AY1718G15.2 – “Are you looking for an eco-label?: Apathy and ignorance among consumers”

Goh Si Jie, Joshua Goh Yong Sheng, Pereira Yip Ding Xian, Teo Zhi Yi, Ting Shou Teck

Academic Advisor: Ms. Wong Kah Wei

There is an estimated 450 eco-labels across 25 industry categories, labels indicating that a product is environmentally-friendlier compared to similar products in the market. However, how effective are these eco-labels in influencing consumers to purchase a product? This project aims to determine whether the presence of an eco-label on a product would influence NUS students to purchase it over a similar product without an eco-label. If so, how much more are students willing to pay for the eco-friendlier option? Do they even know what the eco-labels mean? Before these questions are answered, how many of them even bother looking for eco-labels on the products they buy? This project seeks to understand how the demographics of different students affect their purchasing behaviour and to create awareness to reduce apathy and ignorance among consumers. This is done to maximise the influence the eco-label has on increasing consumer’s purchasing behaviour.

Keywords: Culture and Lifestyle, Responsible Consumption, Greenwashing

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