Teo Xue Shen
PhD Student (National University of Singapore)
Main supervisor: Associate Professor Darren CJ Yeo
Co-supervisors: Dr. Liew Jia Huan
Email: xueshen@u.nus.edu
BSc (Hons) National University of Singapore
Background and current projects
Xue Shen is a fresh graduate from the Bachelor of Environmental Studies. He completed his honours project at the Freshwater and Invasion Biology Laboratory where he also joined this SSRTG project as a research assistant. He worked mainly on the animal databases for both Singapore and Southeast Asia. His work involved mining for non-native animal checklists and extracting important information pertaining to introduction pathways, first sighting and location records as well as the earliest publication available on the species in question.
Research interests
- Fish biology
- Teal carbon
- Microplastics