AY1718G18.2 – “Eat Well Live Well: Student willingness to shift to sustainable food options”

Anana Nandakumar Chari, Cheng Yifan, Lim Zi Lin, Tan Xinpei, Tang Kai Qi

Academic Advisor: Ms. Sadaf Ansari
Industry Advisor: Sodexo

Getting millenials to adopt sustainable food options, in spite of higher costs, is possible (Gibbs A, 2016). Our project tested this finding in NUS Residential Colleges, with our target audience being RVRC residents. Using a combined methodology of an online survey, a pilot test and an awareness campaign for adopting sustainable food options, we evaluated if consumers’ perceptions and behaviours coincide. Our awareness campaign included digital posters and WhatsApp reminders. Survey results ranked cost and taste of food over sustainability. We also found that between ‘health of food’ and ‘taste and cost of food’, the latter was more valued. This matched the perception survey results. However, the results of our pilot test conducted at the RVRC dining hall by offering sustainable menu options indicated otherwise. This contradiction could be due to many external factors. Our project provides some valuable insight about attitudes of students with regards to sustainable eating but it cannot be considered conclusive. We recommend a more extensive pilot test to obtain more meaningful results.

Keywords: Food, Sustainable diet, Campaign, Eating habits


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