AY1819G35- “Increasing RVRC residents’ awareness of sustainable toilet paper”

Ching Jiaying Megan, Kong Zhen Hao Stanford, Wang Haocheng, Xu Wenhao, Zhou Zhefang

Academic Advisor: Prof. Adekunle Adeyeye

In 2010, toilet paper accounted for fifteen per cent of the world’s deforestation (Robbins, 2010) and yet, we observed that many people are still unaware of the extent of deforestation and pollution of water bodies that comes with it. In 2018, an average Singaporean used 7.5kg of toilet paper, and this number is set to increase (Statista, 2018). Our project aims to look at the perception and awareness of RVRC residents on sustainable toilet paper. At the same time, increase their knowledge on the environmental issues and alternatives of toilet paper through campaigns and a trial. Using Ridge View Residential College (RVRC) as our case study, our quantitative survey showed that there is indeed a lack of awareness on the environmental problem surrounding toilet paper. Additionally, respondents also scored low on the awareness of alternative toilet paper that are sustainable and currently available in the market. Our group launched awareness campaigns including a trial and informative and experiential posters across RVRC. Our post-campaign survey indicated an increase in awareness and interest in sustainable toilet paper among the target audience. The results of our project can help suppliers of sustainable toilet paper to refine their marketing campaigns towards university students in Singapore.

Keywords: Culture and Lifestyle Trends, Responsible Consumption, Paper Wastage, Paper Recycling

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