Teo Xue Shen

PhD Student (National University of Singapore)
Main supervisor: Associate Professor Darren CJ Yeo
Co-supervisor: Dr. Liew Jia Huan
Email: xueshen@u.nus.edu
BES (Hons) National University of Singapore

Background and current projects

Xue Shen is a PhD student and his thesis’ main topic is carbon dynamics in Singapore’s reservoirs, particularly focused on establishing a baseline on teal carbon and investigating allochthonous and autochthonous inputs to these ecosystems. He graduated from the Bachelor of Environmental Studies and completed his honours project at the Freshwater and Invasion Biology Laboratory where he also joined this SSRTG project as a research assistant. He previously worked mainly on the animal databases for both Singapore and Southeast Asia. His previous work involved mining for non-native animal checklists and extracting important information pertaining to introduction pathways, first sighting and location records as well as the earliest publication available on the species in question.


Research interests

  • Fish biology
  • Teal carbon
  • Microplastics