AY1920G06B- “Let’s go E!”

Grace Guan Yaxin (FOS), Tan Etai Adam (FOS), Seah Jia Yin (FASS), Shi Peiyun (FASS), Johanes Rafael Sudardji (CEG)

Academic Advisor: Dr. Chua Siew Chin

With publicity in mind and college reputation at stake, the environmental impact generated by one-off events such as NUS open-day is often neglected by stakeholders, causing unnecessary use of resources and waste. We aim to reduce this waste in future open-days by implementing an electronic platform alongside physical open day, giving the audience a choice on the medium they wish to engage with. We analysed the effectiveness of RVRC e-open day 2020 and implemented a live chat in addition to other measures taken by the official e-open day team. By analysing quantitative and qualitative data, the e-open day measures were found to be successful in conveying information that our target audience wanted. This is supported by 20 interviewees. However, due to limited outreach and publicity, e-open day was less known to the public as compared to physical open day. Therefore e-open day cannot completely substitute physical open day.

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Blog.nus accounts will move to SSO login, tentatively before the start of AY24/25 Sem 2. Once implemented, only current NUS staff and students will be able to log in to Blog.nus. Public blogs remain readable to non-logged in users. (More information.)