National Tsing Hua University [Taipei School of Economics & Political Science Program]

Taipei School of Economics and Political Science (TSE) Fall 2022 Admission is Now Open!

Are you looking for a unique and inspiring opportunity to study abroad in a country where everyone is living like usual during the pandemic time? Are you looking for one of the best MA program scholarships there has to offer for your studies?

Well, there is no need to worry, TSE got you all covered! TSE offers one of the best scholarship opportunities, which includes full tuition fee waiver and a monthly allowance of NT $18,000!

Beyond financial support, a TSE scholarship is the opportunity for a student to reach their full potential with unparalleled resources, international faculty members and world-renowned professors, interdisciplinary curriculum, internships and job opportunities upon graduation, Mandarin courses, and a welcoming community at a top ranked university, NTHU, in Taiwan.

If you are interested, please see brochure below.

TSE brochure




MA British Studies, Humboldt University Berlin

The following message is from the Centre for British Studies:

We are writing now to share information about the unique Masters programme in British Studies that is offered here at the Humboldt University in Berlin (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin). It is a two-year interdisciplinary programme, combining law and politics, history, media, literature and culture and includes a work placement in the UK. All the teaching is in English, and there are no tuition fees! As you probably know, Berlin is a vibrant and multicultural city in which to live and study. The cost of living is reasonable compared to other German cities and European capitals.

We are now recruiting for entry in October 2022. Please do pass on the attached information to any of your current final year students or recent graduates who might be interested in applying for a place. Whilst we appreciate that your priority lies in retaining your students for your own Masters programmes, there may well be some who are ready for something different! Feel free to share with colleagues in other departments, schools and faculties as well. We would also be glad to distribute your information or display a poster in the institute.

And, if you need to know anything else about the Centre and its teaching programmes, please don’t hesitate to ask us.


Thanking you in anticipation.


Best wishes,


Centre for British Studies



For more information:



Großbritannien-Zentrum / Centre for British Studies Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin Mohrenstraße 60

10117 Berlin

Tel.: ++49 (0)30 2093 99040

Fax:  ++49 (0)30 2093 99042

International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Singapore

Date: Thursday, 27 January 2022
Time: 7 pm to 8.30 pm

The NUS Global Relations Office and the NUS College of Humanities and Sciences invite you to join us at the live broadcast of the upcoming International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Singapore.  This annual memorial service is organised as part of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) which unites governments and experts to strengthen, advance and promote Holocaust education, research and remembrance and to uphold the commitments to the 2000 Stockholm Declaration. This year, the Israeli and Greek Embassies and NUS are co-organising this event to commemorate the memory of the victims of the Holocaust.  The date, 27 January 1945, is noted for the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps by the allied forces. This year Greece, holds the Presidency for the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.

The memorial will be broadcasted live on YouTube:


University of Geneva – MEIG Programme: Scholarship Application

Recently, the Embassy of Switzerland in Singapore reached out to GRO to share a scholarship opportunity and a Master programme by the University of Geneva and in cooperation with the UN its “Master of Advanced Studies in European and International Governance (MEIG Programme) 2022-2023”

For further details, please refer to the following website: › Admissions

For the 2022-2023 Programme, the deadlines for application and for scholarship requests are:

15 November 2021 (first deadline),

31 December 2021 (second deadline) and

15 February 2022 (last deadline).





Upcoming Online Schools in Tübingen, Germany

Germany has voted and is in the process of forming a new government. Not only the strong performance of the Green Party promises great support for climate protection, but the end of the Merkel era is also being eagerly watched by Europe and the world. What influence will the election result have on the European Union, what will change?


Against this background, participating in one of our upcoming Online Schools is even more interesting and exciting! We would therefore be delighted if you could promote and recommend our programs to your students:


Online Fall School 2021:

“Divided in Diversity” – The European Union still in Crisis?

IES, University of Tübingen, in cooperation with Oregon State University (OSU)

November 29 – December 23, 2021

Program Fee: 175 €

Application Period: July 5th– October 31st


Online Winter School 2022:

“The European Union still in Crisis? Politics and Economics in Europe Today”

IES, University of Tübingen

January 05- 28, 2022

Program Fee: 100€

Application Period: August 1st– November 30th


In case you need further information please do not hesitate to contact us or visit

The Centre for Language Studies – 20th Anniversary

The Centre for Language Studies is 20 years old!

To commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the CLS’ founding, we have prepared a yearlong of fun-filled celebratory activities which, among other events, will feature free virtual workshops, each one focusing on a different language and culture, and even trial lessons for the thirteen languages offered at the CLS.

The September 2021 highlight is Japanese. Please click here for details:


We look forward to your active participation, and hope that it will inspire you to embark on the exciting and fulfilling journey of learning a foreign language with us!



AUA Lecture Series 2021: Young Asian Economists

Dear FASS Students,


Asian Universities Alliance (AUA), along with 14 AUA member universities, will conduct an online AUA Lecture Series 2021 programme from 2 September to 16 December 2021 as part of their efforts to work towards the long-term goal of an online shared course.   The theme of the lecture series will be “The challenges and opportunities of Asian economies in the COVID-19 and post COVID-19 era”.  This programme is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students from AUAU members at no cost.


The whole duration of the lecture series is 15 weeks, one lecture per week.  Classes will be held from 7 pm to 8.30 pm.  Each lecture is conducted by a member university and will consist of the following 2 parts:

 Part A) a 50-minute lecture introducing the challenges and opportunities of their country’s economy   

             during the COVID-19 or post COVID-19 era;

Part B) a 40-minute freely-designed teaching session, which may include case analyses, multi-

             panellist debates, interviews, discussion groups, a combination of any two components,   

             and/or any other innovative interactive teaching method.

Participants are required to submit essays and meet the class attendance requirements of more than 80% to receive a certificate of completion.  Kindly refer to the pdf file for details.


Please note that nomination is required for this programme. If you are interested to participate in this programme, please send the  following  details to no later than 25 August 2021 (Wednesday):


Full Name




Year of Study

Phone number

Email address



ClassIn Account









AUA Lecture Series Program 0811