Feeding Frenzy of the Herring Gull

One of the features of the herring gull, Larus argentatus, is that it has a red spot below its beak. This spot is crucial for the parents when feeding the gull chicks. Infants will peck on the red spot of their parents, indicating hunger to them. In turn, parents will gorge out food to feed their child. This behaviour has been found even in chicks that were just born, supporting the existence of innate behaviour (ten Cate, 2009; Tinbergen, 1953).

According to Baerends (1988), the red spot is a sign stimulus that is required to elicit such a pecking response from the chicks. This sign stimulus can be exaggerated to elicit a more vigorous response. As the video showed, by adding an additional 2 more stripes to the yellow stick, the chicks pecked more than usual and also at a faster rate. This exaggerated sign stimulus is called a supernormal stimulus.


Baerends, G. P. (1988). Ethology. In R. C. Atkinson, R. J. Herrnstein, G. Lindzey, & R. D. Luce (Eds.), Stevens’ handbook of experimental psychology (Vol. 1, pp. 765 – 830). New York: Wiley.

ten Cate, C. (2009). Niko Tinbergen and the red patch on the herring gull’s beak. Animal behaviour, 77(4): 785 – 794.

Tinbergen, N.  (1953). The herring gull’s world: A study of the social behaviour of birds. London: Collins.

“Herring gulls,” by Imagebroker. Nature, 24 March 2009. URL: http://www.nature.com/news/2009/090324/images/herring-gull.jpg (accessed on 8 April 2010)

“More human than human – herring gull chicks,” by Esthetica1. Youtube, 21 September 2009. URL:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5azoIGlz3U (accessed on 8 April 8, 2010).

Flying Without Wings

What does a jumbo jet, an albatross, a flying lizard and a flying squirrel have in common? Well, they can fly, and they have wings or wing-like structures to help them to do so. Therefore, wings are essential to flight, and without wings not even the jumbo jet could do so. Right?

The flying snake not only disagrees, but is able and prepared to back that up with action.


The flying snake (genus Chrysopelea) composes of five species, and inhabits the lowland rainforests of South and Southeast Asia. They are mildly venomous, are active in the day and live primarily on lizards, as well as birds and bats. However, it is obviously their flying – or rather, gliding – that sets them apart from the rest of the snake family.

How does it do so? A flying snake first droops itself toward the end of a branch, where the frontal part of its body forms into a ‘J’ shape.  Upon launching itself into the air from the branch, its cylindrical body flattens to about twice its normal width and acquiring a slight ‘C’ shape, which is able to trap air. While this is happening, the snake itself forms into an ‘S’, and creates consecutive S-shaped waves from head to tail as it glides through the air till it lands. Here’s how it is done in motion:

We must forgive the second video for calling the flying snake a “parachuting snake”. It is an old conception that has been debunked by recent studies showing that flying snakes, as shown above, are actually gliders which travel further horizontally than they fall vertically (whereas for parachuters, it is the exact opposite). Furthermore, they are not only superb gliders, but are also better gliders than flying squirrels and some species of flying lizards.

Much about the flying snake remains a mystery, such as the reason for their unique flying movement, and the frequency of the created S-shaped waves. Nevertheless, the wondrous flying snake is a living example of how wings are not really that essential in flight, and in its case Westlife’s “Flying Without Wings” now holds a more literal, rather than figurative, meaning.


“Flying Snake”. National Geographic. URL: http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/reptiles/flying-snake.html (accessed on 7 Apr 2010)

“flying snake”, by geronimo034. geronimo034 YouTube Channel, 7 September 2007. URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwDAsJCB2Pg (accessed on 8 Apr 2010)

“Flying Snakes… and Leaping Lizards”, by National Geographic. National Geographic YouTube Channel, 5 August 2009. URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLbkVanjHVU (accessed on 7 Apr 2010)

Socha, J.J., 2002. Gliding flight in the paradise tree snake. Nature 418, 603-604. URL: http://www.flyingsnake.org/publications/downloads/Socha_2002a.pdf (accessed on 7 Apr 2010)

Socha, J.J., T. O’Dempsey & M. LaBarbera, 2005. A 3-D kinematic analysis of gliding in a flying snake, Chrysopelea paradisis. Journal of Experimental Biology, 208 (10): 1817-1833. URL: http://www.flyingsnake.org/publications/downloads/Socha_et_al_2005.pdf (accessed on 7 Apr 2010)

“Snakes Take Flight”, by Cynthia Wei. Journal of Experimental Biology Inside JEB piece, 15 May 2005. URL: http://www.flyingsnake.org/publications/downloads/Inside_JEB_2005.pdf (accessed on 7 Apr 2010)

Tasmanian devil VS Cancer devil

Tasmanian devils under threat

The Tasmanian Devils ,Sarcophilus harrisii ,are suffering from a form a cancer called the devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) which first surfaced in the mid 1990s. DFTD is a 100% fatal infectious disease that can be transferable by physical contact, namely, biting.  According to BBC News, DFTD has caused the  population to decrease drastically, up to 60% in the past decade.  Scientist believe that they found ‘very specific Schwann genes that are expressed in the cancer, we can use these genes as diagnostic markers.’

As DFTD tumor displays itself on the face of the Tasmanian Devils, it is easily recognizable if is suffering from the disease.  What has intrigued me is that why has the Tasmanian Devil not ‘learnt’ to avoid those who are infected? DFTD has been around for roughly 10 years now, is too narrow a time frame for the learning process to take place? It seems like if the species need a longer time period to either learn to avoid or develop a diverse set of genes that proves to be immune to DFTD.

In the eyes of conversation biology, the adversity that the Tasmanian Devils are currently facing brings about the emphasis on the possible negative consequence of the lack of genetic diversity within a population. It brings to the forefront the issue of the captive population and the importance on genetic diversity. ‘The long-term consequence of loss of genetic diversity is lack of evolutionary potential to respond to novel challenges such as environmental change.’

The prevention/cure for DFTD currently still escapes science. The only possible and most effective solution points to the isolation of uninfected animals from the infected animals.

genetic diversity is lack of evolutionary potential to
respond to novel challenges such as environmental change.


Video – ‘ Tasmanian devils under threat – 04 Oct 07 ‘ by AljazeeraEnglish Youtube channel, 04 October 200 URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57jFF-pk_GA (accessed 06 April 2010)

‘Tasmanian devil facial cancer origins ‘identified’ ‘ by Mark Kinver. BBC News, 1 January 2010. URL: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8433645.stm (accessed 7 April 2010)

‘Tasmanian devil spreads cancer by biting, study says’  by Richard A. Lovett. National Geographic News, 27 February 2006 . URL: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2006/02/0227_060227_tasmanian.html

Second source:

McCallum, Harmish, 2008. Tasmanian Devil facial tumor disease: lessons for conservation biology.Trends in Ecology and Evolution , 23 (11): 631-637

Monster fish with transparent head and moving eyes???

Look at this fish, don’t you think it look interesting?

 pics 3

This fish, a  Macropinna microstoma, more commonly known as the barrel-eye fish lives off the North Pacific from Bering Sea in the north to Japan and Mexico in the south. They can be found in deep waters. The first thing that struck me about this fish is it’s fluid filled head that is transparent. On top of that, there’s something even more interesting.

Look at this picture and try to spot the fish’s eyes…fish1

If you think you’ve got them…. well, you might be wrong!

pic 4

The two dark spots above the fish’s mouth is  not their eyes. They are actually called nares (something like our human nostrils). Nares are olfactory organs. The fish’s eyes is well inside the head and are capped by bright green lenses. The eyes point upward (as shown in the picture) when the fish is looking for food overhead and the eyes can point forward when the fish is feeding. The eyes are light sensitive and can rotate around in the head.

Because of the layout of their eyes,  Barreleyes typically live near the depth where sunlight from the surface fades to complete blackness.  The high number of rods in their eyes allow them to resolve the silhouettes of objects overhead in the faintest of ambient light and to accurately distinguish bio luminescent light from ambient light. Their binocular vision allows the fish to accurately track and home in on small preys as well as detect predators. Such optic specializations thus aid in both feeding and predator avoidance.

Hence from this we can see how the eyes structure of the fish actually affect and cause the fish to behave in a certain manner. Their light sensitive eyes allows them to live deep in the waters where there is little or no sunlight. Their eyes position also help in them obtaining food for survival. People may think that barreleye fishes are monstrous because of their weird eyes, but it is their very eyes that helps them to survive in their environment.



Researchers solve mystery of deep-sea fish with tubular eyes and transparent head, by Bennett. K.M, Monterey bay aquarium research institute,  23 February 2009, http://www.mbari.org/news/news_releases/2009/barreleye/barreleye.html (assessed on 8 April 2010)

Weird Fish With Transparent Head, by Richard A. Lovett, National Geographic, 23 February 2009, http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/02/photogalleries/fish-transparent-head-barreleye-picture/ (assessed on 8 April 2010)

Deep water barreleye fish sports a clear canopy, by Edmund Jenks, 25 February  2009, http://oblate-spheroid.blogspot.com/2009/02/deepwater-barreleye-fish-sports-clear.html, (assessed on 8 April 2010)

Barreleye, Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barreleye, (assessed on 8 April 2010)

Crazy See-Through Fish Wows Scientists, by Caitlin Millat, Washington, 25 february 2009, http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/weird/Crazy-See-Through-Fish-Wows-Scientists.html, (assessed on 8 April 2010)

Kamikaze Ant Fighters

I happened to stumble upon a video on Youtube recently about the “Top 10 Animal Power Moves”. Zooming straight to the top of the list is the Carpenter Ants or Camponotus saundersi. So what power moves do they possess? The Carpenter Ants, found in Malaysia and Brunei, are given the nickname “exploding ants” as they will do just that when confronted with danger.

Not all of the Carpenter Ants have the ability to get into self-destruct mode. It is the worker ants, charged with the duty to defend the colony at all costs, that would use this defence mechanism as the ultimate sacrifice to protect its colony.

These worker ants have greatly enlarged mandibular glands compared to other ants and these glands run the full length of its body. When the ants are under duress, they will contract their abdomens muscles vigorously, causing the glands to implode and spray gluey toxic in all directions and thus immobilizing its predators even if it means at the expense of its own life. They will squirt toxic mainly from its end, from its mouth and through its ruptured exoskeleton.

This process of internal rupturing or autothysis is surprisingly not rare in the animal kingdom. It is popularized by the Carpenter Ants but is also noted in other species like termites and toads.

Most of the time this happened the ants are either confronted with grave danger or fighting a losing battle against predators that are physically bigger. For its predators, the costs of attacking the Carpenter Ants would then outweigh the benefits and make them think twice about pursuing its attack. Talking about ending it with a bang literally. In this case it is a boom.

lsm pic


“Carpenter Ant”. Wikipedia. URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camponotus_saundersi (accessed 02 April 2010)

James Ridley,Blackwell Science,2003. “Questions about Animal Behaviour.” Animal Behaviour 2nd Edition, pg 1-4.

2nd: Jones, T.H.; Clark, D.A.; Edwards, A.A.; Davidson, D.W.; Spande, T.F. and Snelling, Roy R. (2004): “The Chemistry of Exploding Ants, Camponotus spp. (Cylindricus complex)”. Journal of Chemical Ecology 30(8): 1479-1492. doi:10.1023/B:JOEC.0000042063.01424.28

James Ridley,Blackwell Science,2003. “Questions about Animal Behaviour.” Animal Behaviour 2nd Edition, pg 1-4. Figure 1.1 and 1.2

Solid Defence – Armadillos


There are 20 species of Armadillos in the world as we know today.  Armadillo is Spanish for “little armoured one”. The Nine-banded Armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus, is the most common, spreading from South America into Kansas in the United States. (National Geographic, 2010) They are most closely related to the Anteater and Sloth, and are said to look like rabbits without its armour.

I have always been amazed by the Armadillo’s head to toe hard and leathery armour. It reminds me of a medieval general’s amour, fully plated and ready for war. Unlike many common animals with innate abilities to evade, escape or camouflage themselves when threatened by predators, Armadillos choose to defend itself by utilising its coarse (and awesome) armour in the face of its adversary. Small as a rabbit, brave as a lion, don’t you think so? The armour of the Armadillo is made up of small plates of bones and covered by a later of horny skin.

Armadillos defend themselves by either:

  • Curling itself into a ball, with the exception of the Nine-banded Armadillo, which only defends itself by wedging its feet deep into the soil and grabbing it so that the surrounding armour touches the ground
  • Running swiftly into thorny bushes where its armour will protect it. (Ever Wonder, 2002)

Did you know that Armadillos are good swimmers too? Well, in a fashion, at least. Armadillos can hold their breaths underwater up to a maximum of six minutes! (J Rank, 2010)You can imagine them as armoured submarines, crossing rivers underwater. Their armour is thick and heavy, so they usually sink when they swim. In order to maintain some buoyancy, they inflate their lungs, stomach and intestines with air, which they would if they were crossing a shallow river.

Given their protective armour, it is not unusual to assume that they are peaceful animals. However, male Armadillos show aggression when they are paired with a female, suggesting that this behaviour only arises so as to retain the exclusive rights to the female counterpart. Females also show aggression when they are defending their current litter and dispersing last year’s young. (Collemen, 1994)


Collemen, M. (1994). Determinants of aggression in Nine-banded Armadillos. Journal of Mammalogy , 189.

Ever Wonder. (2002). Armadillo’s Protective Armour. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from Nine-banded Armadillo – Pictures photos and information: http://www.everwonder.com/david/armadillo/armor/index.html

J Rank. (2010). Armadillos enjoy water. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from Armadillos: Behaviour and reproduction: http://animals.jrank.org/pages/2748/Armadillos-Dasypodidae-BEHAVIOR-REPRODUCTION.html

National Geographic. (2010). Armadillo. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from National Geographic Animals: http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/mammals/armadillo/

Armadillo,” by Dawn Ashley. Flickr, 30 May 2008. URL: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dawnashley/2536739605/

The Lion King: Why do hyenas laugh?

When we talk about the movie, ‘The Lion King’, we often think about Simba the lion, Timon the meerkat, Pumbaa the warthog and the bad guys, the laughing hyenas.

So what is a hyena and do hyenas really laugh as depicted in the movie?

The Hyenas shown in the movie are the Spotted Hyenas, Crocuta crocuta, which belong to the family of Hyaenidae. Spotted Hyenas live in a clan, which is led by a single alpha-female and a clan can consist up to 80 individuals.

Hyenas’ laugh is to depict the hyenas’ age and social status. The giggles that the hyenas give out differ in pitch and variation in the frequency of notes.

Pitch of the giggle reveals the hyenas’ age. Before hyenas reach maturity of three years of age, it is considered as a young hyena. And young hyenas tend to have a higher pitched giggle.

On the other hand, variation in the frequency of notes can give information about the hyenas’ social status, alpha-dominant females or subordinate females. Subordinate females’ calls tend to be more inconsistent while dominant females tend to not giggle too much.

The Spotted Hyenas, also famously known as the Laughing Hyenas, really do laugh! So when you encounter a laughing hyena next time, you should be able to know what the hyena is laughing about!

Links To Secondary Source:

The journal of the Acoustical Society of American, Volume 125, Issue 4, pp. 2709 (April 2009): The hyena’s laugh as a multi-informative signal (A). Retrieved from http://scitation.aip.org/getabs/servlet/GetabsServlet?prog=normal&id=JASMAN000125000004002709000003&idtype=cvips&gifs=yes&bypassSSO=1 Accessed on 8 April 2010


Google image, The Lion King. Retrieved from http://images.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/The-Lion-King-the-lion-king-208848_800_437.jpg Accessed on 8 April 2010


Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Spotted Hyena. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotted_Hyena#cite_note-Kruuk27-35 Accessed on 8 April 2010

“Hyena giggles no laughing matter” by Jason Palmer, 12 May 2009. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/sci/tech/8044545.stm Accessed on 8 April 2010

Attack Of The Giant Jellyfish!

Since as recent as 2005, the numbers of the Nomura Jellyfish (Nemopilema nomurai) have increased by a hundredfold in certain coastal areas of Japan. A giant jellyfish larger than a human adult, these invertebrates can weigh up to 220 kilograms and grow up to 2 meters wide. Certainly not the kind of jellyfish you would expect to find in the Underwater World, our local aquarium.

The cnidoblast, or stinging structure, of a jellyfish, contains enough venom to kill or paralyze small fish and crustaceans, and are hardly deadly to humans who come into contact with these creatures. A sting from the Nomura Jellyfish, on the other hand, can possibly paralyze a fully-grown man and cause drowning. There have been reports of death caused by such stings, although these are infrequent.

More importantly, the jellyfish have cost Japan’s fishing industry millions of dollars. Fishermen commonly use large expensive nets to stretch over an enormous area (hundreds of kilometers). Those who get trapped in fishing nets are strong enough to break through them, destroying them and poisoning catches with their stingers. They have been known to invade local fisheries and fish farms in search of fish eggs and larvae. In 2009, the huge Nomura Jellyfish capsized a fishing vessel, throwing its crew into the sea. It sounds like a great idea for a Hollywood monster movie, but you can imagine the economic crisis they have been causing fishing communities and villages who have had to live with this reality in the last few years.

The question is then, how did the jellyfish, which used to be more common in Chinese and Korean waters, reach these waters in the first place? A highly probably theory is that global warming heating the seas have caused a climate change that is better suited for jellyfish breeding. Increased water pollution off China has created oxygen dead zones where jellyfish can live in even if other fish cannot, and has also escalated the growth of microscopic plankton that they feed on. At the same time, over-fishing in Japan’s resource-limited ocean has also greater reduced the numbers of fish, eliminating competition for food sources as well as certain kinds of fish that predate on the young of the Nomura Jellyfish. Thus the water-condition produced by a combination of rising ocean temperatures, pollution, and over-fishing has caused a population explosion in the numbers of jellyfish during recent years.

The animal’s migration habits are still poorly understood, but no one can rule out the possibility that jellyfish will rule the oceans in the future.


Casey, M., Yuasa, S. (2009, November 15). Jellyfish swarm northward in a warming world. US News and World Report. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from http://www.usnews.com/science/articles/2009/11/15/jellyfish-swarm-northward-in-warming-world.html.

Richardson, A. J., Bakun, A., Hays, G. C., Gibbons, M. J. (2009, June 6). The jellyfish joyride: causes, consequences and management responses to a more gelatinous future. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 24 (6), 312-332.

Ryall, J. (2009, November 2) Japanese fishing trawler sunk by giant jellyfish. Telegraph.co.uk. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/6483758/Japanese-fishing-trawler-sunk-by-giant-jellyfish.html.

Yomiuri Shimbun (2005, October 4). A diver attaches a sensor to a large Echizen jellyfish. Getty Images. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/56532231/AFP.

Lion’s roar: In real and reel.

The lion, Panthera leo, is one of the most common animal symbols used in human culture. It is often recognised as a representation of majesty, courage, strength and excellence because of its physical attributes as well as its powerful roar.

However, there are variations and accompanying functions of a lion’s roar. McComb, Packer and Pusey (1994) explained that “in the pride, both sexes roar in order to broadcast ownership of a territory, to stay in contact with other members of their social group and, under some circumstances, to attract mates.” Additionally, functions of roaring also differ between resident and nomadic male lions.

In the BBC video, King Lion Under Attack, two nomadic lions were seen roaring in another lion’s, Simba’s territory, which is in fact the ultimate act of provocation. According to Grinnell and McComb (2001), nomadic individuals in general do not roar as this “could risk inviting escalated contests with territorial competitors” but begin roaring “as soon as they launched a challenge for ownership of a pride.”

Analysing the reel life depiction, Disney’s The Lion King movie, two functions of the lion’s roar can be seen. In the first instance, Simba the young lion roared when he officially reclaimed his rightful position in the land after overthrowing his tyrannical uncle, Scar, who was the opponent to the throne. This illustrates Grinnel and McComb’s (2001) point on roaring as an advertisement of territory. Secondly, the other lions in Simba’s pride roared in chorus after him, corresponding to the point that roaring helps “to stay in contact with other members of their social group.” Apparently, in preparation for the filmmaking, the creative team for the movie had visited Eastern Africa to experience close encounters with real lions in order to understand their behaviours and capture every subtlety (The Lion King, 1994).

Similar observations of vocal signalling for the purposes of the establishment and maintenance of territories are also found in the male sea lions, Zalophus californianus (Schusterman and Dawson, 1968).


Grinnell, J. & K. McComb, 2001. Roaring and social communication in African lions: The limitations imposed by listeners. Animal Behaviour, 62(1): 93-98.

 “King lion under attack – BBC wildlife,” by BBC. BBCWorldwide Youtube Channel, 04 April 2008. URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjByTjOkyi0&feature=PlayList&p=3BD71C8CA4378348&playnext_from=PL&index=14 (accessed on 03 April 2010).

McComb, K., C. Packer, & A. Pusey, 1994. Roaring and numerical assessment in contests between groups of female lions, Panthera leo. Animal Behaviour, 47, 379–387.

Schusterman, R. J. & R.G. Dawson, 1968. Barking, dominance, and territoriality in male sea lions. American Association for the Advancement of Science, 160: 434-436.

“Simba vs Scar,” by 0necardsh0rt. Youtube Channel, 15 October 2007.URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrW6KTE08xg&feature=related (accessed on 03 April 2010).

“The Lion King,” by J. Wilmes. Thelionking, 25 May 1994. URL: http://www.lionking.org/text/FilmNotes.html (accessed on 06 April 2010).

Flying Dragon From Avatar??

It’s a bird. It’s a dragon! No? It’s “Draco Volans“!! Dragon baby?

Also known as the common gliding lizard, it can be usually found in dense forest with relatively small, closely-spaced trees packed in Southeast Asia.

This creature is not design like a bird and it doesn’t fly. However, it can spread out folds of skin that is attached to its movable elongated ribs to form a pair of wing-like structure and it uses them to glide from tree to tree!

Like all reptiles it doesn’t have the ability to sustain itself in flight, and is capable only of gliding. Despite only the capabilities of gliding, it can travel a great distance during their glide, five meters for every meter they descend approximately.

They usually prefer not to glide in weather such as heavy rain and turbulent weather. When not in flight, these creatures can simply fold their wings like a fan and appear just like any other normal lizards! They are usually ‘parked’ with their head pointing downwards when taking off , this is very similar to aircrafts and planes. Aircrafts prefer taking off with a head-wind rather than a tail-wind, this is because the head-wind will generate better lift for them! I wonder who gave aerodynamic lessons to these creatures..

These lizards claim territory in the wild just like any other animals do. The males usually having one to three trees in his territory and in each of these trees, one to three females usually dwell. The males have a yellow skin flap under their throats that they flap during mating season to attract the females, as for the females, they can be recognized by the blue flap instead.

Now let us take a look at these ‘little dragons’ in action!


“The Circle of Dragons,” by Kylie McCormick, 5th August 2008. URL: http://www.blackdrago.com/rlspecies.htm (accessed on 25th March 2010)

“Draco beccarii: Indonesia,” by Javier M. Flickr. URL: http://www.flickr.com/photos/biophiliacuriosus/4384189694/ (accessed on 25th March 2010)

“Amazing Animals Part 2 – Draco Lizard,” by Brom8305  YouTube Channel, 28th March 2009. URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caUzdy6QqqE (accessed on 26th March 2010)

Oliver, James A. (1951). “Gliding” in Amphibians And Reptiles, With A Remark On An Arboreal Adaptation in the Lizard, Anolis carolinensis carolinensis Voigt. The American Naturalist, 85(822): 171 – 176.

Hairston, Nelson G. (1957). Observations on the Behaviour of Draco volans in the Philippines. Copeia, 1957(4): 262- 265.