GEQ1917: Understanding and Critiquing Sustainability

Welcome to RVRC’s student finale of the integrated Year One programme.

In GEQ1917, students identified and tackled real world sustainability issues over the three months and look forward to communicating their observations and real world solutions with you. View abstracts of 59 projects here

As Year One students, they have read an integrated programme of three modules on Sustainability, Workplace Readiness and Professional & Academic Communication. Find out more at our college website here

We are greatly honoured that Mr Liak Teng Lit will grace the occasion with a keynote address. He has an illustrious career as a leader and advisor and is renowned for his unconventional approach to problem-solving.


Programme Highlights
20th April 2019

8:30am – 9:00am        Registration & Poster Viewing w/breakfast

9:00am – 9:05am        Welcome by College Master, Prof. Kunle

9:05am – 9:25am         Keynote Address by Guest of Honour, Mr Liak Teng Lit

9:25am – 9:30am         RVRC Year One Programme highlights

9:30am – 10:20am      Presentation by shortlisted project teams


Oral Presentations by five shortlisted project teams:

Team 1 – Black Soldier Flies as a food waste management method (G41)

Team 2 – TASTY! Engaging youth on food waste issues through games (G10)

Team 3 – Plastic Awareness Toolkit for Primary school students (G21)

Team 4 – DiningMania (G34)

Team 5 – Enhancing wildlife co-existence in campus (G09)


10:20am – 10:40am      Panel Q&A for shortlisted project teams

10:40am – 11:00am      Networking break with refreshments

11:00am – 12:15pm      Poster Session & Networking

11:00am – 12:15pm      Concurrent Interactive Sessions

12:15pm – 12:30pm      Prize giving and group photograph


For the past symposiums, refer to:

Action for Sustainability Symposium AY 2015/16

 Action for Sustainability Symposium AY 2016/17

Action for Sustainability Symposium AY 2017/18