AY1516G23 –“Can Bokashi composting alleiviate food waste from NUS dining halls?”

Claris Nghai Hoi Yan (FASS/ARS1), Lok Siying (FASS/ARS1), Tan Heng Thye Jenson (FoE/ENG1), Teo Wen Hao Dennis (FASS/ARS1), Zhuang Yufeng (MDP/CEG1)

Academic Advisor: Adekunle Adeyeye | Student Fellow: Sin Kah Fai

Food waste makes up the second largest proportion of waste generated, at 22.5%, of which less than 15% is being recycled (NEA, 2015). Moreover, the amount of food waste generated has increased significantly over the past decade (NEA, 2015), and will continue to increase with greater wealth and an increasing population. As such, this project serves to look at ways to tackle food waste, in particular, food waste generated in the dining halls of the Residential Colleges in University Town. Food there is prepared beforehand and cooked in excess to cope with the possibility of a greater than usual demand. Food waste is thus a common sight, contributing to the waste generated in Singapore. This project explores the feasibility of bokashi composting and the use of a mobile application to both educate students about waste management and to help alleviate food waste in a sustainable manner.

Keywords: Waste Management, Mobile Application, Food Waste, Education, Composting

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