AY1718G10.3 – “Marketing and Food Waste”

Gao Jingyi, Phua Jia Hao, Tay Lu Chi Louisa, Wang Mo Shu, Zhang Yihan

Academic Advisor: Dr. Chua Siew Chin
Industry Advisor: Sodexo

Food waste occurs in many stages of the food supply chain. Our project focuses on marketing practices in supermarkets in Singapore, and its relation to food waste. Focusing on marketing practices on non-perishable food items in supermarkets, we look to answer the following questions: Is there a relationship between marketing and food waste? Do the marketing practices spur consumers to purchase more than needed, and therefore result in food waste? Are there differences in responses across different age groups? We zoomed in to three marketing practices: (1) tags on price displays, (2) “Buy 2 Get 1 Free” promotions, and (3) large packaging.

Keywords: Waste, supermarket, on-site survey, marketing strategies

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