Hey everyone! Hope you guys are doing well but congrats on almost completing the semester! Before we move onto preparations for our final examinations, I really wanted to address this problem in what may be my final blog post! Plant… Continue Reading →
Hello everyone! In the last post, we discussed the good that came out of the pandemic for the wildlife trade. This time, we’ll be looking at the negative impacts. Honestly, prior to my research, I really thought the pandemic was… Continue Reading →
For many of us, 2020 has been a roller coaster of a year from the Australian bushfires at the start of the year to the current ongoing pandemic. Our lives have all been impacted by the pandemic one way or… Continue Reading →
Hello everyone! Hope everyone is doing well amidst all the submissions. Today, we’ll be looking into the laws and enforcement put into place to combat the illegal wildlife trade. I bet some of you are thinking if it’s illegal shouldn’t… Continue Reading →
Hello everyone! After my post last week, Dr. Coleman implored me to explore whether wildlife specimens and parts are truly sold online! This started my journey into various search engines. I searched the keywords (“wildlife”, “ivory”, “rhino”, “tiger”, “exotic pets”,… Continue Reading →
In this digital age, I’m sure many of us have been on social media! In fact, it may even be a big part of our lives. I don’t think I can live without Instagram and/or Facebook anymore, do you guys… Continue Reading →
Hey guys! Congrats! We survived mid-terms week! This week, I actually had the privilege to attend one of Prof Frank’s lab meetings and one of the topics we discussed was conservation genetics, which sparked my interest to actually address this… Continue Reading →
Hi everyone! After showing a glimpse of the species that are often illegally traded, I will be discussing who are some of the stakeholders involved. Previously, I surveyed 60 young adults aged 18 to 30. The majority (76.7%) of whom… Continue Reading →
Hello everyone! When I was first thinking of what to write in my next post, I wanted to target a species that was a little closer to home. Singapore, as one of the major transit hubs, tends to have many… Continue Reading →
When we think about birds in Singapore, one of the species that comes to mind is our very own iconic Oriental pied hornbill Anthracoceros albirostris. Did you know that we used to have other hornbills as well? One of the… Continue Reading →
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