AY2021G08C- “Fruit To Destroy COVID”

Seungah Lee (FOE), Khoa Le (FOE), Sanath Nanda Kumar (FOE)

Academic Advisor: Mr. Lim Cheng Puay

With the rise of the Covid19 pandemic, hygiene has become a more significant issue for many countries aiming to limit the spread of the virus. Our objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of promoting desk sanitizers made of fruit peels. Our project uses zoom and in person workshops to allow us to share with participants advantages of using fruit peel sanitizers and assess their opinions and gather any concerns they may have. Results show that 63% of them are not aware of the fruit wastage problem but 74% of them are willing to try using the fruit peel sanitizers. Hence a combination of zoom workshops as well as blogs for RVRC residents might prove to be useful and alleviating their concerns and promoting environmentally friendly desk sanitizers.

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