Tag: book launch

BOOK LAUNCH – Atlas of Finance by Prof Dariusz Wojcik on 24 Oct, 6-8:30pm

18 Sep: BOOK LAUNCH – The Tropical Turn: Agricultural Innovation in the Ancient Middle East and the Mediterranean

BOOK LAUNCH on Tuesday 20 September, 6pm – Diasporic Cold Warriors: Nationalist China, Anticommunism, and the Philippine Chinese, 1930s-1970s

BOOK LAUNCH on 31 July, 2pm – Opposing Power: Building Opposition Alliances in Electoral Autocracies

Book Launch: Ryokan, 4pm May 26 2022

BOOK LAUNCH – Monks in Motion: Buddhism and Modernity Across the South China Sea

Launch of Imperial Creatures: Humans and Other Animals in Colonial Singapore, 1819–1942 by Tim Barnard

Book Launch – Hard at Work: Life in Singapore