Creating a Blog Post

This guide describes the use of the posts feature in wordpress to generate posts for your reflective writing journal. Posts are different from pages, as posts are about generating content to display and multiple pages can be shown on one page, while a page is more of a way to organise the layout and architecture of your ePortfolio.

  1. In the posts tab, select add new post

  1. You can choose to build it using DIVI builder (see reference here) or manually.


  1. After writing your post, you can configure the settings of the post, include tags and categories as well as publish your post.

Status: Draft indicates that the post is still a work in progress, Pending Review creates a Pending notification that alerts other blog users that this article is awaiting review and if you publish the post the status becomes Published.

Visibility: This indicates whether it is visible to everyone (Public), only to blog owners (Private) or password protected.

Categories: This describes the categories that the post falls under. Note that there should only be one distinct category for a post – for example for a food blog, the post should belong to either the breakfast or lunch categories.

Tags: This describes a set of tags that apply for this post, and each post can have multiple tags (unlike categories). Using the same example of a food blog, tags can include food location, type of food (vegetarian, beef) etc. The distinction between categories and tags is primarily due to search engine optimisation (SEO) considerations.

To understand more about Categories and Tags, please view the Managing Categories and Tags guide.

Remember to publish your post after you are done!


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