YSEALI Academic Fellowship: 5-Week Academic Fellowship to America

Dear Students,

Here’s the opportunity for you to take part in an academic residency and educational study tour, engage in local community service activities, develop leadership skills and interact with American peers through the YSEALI (Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative) Academic Fellowship.

More information about YSEALI and its various programs can be found at https://youngsoutheastasianleaders.state.gov/


Essential Program Information:

a) Program Funding: This program is fully-funded by the U.S. Department of State and will cover: program administration; domestic and international travel and ground transportation; book, cultural, mailing and incidental allowances; and housing and subsistence.

b) Housing and Meal Arrangements: Housing will be in university dorms or university hotels.  Fellows may be expected to share a room and bathroom with another student of the same gender.  Most meals will be provided at campus facilities, though Fellows may have access to a kitchen to cook some meals on their own. Care will be taken to ensure that any special requirements regarding diet, daily worship, housing, and medical care are satisfied.

c) Health Benefits: All participants will receive the Department of State’s coverage of $100,000 with a $25 co-pay for the duration of the program.  Pre-existing conditions are not covered.

d) Program Requirements and Restrictions: Fellows are expected to fully participate in the academic program.  They should attend all lectures and organized activities, and complete assigned readings.  Candidates should be made aware that the fellowship is very intensive and that there will be little time for personal pursuits unrelated to the program.


What are the eligibility requirements?

Applicants must be:

  • Between the ages of 18 and 25 at the time of application, although exceptional applicants over 25 can be considered if they meet all other eligibility requirements;
  • A Singapore Citizen or PR from an ASEAN member country
  • A full-time undergraduate student from college, university, or other institutions of higher learning; or have graduated in the past four years;
  • Proficient in reading, writing, and speaking English;
  • Not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the U.S.;
  • Eligible to receive a United States J-1 visa


What are the selection criteria?

  • Demonstrate interest, knowledge, or professional experience  in environmental Issues
  • Demonstrate strong leadership qualities and potential in their university, place of work, and/or community;
  • Demonstrate a commitment or interest in community service, volunteerism, or mentorship;
  • Indicate a serious interest in learning about the United States and ASEAN as a region;
  • Be willing to actively participate in an intensive academic  program, community service, and study tour;
  • Have a commitment to return to their home country to apply leadership skills and training to benefit their community, country, or the ASEAN region; and
  • Preferably have little or no prior study or travel  experience in the United States.


Application Details

If you are interested, please:

  1. Sign up as YSEALI members at https://youngsoutheastasianleaders.state.gov/
  2. Fill in the attached form (and rename it “YSEALI Academic Fellows Application Form- Civic Engagement”)

Please send the completed application forms directly to Tessa S. Tham at ThamTS@state.gov by May 31st, 2015.

SEP Drop In Clinics by IRO

As with past semesters, the IRO PALs will be running SEP Drop-In Clinics for students interested in going out on exchange.

IRO SEP Drop-In Clinics:

Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, weeks 5-10 (excluding Recess Week).

Times: 11am-1pm

Venue: International Relations Office, 03-03, Shaw Foundation Alumni House, 11 Kent Ridge Drive

Peer Advising Leaders will be on hand to answer questions to prospective outgoing NUS students about researching SEP, where they can go, and the student perspective on the opportunities.

IRO SEP Clinic 2014

NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC): Application Opens and Join us @ NOC Week

Dear Students, this message broadcast is brought to you by NUS Overseas College.

Warm greetings from NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC)! Welcome back to school.

NOC application is open and you may submit your application now. Application will close on Friday 31 January 2014.

Join us @ NOC Week from Monday 20 January to Saturday 25 January 2014.

Please click on the respective event links for more details.


We look forward to your application and see you at the NOC events.

Good luck,

NOC Office


Information session on SEP to Sciences Po, Paris

This message is broadcast on behalf of NUS IRO.

Sciences Po, Paris is one of NUS’ strategic SEP partners in France and has been one of the most popular SEP destination in France for NUS students. Established since 1872 and also known as Institut d’études politiques de Paris, Sciences Po Paris is highly regarded and recognized as a major social sciences research and teaching institution in France. Today, Sciences Po Paris is an internationally competitive institution of higher education that offers undergraduate and graduate education in economics, law, history, sociology and political science. Other than teaching the fundamentals, the teaching offered by Sciences Po emphasize heavily on methodology and the international perspective. In addition, English-taught courses are available at Sciences Po to welcome students with limited French proficiency.

Want to find out more? Mr. Alessandro Mariani, International Affairs Manager for China and South-East Asia will be visiting NUS next Tuesday, 5th November and he will be conducting an Information Session on SEP to Sciences Po Paris. You are invited to join the Information Session to find out more about Sciences Po. Details of the session is as below:

Information Session on Student Exchange Programme to Sciences Po, Paris

Tuesday, 5th November 2013 

What: Information Session on SEP to Sciences Po Paris, France.

Who should attend: 1st & 2nd year students from FASS and LAW

When: 12:00 noon – 1:00pm, Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Where: ANH Boardroom, Level 1, Shaw Foundation Alumni House (access through Alumni Service Centre)

Speaker: Mr. Alessandro Mariani, International Affairs Manager for China and South-East Asia, Sciences Po, Paris


RSVP is required: https://aces01.nus.edu.sg:443/CoE/ViewEvent?actionParam=VIEWEVENT&eventID=59419

Limited seats available, please register as soon as possible.

Sciences Po, Paris, Master Programme Briefing Session

The Institut d’études politiques de Paris simply referred to as Sciences Po, Paris, is a public research and higher education institution in Paris, France, which specializes in social sciences. Internationally well ranked (214 by QS World University Rankings 2013), Sciences Po is highly regarded both locally and internally.

In terms of collaborations with NUS, Sciences Po Paris has been one of the long standing partner universities for SEP since AY1999/2000. The Institute is also collaborating with NUS Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy to offer a Double Degree programme under the Global Public Policy Network framework.

Ms. Regine Serra, Academic Director of Sciences Po Master programme “Governing the Large Metropolis” will be in NUS on the 31 Oct to speak to NUS students about Sciences Po’s Master programmes in urban studies. The Programme is welcoming students with a strong interest in large metropolis and their governance issues. With focuses on public policy and urban sociology, the programme will provide the students with a professional training. Students with a social science, humanities, engineering or architecture background may find the programme interesting. More information on the programme is available through http://www.sciencespo.fr/affaires-urbaines/

Please join Ms. Regine Serra on 31 Oct 2013 and to find out more about the Master Programme!

Date : 31 October 2013  (Thursday)

Time : 2.30 pm

Venue : AS7-01-02  Auditorium (Located at ground floor of AS7)

Thank you.