Recognitions & awards

Our group’s research has been recognized by the following awards.

  • 9 awards in 2022 NIST Additive Manufacturing Benchmark Simulation Challenges (2022)
  • 1st place for CHAL-AMB2022-04-MaCTO, Xinxin Sun (postdoc), Wentao Yan
  • 1st place for CHAL-AMB2022-04-MeTT, Daijun Hu (phd student), Wentao Yan
  • 1st-place, CHAL-A-AMB2022-01-Spot-TDA&AA, Lu Wang (phd student), Yanming Zhang (phd student), Wentao Yan
  • 1st-place, CHAL-A-AMB2022-01-Spot-TDW&ASR, Lu Wang, Yanming Zhang, Wentao Yan
  • 1st-place, CHAL-AMB2022-03-PTAM, Yanming Zhang, Lu Wang, Wentao Yan
  • 2nd-place, CHAL-A-AMB2022-01-Scan-MWD&ASR, Lu Wang, Yanming Zhang, Wentao Yan
  • 2nd-place, CHAL-A-AMB2022-01-Scan-TDA&AA, Lu Wang, Yanming Zhang, Wentao Yan
  • 2nd-place, CHAL-AMB2022-03-TMPG, Lu Wang, Yanming Zhang, Wentao Yan
  • 2nd-place, CHAL-AMB2022-03-TLCR, Lu Wang, Yanming Zhang, Wentao Yan

Plaques are shown in Figure 1. Our team is the biggest winner in this international simulation competition with the highest authority (totally 40 awards presented for 25 tests), while other winners include University of Michigan (5 awards), Northwestern University (5), NASA Langley Research Center & National Institute of Aerospace (3), Johns Hopkins University (3), Sandia National Lab (2), UIUC (2), University of Sheffield (2), etc.

Figure 1 Awards in 2022 NIST AM-Bench Simulation Challenges

  • Materials Research Letters (MRL) Impact Award (2022)

Awarded to only 1 paper per year. Our paper “The origin of high-density dislocations in additively manufactured metals” is the most cited research paper on MRL (IF: 8.5) during 2021-2023

  • Best Paper Award, Journal of Materials Informatics (2023)

Our paper is the most downloaded, most cited, and 3rd most viewed paper on Journal of Materials Informatics during 2022-2023.

  • Outstanding Contribution Award, Journal of Materials Informatics (2022)
  • 1st Rank in Computational Metal Additive Manufacturing Competition (2021)

Highest prediction accuracy among all the teams from 10 different countries

  • Young Investigator Award, 5th International Conference on Additive Manufacturing and Bio-Manufacturing (2018)