Category: PA2131 (page 1 of 4)

Which fruit to avoid with fexofenadine?

It is advised to avoid taking fexofenadine with fruit juices. But does this apply to all fruit juices or only grapefruit juice? And what about tomato juice – are tomatoes not also fruit?  And why the warning only about the juice – what happens if you eat the fruit instead of drinking the juice? 

Grapefruit and Drug Metabolism – A Closer Look at CYP Interactions: Many of us might have come across warnings about the potential interaction between grapefruit juice and certain medications. Let’s delve deeper into the science behind this. Grapefruits, along with other specific citrus fruits like pomelos and Seville oranges (often termed as bitter oranges or sour oranges), are rich in polyphenols, notably furanocoumarins. These compounds play a crucial role in inhibiting various cytochrome P450 enzymes, including CYP3A4, CYP1A2, CYP2C9, and CYP2D6.

Why does this matter? The inhibition of the CYP3A4 enzyme, in particular, impedes its ability to effectively metabolize certain drugs. As a result, there can be an unintended increase in the drug levels within the bloodstream, amplifying the risk of side effects or even toxicities. It’s noteworthy that CYP3A4 is pivotal for the metabolism of a wide range of medications. Consequently, grapefruit’s interaction can potentially affect the efficacy and safety of medications such as statins (targeting high cholesterol), calcium channel blockers (for managing hypertension), calcineurin inhibitors (used in immunosuppression), and benzodiazepines (prescribed for anxiety and insomnia).

Fruit and Fexofenadine – Reduced Absorption:  Contrary to the increased plasma concentration of drugs seen following inhibition of CYP enzymes, fruit juices decrease intestinal absorption of the second-generation H1 antihistamine, fexofenadine. The mechanism behind this interaction involves intestinal transporters, specifically organic anion-transporting polypeptides (OATPs).

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Why are peripheral effects of AChE inhibitors predominantly parasympathomimetic?

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors will prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine (ACh) and so increase ACh levels. Increased ACh levels at autonomic nervous system ganglia should activate both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. However, the adverse effects of AChE inhibitors outside of the CNS are mostly parasympathomimetic. Why do AChE inhibitors not stimulate the sympathetic nervous system as well?

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors increase the concentration of acetylcholine (ACh) at synapses by blocking its breakdown. This will activate both the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, as the preganglionic neurons in both systems release ACh.

However, the impact of AChE inhibitors is more prominent on the parasympathetic nervous system for several reasons:
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When sympathetic and parasympathetic systems collide: The dominance of excitatory effects

When the autonomic nervous system ganglia are activated (for example, by low-dose nicotine), both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system innervations of target organs and tissues are simultaneously stimulated. However, the “fright, fight or flight” sympathetic and “rest and digest” parasympathetic nervous systems have opposing effects in most target organs and tissues. So why do the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems not just cancel each other out when activated at the same time?

It is true that in the realm of autonomic nervous system functioning, the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems often represent two sides of the same coin. These systems largely produce opposing effects on the same target organs and tissues. However, what happens when both systems are simultaneously activated? Contrary to intuitive thinking, they don’t simply cancel each other out. Instead, the dominion of activation or excitatory effects takes centre stage.

The Principle of Dominant Excitation: When both the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems are co-activated, it isn’t a zero-sum game. Rather than neutralizing each other, the excitatory effects from each system generally prevail. This principle is observed in a variety of physiological contexts. Continue reading

Why do corticosteroids increase circulating neutrophils?

Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory, reducing the number and activity of various inflammatory cell types, including lowering blood lymphocyte, monocyte, and basophil counts and preventing neutrophils from reaching sites of inflammation. So why do corticosteroids increase the number of neutrophils in circulation? 

The effects of corticosteroids reducing the infiltration of neutrophils to sites of inflammation within tissues and increasing the number of neutrophils staying in circulation are two sides of the same mechanism.

Surface expression of proteins, such as L-selectin, is involved in the rolling capture and adherence of neutrophils to blood vessel walls, which is necessary to enable extravasation through blood vessel walls and migration into tissues. Corticosteroids acting via glucocorticoid receptors regulate the expression of many genes involved in inflammatory responses. Continue reading

Dose-dependence of COX-2 selectivity of coxibs

Coxibs are pro-thrombotic, but if given at a high dose, there would be COX-1 inhibition resulting in an antiplatelet effect and hence bleeding would occur. Therefore, would the two effects not cancel each other out, or would the prothrombic effect still be the predominant effect?

The pro-thrombotic effect still dominates since, for coxibs, the COX-2 inhibition is always more than the COX-1 inhibition.

Coxibs are selective inhibitors of COX-2. Selective inhibition of COX-2 results in shunting of the precursor arachidonic acid over to the COX-1 pathway. With COX-2 inhibited and COX-1 functional, there is a relative increase in the ratio of the thromboxane A2 (TXA2) produced via COX-1 to prostaglandin I2 (PGI2) or prostacyclin produced via COX-2, and also in some cell types via COX-1. As TXA2 promotes platelet aggregation, while PGI2 inhibits platelet aggregation, the increased ratio of TXA2 over PGI2 favours platelet aggregation, so there is an increased risk of thrombosis.

Although coxibs are selective for COX-2, the selectivity is dose-dependent. Therefore, at higher doses, there will be more inhibition of COX-1. However, in the case of the balance between the risk of thrombosis versus the risk of bleeding, there is little impact because, as the dose increases, there will still be more inhibition of COX-2 than COX-1. So the ratio of TXA2 to PGI2 remains in favour of thrombosis.

Importantly, the dose-dependence of the selectivity for COX-2 is significant with regards to the gastrointestinal adverse effects. A major advantage of the coxibs is that they have a lower risk of upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT) adverse effects as they do not inhibit COX-1 in the stomach. However, if the dose is increased, there is greater inhibition of COX-1 and, therefore, less sparing from upper GIT adverse effects.

Choice of NSAID for closure of patent ductus arteriosus?

Why is indometacin a drug of choice for closing the ductus arteriosus post-partum? As the ductus arteriosus is kept open by PGE2, may I know why other NSAIDs or paracetamol are not as ideal for this purpose?

The ductus arteriosus allows blood to bypass the lungs in utero but should close after birth. Cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) mediated production of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is important in keeping the ductus arteriosus open in utero. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) inhibit COX-2 when administered at analgesic and anti-inflammatory doses. Therefore, the risk of premature closure of the ductus arteriosus is one reason for the contraindication of NSAIDs in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) occurs when the ductus arteriosus fails to close after birth. NSAIDs can help to close the PDA. Older NSAIDs are typically used because there is a longer history of use and so better knowledge of the risks in infants. Either indometacin, also known as indomethacin (USAN), or ibuprofen is usually used. Paracetamol has also been used as it is has been considered safer in young children. It is not as effectively or widely used, but that it works at all shows that paracetamol can in certain situations inhibit COX-2 in vivo outside of the CNS. Newer NSAIDs are typically not preferred as clinical trials rarely include newborn infants, and so their safety in infants is poorly understood.

Route of administration of N-acetylcysteine for paracetamol poisoning

In a clinical setting of paracetamol poisoning, how would N-acetylcysteine be administered to the patient? 

It is usually administered intravenously (IV). It is best administered within 8 hrs of paracetamol overdose, and dosing is maintained over the next 20 hrs.

Paracetamol for osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis?

Some guidelines say paracetamol is only suitable for osteoarthritis, not rheumatoid arthritis (RA), as it is a poor anti-inflammatory. However, further reading online indicates that paracetamol is still used for other inflammatory rheumatological disorders like gout and RA. May I seek further clarification on this point?

Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is no longer recommended as a first-line for the pain associated with osteoarthritis (OA) as it has only small, non-clinically significant effects on the pain and there are safety concerns over long-term use for osteoarthritis (e.g., Macahdo et al., 2015; Roberts et al., 2016). Previously, paracetamol alone was used for the pain associated with OA if there was no significant inflammation following the damage to the joints. However, paracetamol is rarely sufficient for the pain associated with gout or RA. As there is always inflammation in gout and RA, a drug that is both analgesic and anti-inflammatory, such as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), is usually preferable. So you will typically find paracetamol in evidence-based medicine guidelines for OA but not for RA or gout.

However, paracetamol will still cause analgesia. Therefore, you will still find it used sometimes as a safer option in cases when the pain is mild or as an addon between doses of ibuprofen (which happens to have a similar dosing interval) to provide additional analgesia. In addition, for patients for whom NSAIDs are contraindicated, you will often find paracetamol used.

Machado GC, Maher CG, Ferreira PH, Pinheiro MB, Lin CW, Day RO, McLachlan AJ, Ferreira ML. Efficacy and safety of paracetamol for spinal pain and osteoarthritis: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised placebo controlled trials. BMJ. 2015;350:h1225.
Roberts E, Delgado Nunes V, Buckner S, Latchem S, Constanti M, Miller P, Doherty M, Zhang W, Birrell F, Porcheret M, Dziedzic K, Bernstein I, Wise E, Conaghan PG. Paracetamol: not as safe as we thought? A systematic literature review of observational studies. Ann Rheum Dis. 2016;75(3):552.

Why doesn’t the pro-thrombotic effect of coxibs cancel their impairment of wound healing?

Coxibs have both pro-thrombotic and impairment of wound healing effects. So why don’t these cancel each other out?

Thrombosis and impairment of wound healing are not contradictory. Instead, wound healing is a complex process that occurs over days to weeks, and even sometimes months or years, involving the recruitment of a cascade of many cell types.

Haemostasis, which is dependent on COX-1 and platelet aggregation, is only a small component of wound healing that occurs over seconds to minutes when there is bleeding. All the rest of the process over subsequent days and weeks depends on cascades initiated by COX-2-dependent mechanisms. When there is tissue damage without bleeding, all the rest of the COX-2-dependent processes still occur without the need for thrombosis. So even if there is enhanced thrombosis, there can still be impaired wound healing.

Bismuth subsalicylate antacid versus antidiarrhoeal?

Bismuth compounds would aid peptic ulcer disease and acute diarrhoea. But bismuth subsalicylate inhibits prostaglandin production, and prostaglandins are cytoprotective, so wouldn’t the inhibition of prostaglandins lead to more mucosal damage?

Both subcitrate and subsalicylate bismuth salts (and also subgallate and subnitrate salts) are used.

Theoretically, the subsalicylate is better for diarrhoea because the salicylate additionally acts as an NSAID to reduce inflammation and reduce prostaglandin-mediated activation of chloride channels reducing chloride and hence water in the lumen of the bowel (the opposite effect to lubiprostone).

Meanwhile, theoretically, the subsalicylate is worse for peptic ulcer as it is hydrolyzed to salicylic acid, which will act as a COX inhibitor preventing the production of the prostaglandins. The prostaglandins have protective actions in the stomach, increasing mucosal blood flow, increasing mucus secretion, increasing bicarbonate secretion and, at high concentrations, reducing acid secretion.

In practice, both subsalicylate and non-subsalicylate bismuth compounds are used clinically for both gastric acid-related disease and diarrhoea, and there is no clear evidence of a difference. However, there have not been large, well-designed clinical trials to compare them directly.

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