Akita International University (AIU) Summer Programme 2020

Dear Students,

AIU Summer Programme 2020 is a 6 weeks, 6 Akita credits, intensive Japanese language course for beginners and culture study programs. Students can learn Japanese in an intimate environment in the rural Tohoku region.

Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 – Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Refer to AIU Summer Programme 2020 for more details and see their website for application requirements.

AIU has kindly offered 1 fee-waived place for FASS students. Hence, if you are interested, please email to studyabroadfass@nus.edu.sg by 13 January 2020 with the following details:

  • Name & Matric No.
  • CAP
  • Personal statement on why you would like to join the programme

Thank you.

Best regards
Study Abroad Team @ FASS

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