
Idols in Japan: De-problematising the Wacky Portrayal of the Industry By Beverly Choo, Chen Yi Ting, Jolene Ong, Ng Hong Yong, Shawn Goh Introduction Wagenaar (2016) argues that wacky orientalism allows the West to reaffirm itself as normal and thus superior to the East. To do so, the West accentuates the contrasts between their practices… More Idols


Poop in Japan: its prevalence past and present By Chai Hui Qi Jolene, Kenneth Pranata, Lim Wen Jie Abel, Natalie Crystal Lee Jia Li, Natalie Joy Wong Introduction The world is fascinated with Japan. Be it historical tales of samurai and geisha, cutting-edge technology, or the dazzling myriad of pop-cultural exports, Japan is a land… More Poop