IARU: Yale 2023 European Studies Graduate Fellows’ Conference

Yale University who is a member of IARU that NUS is part of, is organising the 2023 European Studies Graduate Fellows’ Conference. The hybrid conference is currently planned for 9 May 2023 in celebration of Europe Day.

This Conference will bring together graduate students, early-career scholars, and established academics from across disciplines to discuss the most pressing challenges facing Europe, Russia, and Eurasia today. The deadline for proposals of panels and roundtables is 20 January 2023. To propose a panel or roundtable, please submit the online proposal form. Political Science, History, Sociology,  Security, Film and Media Studies,  Economics, Linguistics, Literatures, Cultural Studies, and Law are all acceptable fields of study for panel or roundtable topics, and only open to proposals from graduate students and early career scholars. The results of the selection will be communicated by 23 January 2023.

For any questions or for additional information, please contact Asia Neupane (asia.neupane@yale.edu).

ThinkSwiss Research Scholarships: Asia Pacific 2023

The ThinkSwiss Research Scholarships is a program that opens doors for students from Singapore, India and Australia to the world of Swiss academia. The scholarship accepts students who have completed their 2nd year of under graduation or are currently enrolled in a post-graduation (Master’s) programme. The students need to be enrolled with an Singaporean, Australian or Indian university. Please note that PhD students are not eligible to apply.

Please see below pdf files for details:

ThinkSwiss 2023 SG




The University of Illinois: Master of Laws (LLM) Program

Please see attached PDF:

Illinois LLM Partner 2022

Illinois Study Abroad 2022

Illinois Visiting Scholars 2022

For more information, please see below website:


There will be a zoom session on January 18, 2023 at 8:30 AM Central Time (UTC-6:00) to address questions about applying for a US legal program and what to expect during the program.

Zoom link: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/83685222611?pwd=TFkxZHk4Q1RWNmIyNjBhWUVJTHBCQT09 (passcode 982611)

Call for Applications: BIGSSS/DAAD-GSSP GSPSC

Call for the first round of applications for 2 Doctoral Stipends in our Graduate School Scholarship Program (GSSP), “Global Dynamics of Social Policy and Social Cohesion” (GSPSC), funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Please see attached PDF or visit: https://www.bigsss-bremen.de/academic-program/daad-graduate-school-scholarship-program


Tokyo Forum 2022” (Dec1-2)

University of Tokyo who is a member of IARU that NUS is part of, is hosting the Tokyo Forum 2022 in-person and online. Themed “Dialogue between Philosophy and Science: In a World Facing War, Pandemic, and Climate Change”, the “Tokyo Forum 2022” will bring together experts from diverse backgrounds to freely exchange information and opinions on issues facing society and our planet, while seeking out and proposing viable solutions. This forum is an annual event, which was launched in 2019 with the overarching theme of “Shaping the Future”. More information can be found at https://www.tokyoforum.tc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/about/theme_2022.html .


There will be Information Sessions by:

Paul ALIVISATOS (President, The University of Chicago)

BAN Ki-Moon (Former Secretary General, The United Nations)

HASEGAWA Mariko (President, Graduate University for Advanced Studies)

Markus GABRIEL (Professor, University of Bonn; Academic Director, THE NEW INSTITUTE)

Jeffrey SACHS (President, The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network; Director, Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University)

Naoko ISHII (Executive Vice President; Director, Center for Global Commons, The University of Tokyo)

Further information → https://www.tokyoforum.tc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/speaker/speaker_list.html


<Date & Time>

Thu, 1 Dec 4:00-09:35 (EST); 9:00-12:35 (GMT); 18:00 –21:35 (JST)

Fri, 2 Dec 3:00-09:45 (EST); 8:00-12:45 (GMT); 17:00 –21:45 (JST)


<Event Info> 

Venue: Yasuda Auditorium, The University of Tokyo (both in-person and live streaming)

Registration: Required https://www.tokyo-forum-form.com/apply/audiences/en

Inquiries to: tokyo.forum.adm@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Future Sustainability Leaders programme

The FSL is one of the initiatives launched under the aegis of the Youth 4 Sustainability programme conducted by Masadar which is a subsidiary focussed on renewable energy of the UAE sovereign wealth fund Mubadala Investment Company. Beginning at the ADSW, the FSL is a year-long programme that help university students and young professionals to learn about the latest best practices on sustainable development.  FSL participants are expected to participate in online training courses and meeting, attend major events on sustainable development such as ADSW and take part in innovation challenges related to UN Sustainable Development Goals and the UAE National Agenda

Interested students may wish to register for the Y4S/FSL programme through this portal (https://masdar.secure.force.com/FutureSustainabilityLeaders) and the registration deadline is 20 November 2022. Further information on Y4S can be found at the website (https://www.y4s.ae) and the attached summary. Should you have any further queries, you may wish to directly reach out to the Masdar POC Ms Shaikha Al Tenaiji (saltenaiji@masdar.ae).


Earth Day 2022

Showcase your creativity for Earth Day 2022

1 entry from you = 30 trees planted by us.


Every year on April 22, more than one billion people around the world celebrates Earth Day, to demonstrate support and raise awareness in protecting our planet’s environment. Taking part doesn’t require a lot of effort. Picking up litter, turning off the lights, or spreading the message – a small contribution from each and every one of us will accumulate into great strength and create a lasting impact.

The theme for Earth Day 2022 is “Invest In Our Planet“. Investing in our planet is not just about money. As individuals, our voices, actions, and interactions for a healthy planet will pay off. What each of us does, and how we do it, has a huge ripple effect on our ecosystems, and on the pace of corporate and government action.

Share with us your ideas of investing in our planet: what can you do? what have you done? We invite you to unleash your creativity to share with us your answer to these questions through writing, art, photography, videography or any type of creative media. We will match your efforts by pledging to plant 30 trees at locations across the Pacific Rim for each submission received. Selected entries will be featured on the VSE website, social media and email newsletters that could be seen by thousands of students and education professionals across the Pacific Rim. Three best entries will be selected and will be each awarded with an Amazon Kindle e-book reader.

Submit your entries by April 30 and turn your creativity into meaningful action to invest in our planet!

Terms and Conditions


Submit your entry now!