What is Pollution?

C o n s u p o l l u t i o n
[kon – su – puh – lew – shun]
(n.pollution from the
active consumption of humans
of products in the economy

Hello fellow consupollutant! (A very harsh term, no?)

The word consupollutant is a mix of the words Consumption (Consumer) and Pollution (Pollutant)

In this blog, we recognise and acknowledge that all of us are active consumers of products in the market. However, more often than not, we as consumers are not aware or find ourselves indifferent to the product cycle of the things that we purchase. Most of what we purchase are actually active pollutants of the environment! Some of which are our everyday clothes, beauty products and even the food that we eat. Hence, the term consupollutant. However, we want to bring all of you together with us (Eliza and Jocelyn) on a journey to transform ourselves from Consupollutants to Mindful Consumers.

So what is pollution anyway? 

Pollution comes from the Latin word ‘pollutionem’, which means ‘to desecrate, defile’. This broadly fits National Geographic‘s definition where Pollution is seen as the introduction of harmful and toxic materials into the environment. Most of the time, this is the result of anthropogenic factors.

There are many types of pollution – air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, etc. This blog will discuss how certain products that we consume in our daily lives pollute the environment , be it atmospherically, in the oceans or rivers, and even the food that we eat.

Tune in for the next post about the history of consumption!

For now, here’s an interesting video on pollution 🙂

References :

National Geographic Society. (2012, October 09). Pollution. Retrieved September 04, 2020, from https://www.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/pollution/

CrashCourse . (2013, January 15). Pollution: Crash Course Ecology #11 [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdDSRRCKMiI