NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC): Application Opens and Join us @ NOC Week

Dear Students, this message broadcast is brought to you by NUS Overseas College.

Warm greetings from NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC)! Welcome back to school.

NOC application is open and you may submit your application now. Application will close on Friday 31 January 2014.

Join us @ NOC Week from Monday 20 January to Saturday 25 January 2014.

Please click on the respective event links for more details.

We look forward to your application and see you at the NOC events.

Good luck,

NOC Office


Announcement: Graduate Summer School at the University of Amsterdam

Please note that this is an announcement on behalf of University of Amsterdam. Please direct your query to them if any.

We would like to draw your attention to our unique summer programmes in Amsterdam. We offer courses at the advanced undergraduate and graduate level.

Amsterdam is the perfect place to study and will not only be your campus and home for the summer, but also your laboratory. Explore the opportunity to study abroad and learn with international students, researchers, and young professionals. Our faculty members are leaders in their fields who prioritize mentoring and one-on-one support. With insider’s knowledge of the city of Amsterdam and an impressive list of guest speakers and faculty, we have developed engaging programmes that offer a truly authentic experience centered around your academic achievement. Please take a look at our websites with testimonials from alumni and attached e-flyer:

Summer Amsterdam 2014


This year’s courses at the Graduate School of Social Sciences:

• Global Poverty and Inclusive Development

• Alcohol, Drugs, and Addiction • Urban Studies: Planning and Living in Cities

• Sexuality, Culture, and Society • Social Policies, and Pragmatic Tolerance

Students are encouraged to apply by April 1, but we do have rolling admissions.

Mirjam Schieveld, MA

University of Amsterdam
Summer Programmes
Graduate School of Social Sciences

Kloveniersburgwal 48 | Room F2.11B |
1012 CX Amsterdam
T +31 20 525 3776 | F +31 20 525 3778



2014 NCTU Summer Program (Taiwan)

Dear students,

National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan is offering a 4-week summer school this July. More information on the summer school is available here.

The Study Abroad @ FASS  team is pleased to offer 3 tuition-waiver places to FASS students for this summer school.

To qualify for tuition waiver nomination, please fill up both application forms below and submit to by 28 Feb 2014.

Students nominated for tuition waiver will be notified by 14 March 2014. FASS will also forward all other applications to NCTU.

2014 NCTU SummerClick below for:

NCTU Application Form

FASS-Application-Form-Tuition-Waiver-Programmes. NCTU 2014













Call for Application: 11th Sino-Singapore Undergraduate Exchange Programme 2014

Please note that this is an announcement on behalf of the International Relations Office. Please contact them directly if you have a query.

Grab the opportunity to explore China & network with students from top Chinese universities

The Sino-Singapore Undergraduate Exchange (SSUE) Programme is a prestigious programme spearheaded by the respective Ministries of Education (MOE) of Singapore and China. It is the only G-G (Government to Government) Tertirary Exchange Programme between Singapore and China and was the brainchild of then Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr Goh Chok Tong, who proposed this programme to then Vice-President of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Mr Hu Jintao, in April 2002, when the latter visited Singapore. The programme was established formally in 29 May 2002 and is entering its 11th anniversary run in 2014.

SSUE aims to instill Singaporean students with a global perspective and understanding of China and its potential, and to expose Chinese students to life and education in Singapore. The main objective and focus of this programme is to create networking and interaction opportunities for the Chinese and Singaporean participants. On a higher level, the programme helps to strengthen bilateral ties between Singapore and China and selected student participants are to become exemplary ambassadors of NUS and Singapore.

When does it take place?

The programme is comprised of two parts:

  • 15-day Singapore Programme (Hosted by Singapore MOE and the local universities respectively, NUS will host the delegates for 2 days) 25 February – 11 March 2014.
  • 15 day China Programme (Hosted by PRC MOE and the participating Chinese Universities) 19 May – 2 June 2014

Where does it take place?

  • Singapore leg: On NUS campus and around Singapore.
  • China leg: In Xianmen (Fujian Province) & Wuhan (Hubei Province)

What is the Content?

  • Academic lectures
  • Visits to participating universities
  • Networking sessions with local students
  • Cultural exchange
  • Excursions
  • Visits to government organizations and private companies

*Do note that the content varies from year to year and may be subjected to change.

What is the student accommodation?

For the China leg, students will stay in hotels arranged by the PRC Ministry of Education.

The incoming Chinese delegates will stay in a hotel arranged by the Singapore Ministry of Education (this is not a homestay programme so participants need not house the Chinese students in their homes).

What does it include?

  • Airfare
  • In country travel
  • Accommodation
  • Excursions
  • Most meals

How much does it cost?

  • Programme fee for each student will usually be capped at $600 (excluding a $100 deposit)
  • Visa: $60 (estimated)
  • Insurance: $45 (estimated)
  • Additional changes to flights or duration of stay: Up to $500 (estimated, however can vary significantly)
  • Spending money: $20 per day (estimated, however can vary significantly based on personal spending habits)

Available for NUS Study and Travel Grant?

No. Already heavily subsidized thru the Sino-Singapore fund

What are the eligibility requirements?

  • Singapore citizen or permanent resident (non-PRC-nationals)
  • Aged 25 or below
  • Preferably in Year 2 or 3
  • Minimum CAP score of 3.0
  • Articulate, confident, open-minded, and eager to learn and share knowledge
  • Pleasant personality and a team player
  • Demonstrated interest in China and its culture
  • Must FULLY COMMIT to all aspects of the programme
  • Students with special talents, e.g. singing/playing musical instruments, drama, photography, IT, designing skills etc. are preferred

* Non-Chinese and non-Mandarin speaking students are welcomed to apply. But do note that most of the talks, seminars and dialogue sessions during the China leg of the programme will be conducted in Mandarin.

Is a visa required?

Only for students who are extending their stay beyond the programme.

How to apply?

Email the following documents to before 5.00pm, 20 January 2014

  • Completed Application Form (click on hyperlink)
  • CV
  • Unofficial Transcript (from ISIS)

Shortlisted candidates may be called in for interviews on 22-23 January 2014.

Who to contact for more information?

For additional information or related queries, please click here.

Reflections from Previous Batches of Students

Announcement: University of Bonn’s Graduate Summer School on Intellectual Property

This is an announcement on behalf of the University of Bonn. Please email them directly if you have any query. You may refer to this link if you wish to apply for funding from FASS. Please note that funding is limited and is not  guaranteed and therefore you should ensure you have sufficient self-sourced funding before applying.

As partner university of the National University of Singapore, the University of Bonn would like to invite graduate and postgraduate students from your institution to a Summer School on Intellectual Property in Bonn.

The Summer School on Intellectual Property addresses graduate and postgraduate students from any field of study. It will take place from July 21 to August 1, 2014. The program is conducted in English.

Please see  attached flyer with basic information about the Summer School. Flyer_IPSummerSchool_2014_University of Bonn

Please feel also free to visit the website of the Summer School on Intellectual Property: The website will provide detailed information about the Summer School.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Best regards / Mit besten Grüßen

Sonja Kloppenburg

Universität Bonn

EuroConsult Research & Education / Dezernat Internationales
Sonja Kloppenburg M.A., Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft
D – 53115 Bonn
Poppelsdorfer Allee 102
Telefon: +49 – 228 / 73-3291
Telefax: +49 – 228 / 73-1982

Call for Application: FASStrack Asia 2014











Dear Students,

Application is now open for FASStrack Asia: The Summer School 2014!

As one of the most modern and dynamic countries in the world, Singapore with its multi-cultural society is ideally positioned as a transnational hub within Asia, the fastest-growing region in the world today. The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, with its tradition of excellent teaching and strong research in Asian studies, is well poised to impart the critical skills necessary to understand this complex and vitally-important region. As Asia undergoes rapid developments, this summer school will offer a spotlight on the region so you can gain a better understanding of various related topics and issues.

Taught over a 5-week summer period (23 June – 25 July 2014), you will attend classes, participate in active discussions and go on field trips with academic experts. We offer courses related to East Asia, Southeast Asian Studies as well as in Economics and various Asian language courses. Some of them will feature an 8 to 10 days’ field trip to countries such as China, Korea, Japan, Cambodia and Thailand, as well as local field trips in Singapore. In addition to NUS students, you will be joined by international students from universities all over the world for the summer school.

There will be social activities and events for student get-togethers and cultural exchange. You will have an opportunity to stay at U-Town’s residential colleges, which combine living, studying and playing on-campus for a comprehensive summer experience in NUS. FASStrack Asia also offers attractive tuition subsidies and grants to NUS students for the courses, field trips and on-campus accommodation. Needy students can further apply for financial aid.

All of the above sounds exciting and interesting? Click here* for more information!

Best regards,

The Study Abroad @ FASS Team

(*Please note that FASStrack Asia incorporates the OdySEA and Southeast Asia in Context summer programmes from Summer 2014 onwards. For students using Internet Explorer, the website is best viewed on IE 9.)



Prague Summer Schools 2014

(This is a message on behalf of the Prague Center for Public Policy)

Thinking of going to Czech Republic next summer? Here’s your opportunity.

The Prague Summer Schools are seven-day academic programs designed to bring together undergraduate and graduate students of various nationalities and academic backgrounds to enjoy their summer holidays in the unique academic and cultural environment.

The Prague’s Center for Public Policy is pleased to announce the forthcoming Prague Summer Schools  on the following topics:

European Summer Institute on the Future of Europe: Lobbying in Brussels

Summer School on Crime, Law and Psychology

Summer School on European Politics: Interests versus Culture?

Summer School on China: A World Superpower – Myth or Reality?

Summer School on New Development Cooperation: Breaking the Chains of Poverty

Summer School on Education: The Future of School

Summer School on Globalization: The End of Consumption as we Know it

When?  5-12 July 2014
Where? Summer Schools will take place in Prague, Czech Republic

Visit to discover the details about the upcoming programs. The website will direct you to the individual page of each summer program containing information on academics, logistics, photos, alumni feedback, guidelines to application process, and  online application.

Interested students need to submit their applications to Prague Summer Schools 2014 by Early Bird Application Deadline of January 31, 2014.  The Final Deadline is February 15, 2014.

Should you have any questions regarding the Prague Summer Schools or application process, please contact the Prague’s Center for Public Policy at  directly.

Call for undergraduate papers for Journal at Akita International University

Please note that this is an announcement on behalf of our partner university Akita International University. Please direct all queries to the contact stated on the link listed below. 

The Student Journal of International Liberal Arts is the first academic journal to be published by the undergraduate students of Akita International University. The goal of this journal is to give students the opportunity to publish their academic and creative writing and to exchange intellectual ideas with peers.

Please click link for more detail information

Student Journal call_for_papers_EN.


Ken Isogai

Director, Center for International Affairs

Akita International University

Center for International Affairs

Akita International University
Yuwa, Akita-City 010-1292 Japan