I found the Buddhist position defendable!

Well, it seems absurd, but as you try to adopt the position, it’s very easy to defend. Basically, as they say, all for one and one for all. Or everything is nothing and nothing is everything. Therefore nothing is important; nothing should be attached to; and one should let go of all. And there is nothing to begin with, so nothing to let go of at all! Then you enter this supreme calmness. There is nothing and everything and all these coming-and-go images. You are alone. You come alone and go alone. It’s like traveling. I don’t know if it’s correct. But you are not hurt. The world is separate from you. You do make contacts but that’s also coming-and-go. That’s the feeling. The strategy of escaping is the best strategy; that’s what I know.

One thought on “I found the Buddhist position defendable!

  1. “You come alone and you go alone”. That’s not nothing. That’s a very big thing – You.

    “Nothing” is as untrue a concept as “Something”. One depends on the other for its meaning.

    Probably, when Buddhists say “empty”, it does not mean “nothing”.

    Perhaps this might suite your curiosity: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c1alcDRWpgQ

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