AY1819G13 – “Tiny pods”

Benjamin Png Hao Ze, Cheung Jun Yan Julian, Evelyne Juliet, Liew Zhengyi, Zhang Chao

Academic Advisor: Mr. Lim Cheng Puay

The recent coffee capsule wave has created multiple environmental concerns due to the intricate design of these capsules which have been proven to be hard to recycle. Our project seeks to educate and inculcate a more environmentally conscious consumer market by instilling a focus on extending the life of these single-serve products. Initial surveys were conducted to determine Singapore’s consumer preferences, market trends, and perceptions. The results highlighted a lack of industrial recycling programs and consumers’ disregard for the environmental impact such products cause. Based on these results, products were created that takes advantage of the pods material composition, shape, and structure. The final stage solution comprises of a workshop that leverages on direct education to participants and hands-on activities that will cement our ideas. Through this methodology, the proposed project is able to impart concepts of environmental awareness and alternative actions that can be taken by consumers to reduce the amount of waste created. Of the participants involved in the workshop, 96% (n = 24) have indicated a change in perceptions and attitudes towards their coffee pod consumption. This approach has thus been successful in meeting our objective of inciting attitude changes within households.

Keywords: Responsible consumption; Coffee capsules; Waste management


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