AY1920G05C- “FashionGram”

Terence Wong (FASS), Su Ching Ting (FOS), Franceline Benetta (FOS), Li Jiahe (FOS), Kok Yi Ling (SOC)

Academic Advisor: Ms. Sadaf Ansari

Fast fashion is a global problem; clothes are being purchased and discarded in record quantities, resulting in a build-up of textile waste and encouraging unethical garment production practices (Morgan & Birtwistle, 2009). Our project aimed to use digital technology to raise awareness on the environmental consequences of fast fashion, and to create a platform for our target audience to take action. We created a Telegram channel where we posted curated information regarding environmental and social impacts of fast fashion. In parallel, we also coded and launched a Telegram bot as a platform for people to sell their unwanted clothes. Results from pre – and post-surveys indicate that channel subscribers benefited from increased awareness. Transaction data from the Telegram Bot indicated successful translation of this awareness into action for trading used clothes. Together, our two-pronged approach was effective in making generation Z Singaporeans more aware of environmental consequences of fast fashion and take action.

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