Nowadays you can easily find a very high end Unmanaged VPS hosting provider, and it is also not difficult to find a very cheap VPS hosting company. However, as an end user, i’m pretty sure practically all of us, who are looking for a VPS, want to have the combination of good and cheap VPS.

These 2 criteria usually don’t exist, but i have found some exception, with incridibly small companies.

Let me tell you my story about minwebhosting. That is a small VPS provider that offer a very cheap VPS plan (under $4/month for 1 GB RAM and 30GB hard disk space). I decided to test out the service, and the following parts are the ways i tested this company:

Before signing up, i just dropped an email to ask: “Do you provide addon IPs?”. Immediately i received the response “Yes, but we do not allow spamming activities”. That was impressive for me – very quick support, a provider that does not allow spamming activities.

After signing up, i asked them to help me install virtualmin since i’m not good at programming. They replied after 2 minutes and agreed to help me, evenmthough that is a very cheap unmanaged VPS plan. I really appreciate their great support. I can manage my sites without any difficulty, e.g. addon domain, file manager, Advanced DNS, etc.

Until now, after more than 5 months being with them, i can say i totally satisfy with their support and server quality. My third party monitor service (i’m using uptimerobot), showed that my sites have zero downtime over the past 5 months.

The above story is only a personal experience, but i believe you can apply the same way to find a good VPS provider for yourself. Simply ask them a few questions before ordering. If the support department gives you instant support, it is likely that that provider is a good one.