The Theory and Practice of Online Learning (2nd Ed.), edited by Terry Anderson, is now available in the Central Library.
This book consists of a number of papers covering four areas:
- Role and Function of Theory in Online Education Development and Delivery
- Infrastructure and Support for Content Development
- Design and Development of Online Courses
- Delivery, Quality Control, and Student Support of Online Courses
Just flipping through, Part 2 seems quite interesting as it covers various Web 2.0 and social media tools that can be used in education.
The book will be of interest to educators, learners and those who are involved with educational technology.
But you have to wait to me to be done with it first. =)
Oh yes, there is something else that is interesting about this book. It is published under a Creative Commons license, so you can download it and print it out yourself. At almost 500 pages, I suggest you just print the chapters that interest you. Or you can be next in line to borrow it at the library.
In the mean time, you can also borrow another book on classroom blogging which details very practical steps to using these tools for teaching and learning.