
Selected Publications

  1. Ren, Shiquan, Chengyuan Wu, and Jie Wu. “Weighted persistent homology.” Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 48.8 (2018): 2661-2687.
  2. Wu, Chengyuan, Shiquan Ren, Jie Wu, and Kelin Xia. “Magnus representation of genome sequences.” Journal of Theoretical Biology 480 (2019): 104-111.
  3. Wu, Chengyuan, Shiquan Ren, Jie Wu, and Kelin Xia. “Discrete Morse theory for weighted simplicial complexes.” Topology and its Applications 270 (2020): 107038.
  4. Wu, Chengyuan, Shiquan Ren, Jie Wu, and Kelin Xia. “Weighted fundamental group.” Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 43, no. 6 (2020): 4065-4088.
  5. Ren, Shiquan, Chengyuan Wu, and Jie Wu. “Computational tools in weighted persistent homology.” Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B 42.2 (2021): 237-258.
  6. Wu, Chengyuan, and Carol Anne Hargreaves. “Topological machine learning for mixed numeric and categorical data.” International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 30.05 (2021): 2150025.
  7. Wu, Chengyuan, and Carol Anne Hargreaves. “Topological machine learning for multivariate time series.” Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 34.2 (2022): 311-326.
  8. Ren, Shiquan, Chengyuan Wu, and Jie Wu. “Maps on random hypergraphs and random simplicial complexes.” Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications (2022): 2250015.
  9. Wu, Chengyuan, Shiquan Ren, Jie Wu, and Kelin Xia. “Weighted (co)homology and weighted Laplacian.” Houston Journal of Mathematics 49, no. 2 (2023): 397-429.
  10. Ren, Shiquan, Chengyuan Wu, and Jie Wu. “Random hypergraphs, random simplicial complexes and their Künneth-type formulae.” Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 32.13 (2023): 2350075.

PhD Thesis

Erdős Number

My Erdős number is 4.

One possible path obtained from the AMS Collaboration Distance Calculator is:
Paul Erdős – John Lewis Selfridge – Frederick R. Cohen – Jie Wu – Chengyuan Wu

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