Jonathan Suherman (FOE), Ooi Wei En, Bryan (SOC), Sze Xin Yu, Brandeline (FOS), Xu Fangzhou (SOC)
Academic Advisor: Ms. Sadaf Ansari
Singapore generated 949,300 tonnes of plastic in 2019, of which only 4% was recycled (NEA, 2019). Given the significantly low percentage of recycling, our project tackled the root of the problem – use of single-use plastics. The objective was to test receptiveness to a weekly ‘plastics-free day’ at the RVRC Dining Hall, that otherwise uses 200 plastic-pieces daily on average at the Grab-and-Go counters. We collaborated with the caterers to publicise and implement the project across four weeks, to reduce the use of plastics in the Breakfast service for items such as sandwich boxes, juice cups and plastic bags. Results from our field research and survey responses showed that most respondents were supportive towards, and even wanted the initiative to happen more frequently. Hence, we can conclude that the project serves as a successful feasibility study and provides a good start to implementing similar initiatives in future.