Scholarships for students to Asia – TF LEaRN

Dear students

The following message is from the International Relations Office.


“IRO is pleased to share that the TF LEaRN Programme for the NUS students is now back to both semesters 1 and 2.


The TF LEaRN Programme offers a scholarship of S$ 5,000-S$ 7,000 to NUS outbound students :

  • Under the Student Exchange Programme to partner universities in Southeast Asia, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan;


  • Under the NUS Overseas Colleges programme to Asia.


More information at ”




Application Briefing for AY15/16 Round 2 SEP Application Round

Dear Students

The opportunity for exchange beckons once again and prior to the start of the application, we will be talking to you on the processes and some of the things to expect. This will be relevant to all interested students applying for exchange in Semester 2 of AY2015/2016.


Date: 26 Feb 2015 (Thursday)

Time: 6.00pm – 8.00pm

Venue: LT 11, FASS


This briefing will give you some ideas of what to do for the application:

  • Research for suitable SEP destinations
  • Type of information needed to better support your application
  • Selection processes at the Department/ Faculty levels
  • Potential pitfalls that can affect your chances

We look forward to seeing you at the briefing!

SEP Pre Departure Information – Dec 2014

Dear students

Due to the tight timeline for your exchange, please find the set of slides of pre-departure information (SEPpredepinfoDec2014) which you may find useful.

Also for those of you with questions before your departure, please feel free to turn up at our consultation sessions. Alternatively you may also email us with your queries.

Have a safe journey and most importantly, enjoy your exchange!

SEP/Summer School Consultation Sessions are back!

SEP/Summer School Consultation Sessions are back!

This is the Q & A sessions for students who may have questions for SEP, summer schools such as application procedures/ mapping and MC Ratio etc.


We ask that students be punctual and present yourself at the FASS Dean’s Office reception (5th floor, AS7 Shaw Foundation Building) on the relevant days and time. If you are more than half an hour late, you will be asked to come back another day.


There is no need to email for an appointment; all you need to do is show up on time.


Please arrange your questions in advance as this is not a briefing session but a question and answer session. Please refer to the link below for the latest session schedule.

IRO info sharing session – SEP Awards to China

IRO will be organizing a SEP Student Sharing Session on 13 November 2014, 11am to 1pm at Central Library Theatrette 1 to promote their new awards.  Incoming students and SEP returnees from Peking University and Tsinghua University will be invited to share about their home/host universities, information on Beijing and China.   IRO will also be highlighting about the opportunities in China and how students can benefit from the new SEP awards to China at the session.


Please refer to for more information.

Showcase your entrepreneurial mindset and win a travel grant to Sweden!

Lund University invites students in Singapore to participate in Innovate @ Lund University Challenge.

What you have to do:

  • Sign up for the competition:
  • Complete the quizzes, solve a case question, complete your personal profile and write a motivational statement.
  • Submit the completed competition application on the competition website by the October 31, 2014 deadline

What you can win:

  • Travel grant to Sweden in Spring 2015
  • 25% tuition waiver for an international Master’s program at Lund University

Find the competition, as well as its rules and eligibility here:

Do you have any questions?


FASS Student Exchange Programme Round 1 Application Briefing – Exchange for AY2015/2016 only

Dear Students

The opportunity for exchange beckons once again and prior to the start of the application, we will be talking to you on the processes and some of the things to expect. This will be relevant to all interested students applying for exchange in the next academic year (either for semester 1 or semester 2 of AY2015/2016).


Date: 18 September 2014 (Thursday)

Time: 6.00pm – 8.00pm

Venue: LT 11, FASS


This briefing will give you some ideas of what to do for the application:

  • Research for suitable SEP destinations
  • Type of information needed to better support your application
  • Selection processes at the Department/ Faculty levels
  • Potential pitfalls that can affect your chances

We look forward to seeing you at the briefing!

Local Exchange Application for AY 2014/2015 Sem 2 to SMU and NTU

Dear ARS 2 and 3 Students

Application period for local exchanges to SMU or NTU in Sem 2 AY2014/2015 is now open.

Please refer to your email for application details and processes.

Application forms can be download here

Application period ends: Monday, 15 Sept 2014 (Due to the tight timeline, we will not be able to entertain any extension. )