Passive and Active Euthanasia: Is there a moral difference between the two? (Poster)

PowerPoint Presentation

Deliberate act of killing VS letting patient die. Is there a moral difference between active and passive euthanasia? How do we approach this issue from the deontological and utilitarianism’s perspective? In our poster, we shall consider medical ethics from a philosophical viewpoint.


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Does it matter who is drowning? (Video)

What will happen if Singer’s drowning child is replaced by an adult? Will it be as effective in pinning moral responsibility on the individual witnessing the scene?
We hope our project would be engaging and accessible to the general public, even those without a background in philosophy.
Group members and contributions:


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Utilitarian approach towards use of renewable and non-renewable energy sources (Poster)


Following the utilitarian approach, what matters is the overall net happiness of the world in the present and future. We will be comparing happiness generated from using renewable and non-renewable energy. Our stand will be to encourage young adults to use renewable energy to maximise happiness.


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Factory Farmed Meat – A conversation (Video)

This is a stop-motion video on the arguments for eating factory farmed meat. It is communicated through a made-up conversation between Lomasky and Norcross. The video aims to argue against the premise that torturing puppies (in Norcross’s argument) is analogous to eating factory farmed meat.


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Moral Ethics in the Situation of Abortion (Video)

Our video (aiming to entertain for a lay audience) begins with a skit depicting three pregnant mothers contemplating abortion after learning that their babies are deformed. Each mother represents one of three philosophical doctrines: Utilitarianism, Deontology and Virtue-Ethics. Their choices are explained in a parody of the popular PPAP song.


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A Philosophical Breakdown: Need Answers? Take GET1029 (Video)

We aim to introduce normal folk to the concept of philosophy. This video shows you how philosophy completely messes up a promising student’s mind. Be thoroughly entertained as you watch a simple conversation between two friends, leading to a chain of rapid philosophical questioning before reaching an EPIC conclusion.


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