STEER Indonesia (Sumatra) and Malaysia
Theme: Indonesia and Malaysia In Transition: Conservation, Political and Economic Challenges

Date: 15 to 26 May 2018 (12 days)
Location: Medan, Penang and Kuala Lumpur
Application Deadline: 25 February 2018
Programme Fees: S$650 after subsidies*
This May, join us on an exciting journey to Indonesia (Sumatra) and Malaysia! In Medan, we will visit Lake Toba, a large beautiful natural lake occupying the caldera of a super volcano, and immerse yourself in the Batak people’s unique culture. We will also visit NGOs involved in conserving Orangutans as well as the nature reserves in North Sumatra. In Penang, we will meet with leaders who fought to conserve the heritage of Georgetown and learn from experts who worked together to make Penang the designated city for medical tourism. In addition, we will guide you to explore the economic and political issues such as Islamic Finance and Decentralised Public Policy Making in Indonesia and Malaysia. We will travel by air flights on all sectors including a day’s visit in Kuala Lumpur.
*Please visit the website for more information on programme cost and financial awards.
For more information, please visit
For enquiries, please write to Ms Eleen Tay at