Chng RongTing Eugene (FASS), Fu Jiahua (FOE), Huang Zhi Wen (FOE), Shaun Loh (SOC), Tay Pei Shyan Geraldene (FOS)
Academic Advisor: Mr. Lim Cheng Puay
Human-wildlife encounters do occur in RVRC due to our proximity to the secondary forest. Residents are largely unaware of measures to take when encountering wildlife in distress. Our project employed an engaging video platform to education residents on proper procedures to take when encountering such wildlife, allowing for the easy proliferation of information throughout RVRC. It aims to inculcate the mindset of ensuring the well-being of animals, instead of treating them as pests to be exterminated. We also designed a refresher workshop that would reinforce Resident Assistants (RAs) and Senior Retention Program (SRP) students with the knowledge on responding to such encounters. We found that a majority of our respondents learnt response measures and gained an appreciation for wildlife from the video and workshop. Thus, the combination of the video platform and refresher workshop to key personnel was effective in equipping residents with proper wildlife encounter measures.