2022 Republic Poly Outreach

Republic Polytechnic

The MSc Audiology students conducted an Outreach Programme at Republic Polytechnic on 27th, 30th and 31st May 2022. There was a total of 57 student participants. Over the three days, the Dangerous Decibels programme was carried out in classrooms to educate students on the dangers of excessive noise exposure and ways to protect their hearing. Importantly, the programme aimed to raise the awareness of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) and encourage desirable hearing practices among the youths of Singapore.

The effectiveness of the Dangerous Decibels programme was assessed using pre- and post-event surveys. Overall, the program saw improvements in all three domains of Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviours (refer to survey report below) after the sessions. Specifically, survey results revealed a 53% increase in knowledge regarding the permanent nature of NIHL. In addition, a positive change in attitude was observed when 75% of participants opted for hearing protection in noisy environments after the programme, as compared to a mere 33% before the programme. Finally, majority of students were likely to continue practicing good hearing habits even in the face of peer pressure. Students were pleased to report that their objectives of raising awareness on NIHL and instilling positive hearing practices were met through this outreach programme.