Freshwater and Invasion Biology Laboratory

(FIB Lab)

The Freshwater and Invasion Biology Laboratory (FIB Lab) was set up in 2010, where we have been conducting research on biodiversity and ecology of tropical Asian freshwater ecosystems. Within this central theme, we concentrate on three, often interlinked research areas:

  • Freshwater ecology and biodiversity
  • Aquatic biological invasions
  • Freshwater decapod crustaceans

Our work covers a wide range of freshwater ecosystems and taxa, and can involve collaborative work with local and international organisations, laboratories, researchers, and museum staff. Some research projects the lab is currently and has been involved in includes:

  • Trophic interactions and biomanipulation of freshwater communities in Singapore’s reservoirs
  • Autecology, ecological niche modelling, population genomics, native-alien competitive interactions, trait-based risk assessments, and invasion pathway mechanisms (i.e. introduction, spread, impacts) of alien species such as Pomacea canaliculata, Cherax quadricarinatus, and Clarias gariepinus
  • The potential of odonates as biological control of mosquitoes and other insect pests in aquatic environments
  • Allelopathic effects on phytoplankton blooms
  • Impacts of anthropogenic land-use change on freshwater food webs
  • Ecosystem functioning of tropical streams
  • Next-generation freshwater biodiversity assessment using e-DNA
  • Macrophyte-algae alternate stable states and management
  • Effects of floating solar panels on riparian biodiversity in Singapore’s reservoirs
  • Taxonomy of freshwater crabs across Southeast Asia
  • Ecology of freshwater decapods (such as the Singapore freshwater crab Johora singaporensis and swamp forest crab Parathelphusa reticulata) in Singapore and Southeast Asia


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