Hello, thanks for stopping by my blog! I’m Yu Xun, a Year One student enrolled in the Bachelor of Environmental Studies programme at the National University of Singapore.
Growing up, I’ve always found documentaries, such as the ones produced by National Geographic and Discovery Channel, particularly interesting. As a result of my upbringing, wildlife conservation has been my area of interest to this day.
But rather than blog about that, I’ve decided to focus on my other big passion which is football. Much like any other industry in the world, the sport does leave an impact on the environment. And with a fan base that’s becoming increasingly “green”, decision-makers in the industry have been more conscientious about the impacts their decisions have on the environment.
That shift in mindset is already underway, with the English Premier League’s partnership with the Sky Ocean Rescue campaign a notable example. The campaign aims to highlight the detrimental effects of plastic pollution[1], and it serves as a rallying call for the other English clubs to heed.
As the blog name suggests, “Into Extra-time” will be looking at the long game in building a sustainable future. Just like how pundits analyse every tackle and pass throughout the game, I’ll be scrutinising the various sustainable measures clubs have undertaken over the coming weeks. Be sure to look out for next week’s post!
[1] Pass On Plastic. (2018). Retrieved September 02, 2020, from https://www.premierleague.com/this-is-pl/the-communities/694812?articleId=694812
Great intro post. Genuine, engaging and generally well-written (though you could use a couple more commas in 1st sentence of paragraph 2; also fan base = 2 words).
Really love the last paragraph. I think this is going to be an interesting blog, especially if you deliver on the critical analysis piece.
Where’d you get the header image ?
Hi! I got the header image from Pixabay where the pictures are free for public use.