AY1819G16 – “Using audio cues to reduce shower times”

Ke Yi Min, Tan Liang Chieh, Benjamin, Tan Yoke Ting, Yang Xinyi, Yong Zi Ping

Academic Advisor: Mr. Lim Cheng Puay

The United Nations announces that the world is fast heading towards catastrophe on account of water scarcity due to insufficient water to satisfy growing water demands (United Nations, n.d.). In 2017, Singapore’s Public Utilities Board (PUB) reported that Singapore is expected to face tremendous water stress by 2040, with the current daily domestic consumption of 143 litres per capita. With the availability of potable water at a twist of a tap, it is no surprise that Singaporeans would hardly give any thought to conserve water. (Straits Times, 2016) Showering accounts for the biggest water guzzler in the household, accounting for 29% (MEWR, 2017), yet it is not notable that a minute less in the shower can save nine litres of water. (PUB, 2017). As such, the goal of the project is to reduce shower water consumption in Ridge View Residential College (RVRC) by incorporating audio cues placed in shower cubicle. It is hypothesized that audio cue is capable of inducing behavioural changes during showering which is similar to how background music affects shoppers’ behaviour. Water consumption is measured by means of a water meter and data will be collected over three weeks; a week with water meters only, a week with audio cues and water meter, and the third week without audio to investigate whether audio has indeed altered users’ behaviour at the shower.

Keywords: Water; Water saving’ Shower times

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