Publication of the Month: February 2022

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Do work-family initiatives improve employee mental health? Longitudinal evidence from a nationally representative cohort

Lambert Zixin Li and Senhu Wang

Journal of Affective Disorders

Work stress and work-family conflict are important correlates of affective disorders. The article explored (1) whether the wide adoption of work-family initiatives improve a national workforce’s mental health; (2) whether the potential benefits differ between the initiatives that give employees autonomy over job quality (flexible schedule and telework) or job quantity (work hours); (3) whether the effects depend on employee’s perceived availability or actual usage of the initiatives, and if so, what are the respective mechanisms; and (4) whether there are gender differences in the mental health effects.


Li, L. X. & Wang, S., Do work-family initiatives improve employee mental health? Longitudinal evidence from a nationally representative cohort. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2022.
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