of having meals, the couple also enjoys watching movies and attending seasonal events together outside of NUS. They also shared that their plan for their first Valentine’s together this year will be a surprise. “But we are most likely going to spend most of the day attending lessons.” Even though lessons might take up most of the couple’s day, we hope that they will still enjoy Valentine’s Day with each other’s company!


When requested to share a heartfelt message to each other, E Ler shyly conveyed, “I really appreciate you for all the little things you do for me—from bringing me meals to taking care of me when I’m sick, you understand me really well as a person. Thank you for being someone I can share anything with without being judged and for giving me a safe space to express myself. Thank you for always ensuring that we never go to sleep being upset with each other and for always trying to be the bigger person when we have disagreements.” Kar Yi, who is just as thankful as her partner, shared, “I really want to thank you for everything you’ve done so far. Despite my imperfections, you’re always forgiving and I really appreciate it! Because I always suffer from bad period cramps, you’d always be there to check up on me every month without fail, doing whatever you can to make me feel better. Yet, this is just one of the many things you do for me and I’m just so thankful.”


E Ler and Kar Yi never fail to express their gratitude for each other.


Luckily for the couple, they are able to meet regularly as they both stay on campus—E Ler resides in Kent Ridge Hall, while Kar Yi resides in Cinnamon College. When asked about the difficulties of juggling between university and a relationship, the couple quoted their stay on campus as one of the reasons for their smooth-sailing journey. The couple also makes sure to include each other as much as possible, such as during gatherings with their friends. Yet, they have also managed to ensure that they both have personal space. “We do give each other a lot of space to do the things that we wish to do”, E Ler shared.


Words of advice from the couple:

Communication is very important!! It’s inevitable that couples argue from time to time and to be very honest, arguments are really important for our growth as it helps us to understand the way we express ourselves better!

Finding a good balance in your relationship is very important too! Be it with school, family or friends, I think being in a relationship does not mean that you change your life entirely where it just revolves around your significant other. Instead, it’s always about finding a middle ground and being accommodating, and still having some time for yourself as well.


And that concludes the wholesome stories of our three campus sweethearts! We wish Joshlyn and Po Yan, Pauline and Sourabh, E Ler and Kar Yi all the best and a Happy Valentine’s!



Tan Jie Min

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