Selected Journal Publications
* as corresponding author
On modeling of powder dynamics (powder spreading/feeding and spattering) in AM process
[9] Zeshi Yang, Yanming Zhang, Wentao Yan*, High-fidelity modeling of binder-powder interactions in binder jetting: binder flow and powder dynamics, Acta Materialia, 2023.119298
[8] Lu Wang, Shuhao Wang, Yanming Zhang, Wentao Yan*, Multi-phase flow simulation of powder streaming in laser-based directed energy deposition process, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023. 124240
[7] Hui Chen, Tan Cheng, Zhongwei Li, Qingsong Wei*, Wentao Yan*, Is high-speed powder spreading really unfavourable for the part quality of laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing? Acta Materialia. 2022. 117901
[6] Hui Chen, Yingjie Zhang, Amanda Giam, Wentao Yan*, Experimental and computational study on thermal and fluid behaviours of powder layer during selective laser melting additive manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing. 2022. 102645
[5] Hui Chen, Wei Zhu, Haibin Tang, Wentao Yan*, Oriented structure of short fiber reinforced polymer composites processed by selective laser sintering: the role of powder-spreading process, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2021. 163: 103703
[4] Hui Chen, Tan Cheng, Qingsong Wei, Wentao Yan*, Dynamics of short fiber/polymer composite particles in paving process of additive manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing. 2021. 102246
[3] Hui Chen, Yuxiang Chen, Yin Liu, Qingsong Wei*, Yusheng Shi, Wentao Yan*, Packing quality of powder layer during counter-rolling-type powder spreading process in additive manufacturing, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2020. 153: 103553 (ESI Top 1% highly cited)
[2] Hui Chen, Wentao Yan*, Spattering and denudation in laser powder bed fusion process: Multiphase flow modelling, Acta Materialia. 2020. 196: 154-167
[1] Hui Chen, Qingsong Wei, Yingjie Zhang, Fan Chen, Yusheng Shi, Wentao Yan*, Deposition mechanisms of powder-spreading process of powder bed-based additive manufacturing: experiments and particulate scale simulations, Acta Materialia. 2019. 179: 158-171
On modeling of molten pool dynamics in AM process
[13] Lu Wang, Zixu Guo, Guochen Peng, Shiwei Wu, Yanming Zhang, Wentao Yan*, Evaporation-induced composition evolution in metal additive manufacturing, Advanced Functional Materials, 2024. 2412071
[12] Hou Yi Chia, Yanming Zhang, Lu Wang, Wentao Yan*, Unveiling gas–liquid metal reactions in metal additive manufacturing: High-fidelity modeling validated with experiments, Acta Materialia, 2024. 120029
[11] Hou Yi Chia, Lu Wang, Wentao Yan*, Influence of oxygen content on melt pool dynamics in metal additive manufacturing: high-fidelity modeling with experimental validation, Acta Materialia, 2023. 118824
[10] Yanming Zhang, Yefeng Yu, Lu Wang, Yang Li, Feng Lin, Wentao Yan*, Dispersion of reinforcing micro-particles in the powder bed fusion additive manufacturing of metal matrix composites. Acta Materialia, 2022: 118086
[9] Zhichao Yang, Shuhao Wang, Lida Zhu*, Bo Xin, Wentao Yan*, Manipulating molten pool dynamics during metal 3D printing by ultrasound, Applied Physics Reviews. 2022. 9(2): 021416
[8] Lu Wang, Yanming Zhang, Hou Yi Chia, Wentao Yan*, Mechanism of the keyhole pore formation during metal additive manufacturing, npj Computational Materials, 2022. 8. 22 (ESI Top 1% highly cited)
[7] Dafan Du, Lu Wang, Anping Dong*, Wentao Yan*, Guoliang Zhu, Baode Sun, Promoting the densification and grain refinement with assistance of static magnetic field in laser powder bed fusion, International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture, 2022. 183: 103965
[6] Shuhao Wang, Lida Zhu, Yichao Dun, Jerry Fuh, Wentao Yan*, Multi-physics modeling of direct energy deposition process of thin-walled structures: defect analysis, Computational Mechanics, 2021. 67:1229-1242
[5] Lu Wang, Wentao Yan*, Thermoelectric magnetohydrodynamic model for laser-based metal additive manufacturing, Physical Review Applied. 2021. 064039
[4] Lu Wang, Yanming Zhang, Wentao Yan*, Evaporation model for keyhole dynamics during additive manufacturing of metal, Physical Review Applied. 2020. 14, 064039
[3] S. M. H. Hojjatzadeh, N. D. Parab, Wentao Yan, Qilin Guo, Lianghua Xiong, Cang Zhao, Luis I. Escano, Minglei Qu, Xianghui Xiao, Kamel Fezzaa, Wes Everhart, Tao Sun, Lianyi Chen. Pore elimination mechanisms during 3D printing of metals. Nature Communications. 2019;10(1):3088. (ESI Top 1% highly cited)
[2] Wentao Yan, Wenjun Ge, Ya Qian, Stephen Lin, Gregory Wagner, Feng Lin, Wing Kam Liu, Multi-physics modeling of single/multiple-track defect mechanisms in Electron Beam Selective Melting, Acta Materialia, 2017. 134:324-333
[1] Wentao Yan, Wenjun Ge, Jacob Smith, Stephen Lin, Orion Kafka, Feng Lin, Wing Kam Liu, Multiscale modeling of electron beam melting of functionally graded materials, Acta Materialia, 2016. 115: 403-412
On modeling of micro-structure evolution
[8] Shiwei Wu, Hou Yi Chia, Tianlong Zhang, Yuefei Jia, Yongkun Mu, Qing Zhang, Yung Zhen Lek, Daijun Hu, Lei Fan, Wentao Yan*, A precipitation-strengthened high-entropy alloy with high (Al+Ti) content for laser powder bed fusion: Synergizing intrinsic hot-cracking resistance and ultrahigh strength, Acta Materialia, 2023. 119193
[7] Lu Wang, Qilin Guo, Lianyi Chen*, Wentao Yan*, In-situ experimental and high-fidelity modelling tools to advance understanding of metal additive manufacturing, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2023. 104077
[6] Yefeng Yu, Lu Wang, Hongxin Li, Jun Zhou, Wentao Yan*, Feng Lin*, Impact of fluid flow on the dendrite growth and the formation of new grains in additive manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing. 2022. 55: 102832
[5] Min Yang, Lu Wang, Wentao Yan*, Phase-field modeling of grain evolutions in additive manufacturing from nucleation, growth, to coarsening. npj Computational Materials, 2021. 7:56
[4] Min Yang, Lu Wang, Wentao Yan*, Phase-field study on grain evolution in additive manufacturing with addition of reinforced particles, Additive Manufacturing. 2021. 47:102286
[3] Yefeng Yu, Yang Li, Feng Lin, Wentao Yan*, A Multi-grid Cellular Automaton model for simulating dendrite growth, Additive Manufacturing. 2021. 47:102284
[2] Yefeng Yu, Mohammad Saleh Kenevisi, Wentao Yan*, Feng Lin*. Modeling precipitation process of Al-Cu alloy in Electron Beam Selective Melting with a 3D Cellular Automaton model, Additive Manufacturing. 2020. 1001423
[1] Yefeng Yu, Wentao Yan*, Feng Lin*, Understanding the formation process of shrinkage pores with a 3D dendrite growth model: from casting to additive manufacturing, Computational Mechanics. 2022. 69: 133-149
On modeling of mechanical properties and thermal stresses
[10] Daijun Hu, Nicolò Grilli,Wentao Yan*, From process to property: multi-physics modeling of dislocation dynamics and microscale damage in metal additive manufacturing. Computational Mechanics, 2024. 1:21.
[9] Daijun Hu, Zixu Guo, Nicolò Grilli, Aloysius Tay, Zhen Lu, Wentao Yan*, Understanding the strain localization in additively manufactured materials: Micro-scale tensile tests and crystal plasticity modeling. International Journal of Plasticity, 2024(177): 103981.
[8] Daijun Hu, Nicolo Grilli, Wentao Yan*, Dislocation structures formation induced by thermal stress in additive manufacturing: multiscale crystal plasticity modelling of dislocation transport, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2023. 173: 105235
[7] Daijun Hu, Nicolo Grilli, Lu Wang, Min Yang, Wentao Yan*, Microscale residual stress in additively manufactured stainless steel: computational simulation, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2022, 104822
[6] Nocolo Grilli, Daijun Hu, Dewen Yushu, Fan Chen, Wentao Yan*, Crystal plasticity model of residual stress in additive manufacturing using the element elimination and reactivation method, Computational Mechanics. 2022. 69: 825–845
[5] Haibin Tang, Haijun Huang, Changyong Liu, Wentao Yan*, Multi-Scale Modelling of Structure-property Relationship in Additively Manufactured Metallic, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2020. 194, 106185
[4] Zan Li^, Yinan Cui^, Wentao Yan^, Di Zhang, Yan Fang, Yujie Chen, Qian Yu, Ge Wang, Heng Ouyang, Fan Chen, Qiang Guo, Ding-Bang Xiong, Shenbao Jin, Gang Sha, Nasr Ghoniem, Ze Zhang, Morris Wang, Enhanced strengthening and hardening via self-stabilized dislocation network in additively manufactured metals, Materials Today, 2021. 50: 79-88
[3] Ge Wang, Heng Ouyang, Fan Chen, Qiang Guo, Zhiqiang Li, Wentao Yan*, Zan Li*. The origin of high-density dislocations in additively manufactured metals, Materials Research Letters, 2020. 8:8, 283-290 (2022 MRL Impact Award)
[2] Fan Chen, Wentao Yan*, High-fidelity Modelling of thermal stress for additive manufacturing by linking thermal-fluid and mechanical models, Materials & Design. 2020. 109185
[1] Wentao Yan^, Yanping Lian^, Cheng Yu^, Orion Kafka^, Zeliang Liu, Wing Kam Liu, Gregory Wagner, An integrated Process-Structure-Property modeling framework for additive manufacturing. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018. 339: 184-204
On data-driven modeling
[6] Jianzhao Wu, Chaoyong Zhang, Amanda Giam, Hou Yi Chia, Wenjun Ge, Wentao Yan, Physics-assisted transfer learning metamodels to predict bead geometry and carbon emission in laser butt welding, Applied Energy, 2024. 359: 122682
[5] Ziyuan Xie, Fan Chen, Lu Wang, Wenjun Ge, Wentao Yan, Data-driven prediction of keyhole features in metal additive manufacturing based on physics-based simulation, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2023
[4] Amanda Giam, Jiaxiang Cai, Fan Chen, Zhisheng Ye*, Wentao Yan*, Factorial Design Analytics on Effects of Material Parameter Uncertainties in Multiphysics Modeling of Additive Manufacturing, npj Computational Materials, 2023. 9: 51
[3] Fan Chen, Min Yang, Wentao Yan*, Data-driven prognostic model for temperature field in additive manufacturing based on the high-fidelity thermal-fluid flow simulation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022. 392: 114652
[2] Shuhao Wang, Lida Zhu, Jerry Fuh, Haiquan Zhang, Wentao Yan*. Multi-physics modeling and Gaussian process regression analysis of cladding track geometry for direct energy deposition. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2020. 127: 105950
[1] Wentao Yan*, Yan Lu, Kevontrez Jones, Zhuo Yang, Jason Fox, Paul Witherell, Gregory Wagner, Wing Kam Liu*, Data-driven characterization of computational models for powder-bed-fusion additive manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing. 2020. 101503
On additive manufacturing of composites and polymers
[8] Haifeng Zhang, Fanghua Ye, Fei Chen, Wenjun Yuan∗, Wentao Yan*, Numerical investigation on the viscoelastic polymer flow in material extrusion additive manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing. 2024. 103992
[7] Shuai Chang, Yu Zhang, Bangmin Zhang, Xun Cao, Lei Zhang, Xiaolei Huang, Wanheng Lu, Chun Yee Aaron Ong, Shuang Yuan, Chaojiang Li, Yizhong Huang, Kaiyang Zeng, Liqun Li, Wentao Yan*, Jun Ding*, Conductivity Modulation of 3D-printed Shellular Electrodes through Embedding Nanocrystalline Intermetallics into Amorphous Matrix for Ultrahigh-current Oxygen Evolution, Advanced Energy Materials, 2021. 2100968
[6] Zhihe Yang, Zeshi Yang, Hui Chen, Wentao Yan*, 3D printing of short fiber reinforced composites via material extrusion: fiber breakage, Additive Manufacturing. 2022. 103067
[5] Gwendolyn Lim, Zeshi Yang, Yi Hou, Pon Janani Sugumaran, Zhi Qiao, Jun Ding, Wentao Yan*, Yong Yang*, Direct Ink Writing for High Efficiency Microwave Attenuation with Nanofibers Alignment, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2022. 14, 27: 31267-31276
[4] Bingkun Zou, Lei Wang, Yanming Zhang, Yang Liu, Qiubao Ouyang, Shenbao Jin, Di Zhang, Wentao Yan*, Zan Li*, Enhanced strength and ductility of metal composites with intragranularly dispersed reinforcements by additive manufacturing, Materials Research Letters, 2022. 11 (5): 360-366
[3] Ge Wang^, Yanming Zhang^, Bingkun Zou^, Yang Liu, Shiqi Zheng, Xiaochun Li, Wentao Yan*, Zan Li*, Y. Morris Wang*, Enhanced plasticity due to melt pool flow induced uniform dispersion of reinforcing particles in additively manufactured metallic composites, International Journal of Plasticity, 2023.164: 103591
[2] Haibin Tang, Qingping Sun, Ziang Li, Xuming Su, Wentao Yan*, Longitudinal Compression Failure of 3D Printed Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites: An Experimental and Computational Study, Composites Part A, 2021. 146:106416
[1] Haibin Tang, Hui Chen, Qingping Sun, Zhangxing Chen, Wentao Yan*, Computational and Experimental Analysis of Tensile Failure Behavior in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites Fabricated by Selective Laser Sintering, Composites Part B. 2021. 204, 108499
On applying additive manufacturing and computational models to heat exchangers
[3] Jiuxin Ning, Xiaodong Wang*, Hailong Huang, Shuhao Wang, Wentao Yan*, Topology optimized novel additively manufactured heat sink: experiments and numerical simulations, Energy Conversion and Management, 2023. 286: 117024
[2] Jiuxin Ning, Xiaodong Wang, Yajing Sun, Chenggang Zheng, Shengwu Zhang, Xi Zhao, Changyong Liu*, Wentao Yan*, Experimental and numerical investigation of additively manufactured novel compact plate-fin heat exchanger, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022. 190: 122818
[1] Yajing Sun, Pengcheng Zhai, Jiuxin Ning, Chenggang Zheng, Shengwu Zhang, Xi Zhao, Changyong Liu, Wentao Yan*, An integrated system of thermoelectric modules and 3D-printed sinusoidal-corrugated spiral-plate heat exchanger, Energy Conversion and Management, 2022. 267, 115885
Comprehensive Journal Publications
Since Joining NUS
[119] Qingchen Deng, Fan Chen, Lu Wang, Ziyi Liu, Qianye Wu, Zhiyu Chang, Yujuan Wu*, Wentao Yan*, Liming Peng, Wenjiang Ding, Exceptional strength paired with increased cold cracking susceptibility in laser powder bed fusion of a Mg-RE alloy, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2025(213). 300-314
[118] Zhonglin Shen, Haijun Su, Minghui Yu, Yang Cao, Yinuo Guo, Hao Jiang, Yuan Liu, Xiang Li, Dong Dong, Peixin Yang, Zhuo Zhang, Min Guo, Wentao Yan, Unveiling exotic multi-scale microstructure transformation and crack formation mechanisms in eutectic ceramic composite by laser powder bed fusion, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2025(288). 111883
[117] Daijun Hu, Nicolò Grilli,Wentao Yan*, From process to property: multi-physics modeling of dislocation dynamics and microscale damage in metal additive manufacturing. Computational Mechanics, 2024. 1:21.
[116] Lu Wang, Zixu Guo, Guochen Peng, Shiwei Wu, Yanming Zhang, Wentao Yan*, Evaporation-induced composition evolution in metal additive manufacturing, Advanced Functional Materials, 2024. 2412071
[115] Shixiang Zhou, Yijing Zhao, Kaixi Zhang, Yanran Xun, Xueyu Tao, Wentao Yan, Wei Zhai, Jun Ding, Impact-resistant supercapacitor by hydrogel-infused lattice, Nature Communications, 2024(15). 6481
[114] Weinian Guo, Liting Yang, Ping Xu, Shaoying Li, Wentao Yan, Zhongling Shen, Shuguang Yao, Chengxing Yang, Crashworthiness analysis of okra biomimetic corrugated multi-cellular structure, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024(280). 109459
[113] Shi Dai, Daijun Hu, Nicolò Grilli*, Shaohua Zou, Zichen Deng*, Wentao Yan*, Anisotropic and high-temperature deformation behavior of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg: Experiments and microscale modeling, Additive Manufacturing, 2024(89). 104285
[112] Yunlong Li, Xin Lin*, Zhanyong Zhao, Wentao Yan*, Jun Yu, Peikang Bai, Investigation on the composite effect of Zr and Cr on oxidation behavior and fracture toughness of Nb-Ti-Si-based alloys manufactured by directed energy deposition, Materials Characterization, 2024(214). 114078
[111] Zhaoyang Hu, Wentao Yan*, Data-driven modeling of process-structure-property relationships in metal additive manufacturing, npj Advanced Manufacturing, 2024(1). 3
[110] Shahryar Mooraj, Xizhen Dong, Shengbiao Zhang, Yanming Zhang, Jie Ren, Shuai Guan, Chenyang Li, Rameshwari Naorem, Nicolas Argibay, Wei Chen, Wentao Yan, Dierk Raabe, Zhongji Sun, Wen Chen, Crack mitigation in additively manufactured AlCrFe2Ni2 high-entropy alloys through engineering phase transformation pathway, Communications Materials, 2024(5). 101
[109] Hou Yi Chia, Yanming Zhang, Lu Wang, Wentao Yan*, Unveiling gas–liquid metal reactions in metal additive manufacturing: High-fidelity modeling validated with experiments, Acta Materialia, 2024(275). 120029
[108] Jianying Wang, Hailin Yang, Zhilin Liu, Lei Fan, Wentao Yan, Dong Qiu, M.W. Fu, Compositional regulation in additive manufacturing of precipitation-hardening (CoCrNi)94Ti3Al3 medium-entropy superalloy: Cellular structure stabilization and strength enhancement. Composite Part B: Engineering, 2024(281): 111570.
[107] Daijun Hu, Zixu Guo, Nicolò Grilli, Aloysius Tay, Zhen Lu, Wentao Yan*, Understanding the strain localization in additively manufactured materials: Micro-scale tensile tests and crystal plasticity modeling. International Journal of Plasticity, 2024(177): 103981.
[106] Zixu Guo, Ziyuan Song, Haohao Liu, Daijun Hu, Dawei Huang, Xiaojun Yan*, Wentao Yan*, A dislocation-based damage-coupled constitutive model for single crystal superalloy: Unveiling the effect of secondary orientation on creep life of circular hole. International Journal of Plasticity, 2024(173): 103874.
[105] Shixiang Zhou, Yijing Zhao, Yanran Xun, Zhicheng Wei, Yong Yang, Wentao Yan, Jun Ding, Programmable and modularized gas sensor integrated by 3D printing. Chemical Reviews, 2024(124): 3608–3643.
[104] Yinghang Liu, Zhe Song, Yi Guo, Gaoming Zhu, Yunhao Fan, Huamiao Wang, Wentao Yan, Xiaoqin Zeng, Leyun Wang, Simultaneously enhancing strength and ductility of LPBF Ti alloy via trace Y2O3 nanoparticle addition. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2024(191): 146-156.
[103] Jianzhao Wu, Chaoyong Zhang, Amanda Giam, Hou Yi Chia, Huajun Cao, Wenjun Ge, Wentao Yan, Physics-assisted transfer learning metamodels to predict bead geometry and carbon emission in laser butt welding. Applied Energy, 2024(359): 122682.
[102] Haifeng Zhang, Fanghua Ye, Fei Chen, Wenjun Yuan*, Wentao Yan*, Numerical investigation on the viscoelastic polymer flow in material extrusion additive manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing, 2024: 103992.
[101] Changyong Liu*, Chenggang Zheng, Shengwu Zhang, Yang Liu, Qi Cheng, Zhiyuan Liu, Zhangwei Chen, Liang-Han Chien*, Wentao Yan*, Machine learning-assisted high precision predictive modelling of convective heat transfer in fluid channels fabricated by laser powder bed fusion. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2024(197): 108826.
[100] Lu Wang, Qilin Guo, Lianyi Chen*, Wentao Yan*, In-situ experimental and high-fidelity modelling tools to advance understanding of metal additive manufacturing. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2023: 104077.
[99] Wenchao Ke, Wentao Yan, JP Oliveira, Bowen Pang, Long Chen, Yiming Wu, FB Teshome, Jiajia Shen, Liwei Wang, Caiwang Tan, Bei Peng, Xiaoguo Song, Zhi Zeng, Thermal-fluid behavior, microstructure and mechanical properties in liquid bridge transfer mode during directed energy deposition-arc additive manufacturing – Insights using NiTi as a model alloy. Additive Manufacturing, 2023:103807.
[98] Jie Gao, Xiaofei Cao, Mi Xiao, Zhiqiang Yang, Xiaoqiang Zhou, Ying Li, Liang Gao, Wentao Yan, Timon Rabczuk, Yiu-Wing Mai, Rational designs of mechanical metamaterials: Formulations, architectures, tessellations and prospects. Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports, 2023(156): 100775.
[97] Zixin Liu, Yongqiang Yang*, Di Wang, Ziyu Chen, Wentao Yan*, Correlation between the scan strategy, residing spatter distribution, and parts quality in laser powder bed fusion. Materials & Design, 2023: 112317.
[96] Zeshi Yang, Yanming Zhang, Wentao Yan*. High-fidelity modeling of binder-powder interactions in binder jetting: Binder flow and powder dynamics. Acta Materialia, 2023:119298.
[95] Yinchuan Wang, Lu Wang, Dazhi Liu, Bozun Miao, Han Wu, Jia Pei, Wentao Yan*, Guangyin Yuan*. Mechanisms of processing map difference between laser powder bed fusion of Mg solid cubes and lattice structures. Additive Manufacturing, 2023:103773.
[94] Shiwei Wu, Hou Yi Chia, Tianlong Zhang, Yuefei Jia, Yongkun Mu, Qing Zhang, Yung Zhen Lek, Daijun Hu, Lei Fan, Wentao Yan*. A precipitation-strengthened high-entropy alloy with high (Al+ Ti) content for laser powder bed fusion: Synergizing intrinsic hot-cracking resistance and ultrahigh strength. Acta Materialia, 2023:119193.
[93] Lu Wang, Shuhao Wang, Yanming Zhang, Wentao Yan*. Multi-phase flow simulation of powder streaming in laser-based directed energy deposition. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023 (212): 124240.
[92] Jiuxin Ning, Xiaodong Wang*, Hailong Huang, Shuhao Wang, Wentao Yan*. Topology optimized novel additively manufactured heat sink: Experiments and numerical simulations. Energy Conversion and Management, 2023 (286): 117024.
[91] Ge Wang^, Yanming Zhang^, Bingkun Zou^, Yang Liu, Shiqi Zheng, Xiaochun Li, Wentao Yan*, Zan Li*, Y Morris Wang*, Enhanced plasticity due to melt pool flow induced uniform dispersion of reinforcing particles in additively manufactured metallic composites. International Journal of Plasticity, 2023 (164): 103591.
[90] Ziyuan Xie, Fan Chen, Lu Wang, Wenjun Ge, Wentao Yan, Data-driven prediction of keyhole features in metal additive manufacturing based on physics-based simulation. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2023.
[89] Hou Yi Chia, Lu Wang, Wentao Yan*, Influence of oxygen content on melt pool dynamics in metal additive manufacturing: High-fidelity modeling with experimental validation. Acta Materialia, 2023:118824.
[88] Yuefei Jia, Shiwei Wu, Yongkun Mu, Long Xu, Chang Ren, Kang Sun, Jun Yi, Yandong Jia, Wentao Yan, Gang Wang, Efficient coarse‐Grained superplasticity of a gigapascal lightweight refractory medium entropy alloy. Advanced Science, 2023.
[87] Yuefei Jia, Chang Ren, Shiwei Wu, Yongkun Mu, Long Xu, Yandong Jia, Wentao Yan, Jun Yi, Gang Wang, Multistage strain-hardening behavior of ultrastrong and ductile lightweight refractory complex-concentrated alloys. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2023.
[86] Daijun Hu, Nicolò Grilli, Wentao Yan*, Dislocation structures formation induced by thermal stress in additive manufacturing: Multiscale crystal plasticity modeling of dislocation transport. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2023: 105235.
[85] Wenchao Ke, Zhi Zeng*, JP Oliveira, Bei Peng, Jiajia Shen, Caiwang Tan, Xiaoguo Song, Wentao Yan*, Heat transfer and melt flow of keyhole, transition and conduction modes in laser beam oscillating welding. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 203: 123821.
[84] Bingkun Zou, Lei Wang, Yanming Zhang, Yang Liu, Qiubao Ouyang, Shenbao Jin, Di Zhang, Wentao Yan*, Zan Li*, Enhanced strength and ductility of metal composites with intragranularly dispersed reinforcements by additive manufacturing. Materials Research Letters, 2023, 11(5): 360-366.
[83] Hou Yi Chia, Jianzhao Wu, Xinzhi Wang, Wentao Yan*, Process parameter optimization of metal additive manufacturing: a review and outlook. Journal of Materials Informatics, 2022, 2(4): 16.
[82] Zhihe Yang, Zeshi Yang, Hui Chen, Wentao Yan*, 3D printing of short fiber reinforced composites via material extrusion: Fiber breakage. Additive Manufacturing, 2022(58): 103067
[81] Dafan Du, Lu Wang, Anping Dong*, Wentao Yan*, Guoliang Zhu, Baode Sun, Promoting the densification and grain refinement with assistance of static magnetic field in laser powder bed fusion. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2022, 183: 103965.
[80] Shuhao Wang, Jinsheng Ning, Lida Zhu, Zhichao Yang, Wentao Yan, Yichao Dun, Pengsheng Xue, Peihua Xu, Susmita Bose, Amit Bandyopadhyay, Role of porosity defects in metal 3D printing: Formation mechanisms, impacts on properties and mitigation strategies. Materials Today, 2022.
[79] Yinghong Yu, Xiyue Cui, Zhihong Liang, Xinlin Qing*, Wentao Yan*, Monitoring of three-dimensional resin flow front using hybrid piezoelectric-fiber sensor network in a liquid composite molding process. Composites Science and Technology, 2022: 109712.
[78] Ziyou Yang, Hui Fang, Kangning Jin, Jingshan He, Wenjun Ge, Wentao Yan, Modeling of microstructure evolution coupled with molten pool oscillation during electron beam welding of an Al-Cu alloy. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022(189): 122735
[77] Yanming Zhang, Yefeng Yu, Lu Wang, Yang Li, Feng Lin, Wentao Yan*, Dispersion of reinforcing micro-particles in the powder bed fusion additive manufacturing of metal matrix composites. Acta Materialia, 2022: 118086
[76] Gwendolyn Lim, Zeshi Yang, Yi Hou, Pon Janani Sugumaran, Zhi Qiao, Jun Ding, Wentao Yan*, Yong Yang*, Direct Ink Writing for High Efficiency Microwave Attenuation with Nanofibers Alignment, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2022
[75] Yingjie Zhang, Wentao Yan, Xiaojun Peng, Zhangdong Chen, Zimeng Jiang, Di Wang. Investigation into the optical emission of features for powder-bed fusion AM process monitoring, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2022
[74] Yajing Sun, Pengcheng Zhai, Jiuxin Ning, Chenggang Zheng, Shengwu Zhang, Xi Zhao, Changyong Liu, Wentao Yan*, An integrated system of thermoelectric modules and 3D-printed sinusoidal-corrugated spiral-plate heat exchanger, Energy Conversion and Management, 2022. 267, 115885
[73] Yingjie Zhang, Wentao Yan*, Applications of machine learning in metal powder-bed fusion process monitoring and control: status and challenges, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 2022
[72] Zhichao Yang, Shuhao Wang, Lida Zhu*, Bo Xin, Wentao Yan*, Manipulating molten pool dynamics during metal 3D printing by ultrasound, Applied Physical Reviews. 2022. 9(2): 021416
[71] Yefeng Yu, Lu Wang, Hongxin Li, Jun Zhou, Wentao Yan*, Feng Lin*, Impact of fluid flow on the dendrite growth and possible CET in additive manufacturing: numerical modeling, Additive Manufacturing. 2022. 55: 102832
[70] Daijun Hu, Nicolò Grilli, Lu Wang, Min Yang, Wentao Yan*, Microscale residual stresses in additively manufactured stainless steel: Computational simulation, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2022: 104822.
[69] Sheng Zhang, Minglu Ding, Lu Wang, Wenjun Ge, Wentao Yan, Laser powder bed fusion of diamond/N6 MMCs enabled by Ni-Ti coated diamond particles. Materials & Design, 2022: 110635
[68] Hui Chen, Tan Cheng, Zhongwei Li, Qingsong Wei*, Wentao Yan*, Is high-speed powder spreading really unfavourable for the part quality of laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing?, Acta Materialia, 2022. 117901
[67] Hui Chen, Yajing Sun, Weihao Yuan, Shengyong Pang, Wentao Yan*, Yusheng Shi, A Review on Discrete Element Method Simulation in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers. 2022, 1(1): 100017
[66] Jiuxin Ning, Xiaodong Wang, Yajing Sun, Chenggang Zheng, Shengwu Zhang, Xi Zhao, Changyong Liu*, Wentao Yan*, Experimental and numerical investigation of additively manufactured novel compact plate-fin heat exchanger, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022. 190: 122818
[65] Ziyou Yang, Hui Fang, Kangning Jin, Jingshan He, Wenjun Ge*, Wentao Yan, Modeling of microstructure evolution coupled with molten pool oscillation during electron beam welding of an Al-Cu alloy, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022. 189: 122735
[64] Lin He, Shiwei Wu, Anping Dong, Haibin Tang, Dafan Du, Baode Sun, Wentao Yan*, Selective Laser Melting of Dense and Crack-free AlCoCrFeNi2.1 Eutectic High Entropy Alloy: synergizing strength and ductility, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022. 117: 133-145
[63] Hui Chen, Yingjie Zhang, Amanda Giam, Wentao Yan*, Experimental and computational study on thermal and fluid behaviours of powder layer during selective laser melting additive manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, 2022: 102645.
[62] Fan Chen, Min Yang, Wentao Yan*, Data-driven prognostic model for temperature field in additive manufacturing based on the high-fidelity thermal-fluid flow simulation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022.
[61] Lu Wang, Yanming Zhang, Hou Yi Chia, Wentao Yan*, Mechanism of the keyhole pore formation during metal additive manufacturing, npj Computational Materials, 2021.
[60] Yingjie Zhang, Wentao Yan, Geok-Soon Hong, Jerry Ying Hsi Fuh, Di Wang, Xin Lin, Dongsen Ye, Data fusion analysis in the powder-bed fusion AM process monitoring by Dempster-Shafer evidence theory, Rapid Prototyping Journal. 2021.
[59] Hui Chen, Wentao Yan*, Dynamic behaviours of powder particles in selective laser melting additive manufacturing, Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2021. 53(12): 1-11 (invited paper in Chinese)
[58] Nicolò Grilli, Daijun Hu, Dewen Yushu, Fan Chen, Wentao Yan*, Crystal plasticity model of residual stress in additive manufacturing using the element elimination and reactivation method, Computational Mechanics. 2021.
[57] Yunlong Li, Xin Lin*, Yunlong Hu, Wentao Yan*, Jerry Ying Hsi Fuh, Hongbiao Dong, Weidong Huang, Precipitation behavior of Nb-Si-based in-situ composite manufactured by laser directed energy deposition, Scripta Materialia. 2022 (207): 114288.
[56] Min Yang, Lu Wang, Wentao Yan*, Phase-field modeling of grain evolution in additive manufacturing with addition of reinforcing particles, Additive Manufacturing. 2021 (47): 102286.
[55] Haijun Huang, LingQin, Haibin Tang, Da Shu*, Wentao Yan*, Baode Sun, Jiawei Mi*, Ultrasound cavitation induced nucleation in metal solidification: an analytical model and validation, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2021: 105832.
[54] Yefeng Yu, Wentao Yan*, Feng Lin*, Understanding the formation process of shrinkage pores with a 3D dendrite growth model: from casting to additive manufacturing, Computational Mechanics. 2022 (69): 133-149
[53] Yefeng Yu, Yang Li, Feng Lin*, Wentao Yan*, A multi-grid Cellular Automaton model for simulating dendrite growth, Additive Manufacturing. 2021 (47): 102284
[52] Hui Chen, Tan Cheng, Qingsong Wei, Wentao Yan*, Dynamics of short fiber/polymer composite particles in paving process of additive manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing. 2021: 102246.
[51] Zan Li^, Yinan Cui^, Wentao Yan^, Di Zhang, Yan Fang, Yujie Chen, Qian Yu, Ge Wang, Heng Ouyang, Chen Fan, Qiang Guo, Ding-Bang Xiong, Shenbao Jin, Gang Sha, Nasr Ghoniem, Ze Zhang, Y Morris Wang, Enhanced strengthening and hardening via self-stabilized dislocation network in additively manufactured metals, Materials Today. 2021(50): 79-88.
[50] Lu Wang, Wentao Yan*, A thermoelectric magnetohydrodynamics model for laser based metal additive manufacturing, Physical Review Applied. 2021 (15): 064051.
[49] Shuai Chang, Yu Zhang, Bangmin Zhang, Xun Cao, Lei Zhang, Xiaolei Huang*, Wanheng Lu, Chun Yee Aaron Ong, Shuang Yuan, Chaojiang Li, Yizhong Huang, Kaiyang Zeng, Liqun Li, Wentao Yan,* Jun Ding*, Conductivity Modulation of 3D-printed Shellular Electrodes through Embedding Nanocrystalline Intermetallics into Amorphous Matrix for Ultrahigh-current Oxygen Evolution, Advanced Energy Materials, 2021
[48] Yicheng Han, Lu Wang, Wentao Yan*, Numerical modeling of laser powder bed fusion of metallic glasses: prediction of crystallization, Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics, 2021.
[47] Haibin Tang, Qingping Sun, Ziang Li, Xuming Su, Wentao Yan*, Longitudinal Compression Failure of 3D Printed Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites: AnExperimental and Computational Study, Composites Part A, 2021. 146:106416
[46] Min Yang, Lu Wang, Wentao Yan*, Phase-field modeling of grain evolutions in additive manufacturing from nucleation, growth, to coarsening, npj Computational Materials, 2021. 7:56
[45] Shuhao Wang, Lida Zhu, Yichao Dun, Jerry Fuh, Wentao Yan*, Multi-physics modeling of direct energy deposition process of thin-walled structures: defect analysis, Computational Mechanics, 2021. 67:1229-1242
[44] Hui Chen, Wei Zhu, Haibin Tang, Wentao Yan*, Oriented structure of short fiber reinforced polymer composites processed by selective laser sintering: the role of powder-spreading process, International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture, 2021. 163: 103703
[43] Feiyu Xiong, Chenyang Huang, Orion L. Kafka, Yanping Lian, Wentao Yan, Mingji Chen, Daining Fang, Grain growth prediction in selective electron beam melting of Ti-6Al-4V with a cellular automaton method, Materials & Design. 2021. 199: 109410
[42] Haibin Tang, Haijun Huang, Changyong Liu, Wentao Yan*, Multi-Scale modelling of structure-property relationship in additively manufactured metallic materials, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2020. 194, 106185
[41] Lu Wang, Yanming Zhang, Wentao Yan*, Evaporation Model for Keyhole Dynamics during additive manufacturing of metal, Physical Review Applied. 2020. 14, 064039
[40] Haibin Tang, Hui Chen, Qingping Sun, Zhangxing Chen, Wentao Yan*, Computational and Experimental Analysis of Tensile Failure Behavior in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites Fabricated by Selective Laser Sintering, Composites Part B. 2020. 204: 108499
[39] Fan Chen, Wentao Yan*, High-fidelity Modelling of thermal stress for additive manufacturing by linking thermal-fluid and mechanical models, Materials & Design. 2020. 109185
[38] Haibin Tang, Zhangxing Chen, Hongyi Xu, Zhao Liu, Qingping Sun, Guowei Zhou, Wentao Yan, Weijian Han, Xuming Su, Computational Micromechanics Model based Failure Criteria for Chopped Carbon Fiber Sheet Molding Compound Composites, Composites Science and Technology. 2020 108400
[37] Wentao Yan*, Weixin Ma, Yongxing Shen. Powder sintering mechanisms during the pre-heating procedure of the electron beam selective melting: computational modeling and experiments, Materials Today Communications. 2020. 101579.
[36] Wentao Yan*, Yan Lu, Kevontrez Jones, Zhuo Yang, Jason Fox, Paul Witherell, Gregory Wagner, Wing Kam Liu*, Data-driven characterization of computational models for powder-bed-fusion additive manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing. 2020. 101503
[35] C Xie, MH Xiang, JK Du, WT Yan, LJ Shen, JK Chen, XD Shu, QH Fang, Asymmetric yield effect evolving with internal variables during continuous large deformations and its FEM validation, International Journal of Plasticity, 2020. 102723
[34] Yefeng Yu, Mohammad Saleh Kenevisi, Wentao Yan*, Feng Lin*. Modeling precipitation process of Al-Cu alloy in Electron Beam Selective Melting with a 3D Cellular Automaton model, Additive Manufacturing. 2020. 101423
[33] Dongrong Liu, Shuhao Wang, Wentao Yan*, Grain structure evolution in transition-mode melting in direct energy deposition, Materials & Design. 2020. 108919
[32] Hui Chen, Wentao Yan*, Spattering and denudation in laser powder bed fusion process: Multiphase flow modelling, Acta Materialia. 2020. 196: 154-167
[31] Ge Wang, Heng Ouyang, Fan Chen, Qiang Guo, Zhiqiang Li, Wentao Yan*, Zan Li*. The origin of high-density dislocations in additively manufactured metals, Materials Research Letters, 2020. 8:8, 283-290
[30] Hui Chen, Yuxiang Chen, Yin Liu, Qingsong Wei*, Yusheng Shi, Wentao Yan*, Packing quality of powder layer during counter-rolling-type powder spreading process in additive manufacturing, International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture, 2020. 153: 103553
[29] Jie Gao, Mi Xiao, Liang Gao, Jinhui Yan, Wentao Yan, Isogeometric topology optimization for computational design of re-entrant and chiral auxetic composites, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020. 362
[28] Shuhao Wang, Lida Zhu, Jerry Ying Hsi Fuh, Haiquan Zhang, and Wentao Yan*. Multi-physics modeling and Gaussian process regression analysis of cladding track geometry for direct energy deposition, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2020. 127: 105950.
[27] Hao Wu, Ping Zou, Wentao Yan, Jian Cao, Kornel F.Ehmann, Micro wave patterns by vibrating-lens assisted laser machining, Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2019 Sep 28: 116424.
[26] Hui Chen, Qingsong Wei, Yingjie Zhang, Fan Chen, Yusheng Shi, Wentao Yan*, Deposition mechanisms of powder-spreading process of powder bed-based additive manufacturing: experimental test and particulate scale simulations, Acta Materialia. 2019. 179: 158-171
[25] Lin He, Yimin Gao, Yefei Li, Zhiwei Liu, Weiyao Zhang, Wentao Yan, Effect of Rare Earth Y Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti(C,N)-304ss Cermets, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 806: 1-10
[24] Lin He, Yimin Gao*, Yefei Li, Zhiwei Liu, Wei Yuan, Wenqing Chen, Wentao Yan*. Effect of TiB2/WC addition on the oxidation behavior of Ti(C,N)-304ss cermets during the early oxidation stage, Corrosion Science, 2019
[23] S Mohammad H Hojjatzadeh, Niranjan D Parab, Wentao Yan, Qilin Guo, Lianghua Xiong, Cang Zhao, Minglei Qu, Luis I Escano, Xianghui Xiao, Kamel Fezzaa, Wes Everhart, Tao Sun, Lianyi Chen. Pore elimination mechanisms during 3D printing of metals, Nature Communications. 2019;10(1):3088.
[22] Ya Qian, Wentao Yan, Feng Lin, Data Mining for Mesoscopic Simulation of Electron Beam Selective Melting, Engineering, 2019, 5 (4): 746-754
[21] Lin He, Yimin Gao*, Yefei Li, Zhiwei Liu, Wenyan Zhai, Wei Yuan, Wenqing Chen, Wentao Yan*, An effective way to solve the abnormal oxidation behavior of Fe in Ti(C,N)-304ss cermet, Corrosion Science, 2019, 108118
[20] Lin He, Qingkun Liu, Yimin Gao*, Yefei Li, Zhiwei Liu, Wenyan Zhai, Changmeng Zhou, Wei Yuan, Wenqing Chen, Wentao Yan*. Abnormal oxidation behavior of Fe in Ti (C, N)-304ss cermet during early oxidation stage, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019. 790: 20-26.
Before Joining NUS
[19] Sarah J. Wolff, Zhengtao Gan, Stephen Lin, Jennifer L. Bennett, Wentao Yan, Gregory Hyatt, Kornel F. Ehmann, Gregory J. Wagner, Wing Kam Liu, and Jian Cao. Experimentally validated predictions of thermal history and microhardness in laser-deposited Inconel 718 on carbon steel, Additive Manufacturing, 2019. 27: 540-551.
[18] Ruishan Xie, Gaoqiang Chen, Yue Zhao, Shuai Zhang, Wentao Yan, Xin Lin, and Qingyu Shi. In-situ observation and numerical simulation on the transient strain and distortion prediction during additive manufacturing, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2019. 38: 494-501.
[17] Ya Qian, Wentao Yan, Feng Lin, Parametric Study and Surface Morphology Analysis of Electron Beam Selective Melting Mesoscopic Simulations of Powder Bed Fusion: Research Progresses and Conditions, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2018. 24 (9), 1586-1598
[16] Zekun Wang, Wentao Yan, Wing Kam Liu, Moubin Liu, Powder-Scale Multi-physics Modeling of Multi-layer Multi-track Selective Laser Melting with Sharp Interface Capturing Method, Computational Mechanics, 2019, 63(4): 649-661.
[15] Wentao Yan^, Yanping Lian^, Cheng Yu^, Orion Kafka^, Zeliang Liu, Wing Kam Liu, Gregory Wagner, An integrated Process-Structure-Property modeling framework for additive manufacturing, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018. 339: 184-204
[14] Wentao Yan, Stephen Lin, Orion Kafka, Yanping Lian, Cheng Yu, Zeliang Liu, Jinhui Yan, Sarah Wolff, Hao Wu, Ebot Ndip-Agbor, Mojtaba Mozaffar, Kornel Ehmann, Jian Cao, Gregory Wagner, Wing Kam Liu, Data-driven multi-scale multi-physics models to derive process–structure–property relationships for additive manufacturing, Computational Mechanics, 2018. 61(5): 521-541
[13] Jinhui Yan, Wentao Yan, Stephen Lin, Gregory Wagner, A novel fully coupled formulation for gas-liquid-solid thermal fluid flows with applications to melting process, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018. 336: 444-470
[12] Yanping Lian, Stephen Lin, Wentao Yan, Wing Kam Liu, Gregory Wagner, A parallelized 3D cellular automaton model for grain growth during additive manufacturing. Computational Mechanics, 2018. 61(5): 543-558
[11] Wentao Yan, Ya Qian, Wenjun Ge, Stephen Lin, Gregory Wagner, Feng Lin, Wing Kam Liu, Meso-scale modeling of multiple-layer fabrication process in Selective Electron Beam Melting: inter-layer/track voids formation, Materials & Design, 2018. 141: 210-219
[10] Ya Qian, Wentao Yan, Feng Lin, Mesoscopic Simulations of Powder Bed Fusion: Research Progresses and Conditions, Electro-Machining & Mould, accepted (Best Paper Award in National Conference of Non-traditional Machining, in Chinese)
[9] Wentao Yan, Ya Qian, Weixin Ma, Bin Zhou, Yongxing Shen, Feng Lin, Modeling and experimental validation of electron beam selective melting process, Engineering, 2017. 3(5): 701-707 (invited feature article by Chinese Academy of Engineering)
[8] Wentao Yan, Stephen Lin, Orion Kafka, Cheng Yu, Zeliang Liu, Yanping Lian, Sarah Wolff, Jian Cao, Gregory Wagner, Wing Kam Liu, Modeling process-structure-property relationships for additive manufacturing, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2017. online (invited feature article by Chinese Academy of Engineering)
[7] Wentao Yan, Dafa Jiang, Xiao Yuan, Bin Zhou, Feng Lin, A novel design of a high-strength high-temperature graphite die, Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, online, 2017
[6] Wentao Yan, Wenjun Ge, Ya Qian, Stephen Lin, Gregory Wagner, Feng Lin, Wing Kam Liu, Multiphysics modeling of single/multiple-track defect mechanisms in electron beam selective melting, Acta Materialia, 2017. 134: 324-333. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2017.05.061
[5] Wentao Yan, Ya Qian, Feng Lin, Research Progress of Multi-Scale Multi-Physics Modeling for Selective Melting Process, Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 529(10): 50-58 (Invited feature article, in Chinese)
[4] Wentao Yan, Feng Lin, Self-correction method of out-of-plane motions in two-dimensional digital image correlation, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, online, 2016
[3] Wentao Yan, Wenjun Ge, Jacob Smith, Stephen Lin, Orion Kafka, Feng Lin, Wing Kam Liu, Multiscale modeling of electron beam melting of functionally graded materials, Acta Materialia, 2016. 115: 403-412
[2] Jacob Smith, Wei Xiong, Wentao Yan, Stephen Lin, Puikei Cheng, Orion Kafka. Gregory Wagner. Jian Cao, Wing Kam Liu, Linking process, structure, property, and performance for metal-based additive manufacturing: computational approaches with experimental support. Computational Mechanics, 2016. 57(4):583-610. doi:10.1007/s00466-015-1240-4
[1] Wentao Yan, Jacob Smith, Wenjun Ge, Feng Lin, Wing Kam Liu, Multiscale modeling of electron beam and substrate interaction: a new heat source model. Computational Mechanics. 2015. 56 (2): 265-276
[5] Feng Lin, Bin Zhou, Wentao Yan, Hongxin Li, Lei Zhang, Ting Zhang, Chao Guo. Additive manufacturing apparatus utilizing combined electron beam selective melting and electron beam cutting, US Patent 11485043, issued on November 1, 2022
[4] Feng Lin, Bin Zhou, Wentao Yan, Hongxin Li, Lei Zhang, Ting Zhang, Chao Guo. A novel additive manufacturing method integrating electron beam selective melting and electron beam cutting, Chinese Patent 201710047601, filed January 22, 2017, issued on September 12, 2019
[3] Feng Lin, Wentao Yan, Wenjun Ge, Chao Guo, Lei Zhang. A method to manufacture heterogeneous multi-material components based on additive manufacturing. Chinese Patent 2016102948830, filed May 5, 2016, pending
[2] Feng Lin, Renji Zhang, Qianming Gong, Lei Zhang, Ting Zhang, Xiao Yuan, Wentao Yan. 2014. A kind of pre-stressed fiber wound turbine rotor. Chinese Patent CN102418562A, filed August 15, 2011, and issued January 14, 2014 & International Patent, issued in Europe on January 2018
[1] Xiao Yuan, Feng Lin, Wentao Yan. 2013. A kind of parallel fibers tension loading device. Chinese Patent CN102491128A, filed November 21, 2011, and issued October 30,2013