Eng Thia Leng (FOE), Lye Yi Xian(SOC), Saffren Choo Jing Xuan(SDE), Wan Qirong(FOE), Wilson Widjaja Halim(FOE)
Academic Advisor: Mr. Lim Cheng Puay
One third of Singapore’s food waste is contributed by ugly food. This is attributed to Singaporeans’ misconceptions and lack of knowledge on these aesthetically unappealing foods. Aimed at educating youths on what defines ugly food and increasing accessibility to them, our project attempts to encourage youths to purchase ugly food, thereby reducing food wastage.
We conducted an exhibition and compiled a map of ugly food retailers. Our exhibition aims to increase knowledge about ugly food and where to access them, encouraging consumption. Our map enables NUS students to locate ugly food retailers near campus, making it easier for students to commit to purchasing ugly food. Up to 70% of those who attended our events have shown increased awareness and willingness to consume ugly food. From our data, increasing knowledge and accessibility of ugly food is an effective way of reducing ugly food waste problems in Singapore.