Category: antiadrenergics

Beta-adrenoceptors and intraocular pressure

Non-selective beta-blockers (e.g. timolol) and beta1-adrenoceptor selective beta-blockers (e.g. betaxolol) can reduce intraocular pressure in glaucoma. But I read online that the adrenoceptors in the ciliary body of the eye, which regulates aqueous humour production, are beta2-adrenoceptors. So why are beta2-adrenoceptor selective beta-blockers not used to treat glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases associated with optic neuropathy and progressive loss of retinal ganglion cells resulting in visual field loss, and irreversible blindness if left untreated (Jacobs, 2019; Weinreb and Khaw, 2004). In some forms of glaucoma, intraocular pressure (IOP) is elevated and likely contributes to damage to the retinal ganglion cells and their axons exiting the eye via the optic nerve. Drugs that reduce IOP have helped to slow the progression of visual field loss in glaucoma.

We can use topical application of beta-blockers to reduce IOP (although topical prostaglandin F2alpha analogues are now usually the first-line choice for pharmacological reduction of IOP). Both non-selective beta-blockers (e.g. timolol) and beta1-adrenoceptor selective beta-blockers (e.g. betaxolol) can reduce IOP when applied topically to the eyes. They are thought to work by blocking beta-adrenoceptors in the ciliary body to reduce the production of aqueous humour and so reduce IOP.

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Clonidine as an analgesic?

Administration of clonidine can reduce the doses of opioid analgesics required for pain control. Clonidine is also used to counteract symptoms of opioid withdrawal. How does this work? 

Clonidine is an alpha-2-adrenoceptor agonist. Clonidine activates presynaptic alpha-2-adrenoceptors serving as autoreceptors on both central and peripheral nervous system noradrenergic nerve terminals. Activation of these autoreceptors reduces release of nordrenaline. Clonidine also activates alpha-2-adrenoceptors on the neurones of the locus coeruleus,  the major source of noradrenergic innervation in the brain, to inhibit locus coeruleus neurone firing and further reduce central nervous system noradrenergic neurotransmission. By these mechanisms, clonidine is an indirect sympatholytic agent and has been used as an antihypertensive drug.

Clonidine is also a direct adrenoceptor agonist at presynaptic alpha-2-adrenoceptors serving as heteroreceptors on the primary afferent neurone nerve terminals bringing nociceptive signals into the spinal cord and at postsynaptic alpha-2-adrenoceptors on secondary spinal cord neurones relaying pain information up to the brain. The descending systems gating pain transmission through the spinal cord include noradrenergic neurones releasing noradrenaline to activate the presynaptic alpha-2-adrenoceptor heteroreceptors on the primary afferent neurone nerve terminals preventing them from releasing their neurotransmitters and transmitting their nociceptive signals. Meanwhile, the noradrenergic descending projections also active postsynaptic alpha-2-adrenoceptors on secondary spinal cord neurones, inhibiting these neurones, and preventing them from relaying the nociceptive signals up to the brain. Therefore, clonidine, which activates these alpha-2-adrenoceptors, has analgesic properties.

The descending pain gating systems also activate local engodenous opioid peptide releasing interneurones within the spinal cord. These interneurones inhibit the secondary spinal cord neurones relaying the nociceptive information up to the brain and so further block transmission of nociceptive signals through the spine. There is therefore a good additive effect between clonidine and the opioid analgesics, which produce spinal analgesia by mimicking the action of the endogenous opioid peptides. Administering clonidine can reduce the doses of opioid analgesics required to control pain.

Another use for clonidine is in controlling symptoms of opioid withdrawal. Part of the reason why clonidine helps is that by its non-opioid analgesic mechanisms it controls the pain associated with opioid withdrawal. Opioid receptors also normally inhibit the neurones of the locus coeruleus and opioid withdrawal is also associated with over activation of the locus coeruleus and the brain noradrenergic system. This results in symptoms such as anxiety, agitation, irritability, and mood swings.  Clonidine activates  alpha-2-adrenoceptors inhibiting the cells of the locus coeruleus and presynaptic alpha-2-adrenoceptor autoreceptors reducing noradrenaline release.

Does hyperthyroidism cause constipation or diarrhoea?

Hyperthyroidism causes sympathetic overactivation such that many of the symptoms of thyroid storm can be alleviated by beta-blockers. The sympathetic nervous system “fright, flight or fight” response opposes the parasympathetic nervous system “rest and digest” response and shuts down gastrointestinal function. So hyperthyroidism causes constipation, correct? 

Sorry, not correct. Yes, hyperthyroidism can stimulate overactivation of the sympathetic nervous system. Yes, symptoms of thyroid storm can be treated with sympatholytic beta-blockers. But no, hyperthyroidism does not cause constipation. Hyperthyroidism causes diarrhoea.  Conversely, hypothyroidism causes constipation.

So, next, you will ask “What is the mechanism?”. Unfortunately, the mechanism is not known. Recent reviews have speculated that it might be due to beta-2 adrenoceptor-mediated effects on gastrointestinal motility and secretions (Daher et al., 2015; Kyriacou et al., 2015) but the evidence for this is very limited.  For example, a case report on one patient has suggested that propranolol can control intractable diarrhoea in hyperthyroidism (Bricker et al., 2001) but another study on ten hyperthyroid patients found no effect of propranolol on the gastrointestinal transit time (Bozzani et al., 1985).

For the moment, as we do not know the underlying mechanism, it is just one of those exceptions that you have to remember. In nearly every other respect, hyperthyroidism has a sympathomimetic effect and hypothyroidism has a sympatholytic effect. But for the gastrointestinal system, it is the opposite.


Bozzani A, Camboni MG, Tidone L, Cesari P, Della Mussia F, Quatrini M, Ghilardi G, Ferrar L, Bianchi PA (1985) Gastrointestinal transit in hyperthyroid patients before and after propranolol treatment. Am J Gastroenterol. 1985 Jul;80(7):550-2.

Bricker LA, Such F, Loehrke ME, Kavanaugh K (2001) Intractable diarrhea in hyperthyroidism: management with beta-adrenergic blockade. Endocr Pract. 2001 Jan-Feb;7(1):28-31.

Daher R, Yazbeck T, Jaoude JB, Abboud B (2009) Consequences of dysthyroidism on the digestive tract and viscera. World J Gastroenterol. 15(23):2834-8.

Kyriacou A, McLaughlin J, Syed AA (2015) Thyroid disorders and gastrointestinal and liver dysfunction: A state of the art review. Eur J Intern Med. 26(8):563-71.

What does “nonselective” muscarinic receptor antagonist mean?

In the context of autonomic system pharmacology, you will often come across drugs described as “nonselective muscarinic antagonists” or “nonselective alpha-adrenoceptor antagonists”. What does “nonselective” mean in this context?

The potential confusion here is that you might think that a “nonselective muscarinic antagonist” is a drug that is not selective for muscarinic receptors and so also acts on other types of receptors (for example, adrenoceptors) at therapeutic doses.  This is not what is meant when these phrases are used in the context of autonomic nervous system pharmacology.

There are many subtypes of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors: M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5 receptors. However, most of the muscarinic cholinergic and anticholinergic drugs in current clinical use are nonselective between the muscarinic receptors subtypes. These drugs are selective for muscarinic receptors over other types of receptor, such as nicotinic acetylcholine receptors or adrenoceptors, but are nonselective between the muscarinic receptor subtypes (M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5 receptors). For example, atropine is a nonselective muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist because it blocks all muscarinic receptor subtypes: M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5 receptors.  But atropine is selective for muscarinic acetylcholine receptors over other classes of receptor, such as nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.

Likewise, there are many subtypes of adrenoceptors: α1A-, α1B-, α1D-, α2A-, α2B-, α2C-, β1-, β2– and β3-adrenoceptors. Many of the adrenergic and antiadrenergic drugs in current clinical use target alpha- or beta-adrenoceptors but are nonselective between the subtypes of alpha or beta receptors. For example, oxymetazoline is selective for alpha-adrenoceptors over beta-adrenoceptors but may be described as a nonselective alpha-adrenoceptor agonist because it is largely nonselective between α1A-, α1B-, α1D-, α2A-, α2B– and α2C-adrenoceptors.

How does atropine cause flushing?

Atropine can cause patients to become “as red as a beet” due to superficial vasodilation. How does atropine cause this flushing response? 

At toxic doses, and even occasionally therapeutic doses, atropine can cause dilation of cutaneous blood vessels resulting in an atropine flush. This reaction, making the patient “as red as a beet”, is well recognised as a classical sign of atropine overdose.

Atropine is a muscarinic receptor antagonist. Muscarinic receptors are involved in controlling the dilation of some blood vessels (see Sympathetic cholinergic innervation of blood vessels? Not in humans) but they are not known to be important for control of superficial cutaneous blood vessels.  It has therefore been something of a mystery why atropine should cause flushing. The mechanisms by which atropine causes this “anomalous vascular response” have therefore long been debated.

One hypothesis is that the response is due to the fact that atropine has alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist effects at very high doses (1). Antagonism of alpha adrenoceptors could block alpha-adrenoceptor-mediated vasoconstriction resulting in vasodilation and flushing. However, the more widely accepted explanation in recent years has been that the flushing is secondary to overheating due to block of sweating. Antagonism of M3 receptors on sweat glands will block the sweating response. This will cause overheating and compensatory superficial cutaneous vasodilation to increase heat loss.

(1) Chang KC, Hahn KH. (1995) Is alpha-adrenoceptor blockade responsible for atropine flush? Eur J Pharmacol. 1995 Sep 25;284(3):331-4.

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