Medical simulation system for catheterization

This picture of me was taken in the 1990s when I was developing a medical simulation system for catheterization. In the photo, you can see that I hung catheters on the window panel next to the door of my office.

The simulation system was a new concept and a novel approach in providing physicians with a real-time interactive simulation of vascular catheterization procedures. Its purpose was to enhance training, as well as improve pretreatment planning and the design of medical devices.

Implantable artificial pancreas

This is a picture of our prototype implantable artificial pancreas that we have been developing. It was exhibited in National University of Singapore Science & Technology Exhibition in March 2015, and later showcased at “The Future of Us” Exhibition organized by the Singapore Government as part of the SG50 celebration, held between between 1 December 2015 and 8 March 2016. This device will require many years of dedicated research and development before it can become a clinically viable alternative to pancreas transplant.